Tolyatti appeared on the map of Russia not so long ago - in 1964, but in fact the city founded by Vasily Tatishchev will turn 280 next year. From 1737 it was called Stavropol-on-Volga. Its history is unique: having fallen into the flood zone during the construction of the Zhiguli hydroelectric power station (1953–1955), it completely changed its location. Where it is today and what it is, you can find out by reading this article.
Middle Volga
As part of the Volga Federal District, its southern part, called the Middle Volga, stands out. On both sides of the longest river in Europe are the Penza, Ulyanovsk, Saratov and Samara regions, as well as the Republic of Tatarstan. It is here that Tolyatti is located. What region sheltered a modern industrial city on the left bank of the Volga? Despite the 18th place in the country in terms of population (more than 712 thousand people) and occupied area (more than 315 square kilometers), Togliatti is not a regional administrative center.
Middle Volga region -densely populated and economically developed territory with a favorable geographical position and developed infrastructure. Convenient transport interchanges favorably affect the development of machine-building, oil refining, gas and chemical industries, which the region is famous for. 74% of the population lives in cities. The territory is located in the temperate continental climate zone, where hot summers (+25 °С) and little snowy winters with sub-zero temperatures are clearly distinguished (average values are 12-15 degrees below zero). But there are frosts down to -30 ° C. The border with the Lower Volga region runs along the Zhigulevskaya hydroelectric power station, where Togliatti is located.

What region does the Volga city include?
The Samara region, bordering Tatarstan, the Orenburg, Ulyanovsk and Saratov regions, is located in the southeast of the East European Plain. It consists of 11 cities and 23 villages united into 27 districts. Tolyatti is the administrative center of the Stavropol region in the north-west of the region, 59 km away from the regional capital. The distance between the cities along the highway is 88 km and is overcome in about 2 hours. Residents of the region do not have a question about how to get to Tolyatti, where a magnificent recreation area is located. Shuttle buses run every half an hour from all stations in the city.
Located at the junction of three zones - forest-steppe, steppe and forest - the Samara region has only 12.6% forest cover. Broad-leaved trees are found in the north of the region, including in the Stavropolarea where residents of the regional capital rush during the holidays.
Samarskaya Luka
The Samara region is located in the middle reaches of the Volga River, where the largest bend (meander) has formed with a coastline of 230 km, called the Samarskaya Luka. It stretches for 60 km from west to east and for 30 km from north to south, from the village of Usolye to the city of Syzran. In fact, Samarskaya Luka is washed by the waters of two reservoirs - Saratov and Kuibyshev - and a small river Usa. The answer to the question about Togliatti: "Which region has it in its composition?" - Most Russians are known precisely because the city is located on the banks of the Kuibyshev reservoir. Kuibyshev - the name of the city of Samara until 1991.

The most picturesque part of the Samarskaya Luka is the distance from Samara to the locks of the Zhiguli hydroelectric power station, the crown of which is the Zhiguli Mountains (height - 375 meters). The river in this place is not wide, and tourists can clearly see how the hill abruptly ends in the direction of the Volga. Hydroelectric power stations and mountains are located on the right bank of the river, where the city of Zhigulevsk is located. On the left, at the junction of the low-lying and forest-steppe Zavolzhye and Samarskaya Luka, Tolyatti stretches (a photo of the city and Samarskaya Luka is presented in the article).
Geographic location
It is located 70 km higher along the Volga River than the capital of the Samara region. The length of the borders is 149 km. The city is not part of the Stavropol region and, in addition to it, borders on Zhigulevsky. The issue has been discussed for a long timeabout connecting these two cities, but so far this is just a project. From the south, the city merges with the dam of the Kuibyshev reservoir, from the east it is surrounded by forests, and from the north-west by agricultural land.
Togliatti on the map of Russia can be found at the following coordinates:
- 53° 31' N;
- 49° 25' East.
The city is located in the Samara time zone. Its offset relative to Moscow time is +1 hour. Daylight saving time is in effect in the region, which results in an offset from UTC as well.
A bit of history
1737-20-06, after the return of the Orenburg expedition led by Tatishchev, Anna Ioannovna granted a charter on the founding of the city to Princess Anna Taishina for the construction of a fortress in order to gather all the baptized Kalmyks at this place. This date is considered the founding day of the settlement. There is an opinion that during the history the city of Tolyatti was born three times. What region at that time existed on the site of Samara? In the 50s (moving from the flooded lowland area), the city was part of the Kuibyshev region, which launched the construction of the hydroelectric power station. Lenin (the old name of Zhigulevskaya). The created base of grandiose construction was later used to found chemical enterprises (KuibyshevAzot, TogliattiKauchuk, TogliattiAzot) and the Volga Automobile Plant. The decision to build AvtoVAZ was the third birth date of the city, because it caused a huge influx of young people and contributed to a significant population growth.

