What are polysemantic words? Examples in Russian

What are polysemantic words? Examples in Russian
What are polysemantic words? Examples in Russian

In order to convey this or that information, a person uses words, each of which has its own lexical meaning. That is, a certain idea that is in the mind of the speaker. Thanks to him, one person understands or does not understand (if he puts a different meaning) to another.

The whole variety of vocabulary can be divided into single-valued and polysemantic words. Examples in Russian of the latter are the topic of the proposed article.

polysemantic words examples in Russian
polysemantic words examples in Russian

A bit of theory

There are fewer unambiguous words. These include:

  • various terms - colon, gastritis, kilogram;
  • proper names - Volga, Elena, Penza;
  • reappeared in the language - briefing, pizzeria, gadget;
  • nouns with a narrow meaning - binoculars, trolleybus, melon.

Those having more than one meaning are multi-valued words of the Russian language, examples of which we will analyze in more detail. There are many more of them and you can only understand what meaning the speaker puts in them.in the context of the phrase. If you open an explanatory dictionary, you can see that several descriptions or articles numbered by numbers belong to the same concept. For example, the word "take" can have 14 meanings, and the word "go" - 26.

Absolutely any part of speech can be polysemantic: verbs, nouns, adjectives. The exception is numbers. Children begin their acquaintance with this topic in the 4th grade, where they are taught to distinguish between homonyms and polysemantic words in Russian.

polysemantic words of the Russian language examples
polysemantic words of the Russian language examples

Examples (Grade 4)

Children get acquainted with a new topic using the example of a specific word. So, if we consider the noun "button", then we can find three meanings for it:

  1. Stationery pins paper to a table or wall.
  2. The call button is used to press it. Then a melody or beep will be heard.
  3. The button on the dress or other clothing serves as a clasp.

What is important here? What distinguishes polysemantic words? Examples in Russian clearly demonstrate that they must be similar in some way. Indeed, the button in all cases is a small round object that serves to connect things together.

Homonyms are words that are similar in spelling, but have completely different meanings. For example, "braid". A noun can mean an agricultural tool and at the same time a woman's hairdo.

Let's consider other examples with differentparts of speech. Nouns:

  • Sleeve - part of clothing; water flow separated from the main channel; a pipe for the removal of gases or liquids, for example, a fireman.
  • Comb - cock; hairbrush; the top of the mountain.
  • The hand is part of the hand; artist's accessory; rowan fruits; shawl completion.


  • Bury - hide in a pillow; dive into reading.
  • Collect - thoughts, harvest, things, evidence.
  • Born - idea, daughter, thought.


  • Heavy - character, period, suitcase.
  • Sour - facial expression, apple.
  • Gold - earrings, words, hands.
polysemantic words in Russian examples grade 4 [1]
polysemantic words in Russian examples grade 4 [1]

Polysemantic words: examples in Russian, Grade 5

At an older age, students comprehend what the direct and figurative meaning of the word is. The object, phenomenon or its attribute, most often associated with a specific concept and used in various contexts, is the first option. There can also be more than one commonly used value. For example, the word "bread". It is considered in two aspects:

  • Like grain. There will be a great harvest of bread this year.
  • As a product. The store was closed, so yesterday's bread was eaten at the table.

When figurative, a particle of direct meaning passes to another object or phenomenon based on some similarity. For example, the word "father". Means a person who is raising a son or daughter. When the fatherthe commander of the unit is called native, then it is assumed that he surrounds conscript soldiers with parental care. And in this case we are dealing with a figurative meaning.

Let's look at other examples in the proposed table:

Direct meaning Portable
1. Silver Silver ring Silver medalist
2. Deep Deep Lake Deep feeling
3. Cloud Rain cloud Dust cloud
4. Wind Strong wind Wind in my head
5. Spend Spending money Waste your nerves
6. Sneeze Sneeze with a cold Sneeze at people

Nominative and characterizing meaning

What else is difficult to understand polysemantic words? Examples in Russian show that the ability to distinguish the nominative and characterizing meanings is required. Otherwise, it is difficult to understand the information transmitted by the author of the phrase.

According to VV Vinogradov, the nominative meaning is associated with the reflection of reality and is freely (easily) combined with other words. Consider this with the example of the word "father":

Father returned from work. Before us is a direct nominative meaning

It will be nominative in the following version:

The father of the hydrogen bomb. Only already in a figurative sense, as discussed earlier

But in the phrase that has already been discussed in the text,the meaning will be not only figurative, but also characterizing:

The commander is the father. The word seems to transfer certain features to the concept of "commander". What specifically? Caring, attentive, understanding

polysemantic words of the Russian language examples
polysemantic words of the Russian language examples

Expanded value

This is another important meaning that characterizes polysemantic words (examples in Russian will be given below). In this case, a whole concept or a large number of people or objects is endowed with a certain characteristic. For example, the title of the book "Fathers and Sons" implies that the word "father" hides a whole generation of people united on the basis of age.

More examples of polysemantic words with extended meaning in sentences:

  • Bread is the head (head) of everything.
  • Ice cream - shine (shine).
  • Always hit first (hit).
  • To be, not to seem (to be, to seem).
  • People who have a hard life (hard).

So, the studied words can always be found in the explanatory dictionary. The latter confirms that there are more of them than unambiguous ones, and they give special colors to the presentation of thoughts. They are actively used by writers, where much is built on a play on words and an attentive attitude to the context of the phrase.