BIn 1964, by decision of the federal authorities, the city of Stavropol was renamed Togliatti in honor of Palmiro Togliatti, who headed the Communist Party of Italy. He died the day before, while in the USSR. The Italian politician had nothing to do with the city that bears his name for 82 years, so the return of the original name is widely discussed by the public.
Territory, administrative unit
Today, Togliatti, whose photo you can see on the page, covers an area of about 315 square meters. km, 25.5% of it is urban forests. This is the greenest city in the Samara region. There are significant distances between its three administrative regions, stretched along the Volga for 40 km. 36% of the city territory is occupied by the Avtozavodskoy district, where the AvtoVAZ premises are located. It is separated from the Central by 3 km of forests. The Komsomolsky district is removed for another 5–7 km. In terms of area, it, like the Central one, occupies 32% of the entire territory of the city.
From the moment of foundation, the city has its coat of arms in the form of a fortress with a cross in the middle. The head of the executive power is the mayor, today this post is occupied by S. I. Andreev. Legislative power is concentrated in the hands of the Togliatti City Duma, which consists of 35 deputies. In October 2015, Togliatti (Samara Region) received the status of a single-industry town, since the social well-being of the majority of residents depends on the situation at the region's main enterprise, AvtoVAZ.
Avtozavodskoy district
Inhabitants distinguish between themselves the territory of the New and Old City. To the firstincludes the Avtozavodskoy district, the population of which significantly exceeds the total number in the other two and amounts to more than 436 thousand inhabitants. It occupies the western part of the city overlooking the banks of the Volga. According to its structure, it is divided into 28 quarters, inside which parks and boulevards are divided. Major highways separate the quarters from each other. But such development is not typical for all of Togliatti, the map of which gives an idea of the features of each administrative region. In addition to AvtoVAZ, it is on the territory of the New City that light industry enterprises, known in the region, are located: a factory of champagne wines, a dairy plant and a garment factory.

This is the youngest area, the housing stock of which began to be built simultaneously with the construction of an automobile plant. And the only one where the birth rate exceeds the death rate. New houses are being erected right in the forest zone, expanding the boundaries of the city.
Komsomolsky District
About 120,000 people live in the easternmost region, located directly on the banks of the Volga downstream. It adjoins the dam of the Zhigulevskaya hydroelectric power station and goes directly to the M5 federal highway. It is here that the river port of the city is located, where tourists traveling along the Volga stop. The most beautiful embankment is the real pride of the area, whose production facilities are located at a considerable distance from residential buildings: TogliattiAzot, AvtoVAZagregat, VAZINTERSERVICE.

Earlier, the village of Kuneevka was located on the territory of the district, so the private sector and buildings of the 50s have been preserved for a long time. Despite the excellent location of the area, real estate here is not in great demand. Residents prefer to spend 20 to 60 minutes on the road, but live in more comfortable houses. This part of Tolyatti (the map of the city gives an idea of the area) belongs to the historical values of the metropolis. Temples of the 19th century are located here: St. Tikhonovsky and Annunciation Skete. The Shluzovoy microdistrict (former village) is called mini-Petersburg thanks to the buildings in the style of classicism.
Central District
The name itself suggests that the location of the district is the central part of the city, where about 160 thousand inhabitants live. It is he who bears the unofficial name of the Old Town, which primarily indicates the state of the housing stock. Houses were built here during the reign of Khrushchev and Stalin. The map of Togliatti with the streets clearly demonstrates that the principle of development differs from the "square-nested" one in the Avtozavodsky district. In the center there is a park that has the status of a city, and a central square, from which the streets go in radii to different ends of the district, although the system of names by quarters is preserved.

Inhabitants of the Old City in everyday life are considered more intelligent and are compared with the inhabitants of the city on the Neva, who are different from Muscovites. Here the private sector is significantly represented, where class stratification is obvious. Along with the little dilapidatedElite cottages guarded by a pack of dogs are rebuilt with houses. The Portovy microdistrict, which is considered a real paradise town in Tolyatti (Samara Region), is located on the Volga coast.
The city is rightfully considered young, because its population is young. According to the latest census, the average age of Togliatti residents slightly exceeds 39 years (39, 2). In order to keep the youth, more than 20 higher educational institutions were opened in the city, although in Soviet times there was only the Togliatti Polytechnic Institute and a military school (now the Military Technical Institute). The main population is people of working age, only 150 thousand people are pensioners. The nineties entered the history of the city with sad events: the growth of drug addiction and HIV infection among young people. Today the situation has somewhat stabilized.
More than half of the inhabitants are women. Tolyatti, whose city map does not give an idea of the national composition of the population, is 83.2% populated by Russians. Other nationalities include Tatars, Ukrainians, Mordovians, Chuvashs.

Sights. How to get there?
The city attracts tourists due to the proximity of the Zhiguli Mountains. Every year, on the first Sunday of July, lovers of the author's song gather in the vicinity of Togliatti for the Grushinsky Festival (the new name is Platforma). Hundreds of thousands of participants gather at the Mastryukovsky Lakes, where songs of talented performers from all over Russia are heard in memory of the deceased Valery Grushin. Therefore, many people ask the question: "WhereTolyatti is located, which region of Russia organizes a bard song festival?"
The most convenient way to get to the city is by air. Kurumoch International Airport is 50 km away with regular buses and taxis. It is important to decide which part of the city a person needs to get to: New or Old, because these are completely different routes. In summer, it is easy to get to the city by water, taking a fascinating walk along the Volga. You can also get there by rail, but the main railway junction is not in Tolyatti. The map will help you decide on the train to Samara, the capital of the region, from where there are regular buses, intercity minibuses and taxis.