One of the modern studies of psycholinguists proves that while learning a new language, a kind of subpersonality is formed in a person. We don't just acquire another perceptual filter. Learning a new way of thinking changes us fundamentally. That is why it is difficult to learn foreign speech. Independent study of English from scratch is possible, although the probability of rising above the A2 level is low. In total, according to the modern classification of the last 6 (A1-C2). This achievable level cannot be called "independent" language proficiency. A person who knows English on A2 can only answer questions about himself and the environment and navigate a limited number of familiar situations.

Correct books
What should I do to learn English without a teacher? What to focus on? And how do you get the correct pronunciation? Speaking correctly without a teacher is best taught by multimedia systems like “Tell me more”. Textbooks for learning Englishchoose British or American. The reputation of the Pearson-Longman publishing house is especially high. For schoolchildren, these are Round-up complexes, for young people - Real Life, for adults - SpeakOut. Teachers are delighted with the Pearson MyGrammarLab complex. Even for beginners, the grammar is presented in an accessible, bright and interesting way. When you purchase a licensed version, you get access to the online part, where there are additional exercises and control tests. In addition, there is a free mobile version of the exercises on GooglePlay for different levels. Beginners are recommended to use the program for A1-A2.
Not easy vocabulary

How to learn vocabulary? Of course, the best way is cards. Many people like cardboard products, but in our time this method is outdated. We can recommend the free Anki program for Android systems and Windows. However, we advise you not to select words in the dictionary, even if they correspond to a particular topic. Ideally, find a book on a topic that interests you (preferably a professional one) and write out sentences, and under them - interlinear translations. You will understand that self-learning English from scratch is not easy, as there are nuances in the use of words and phrases for which you really need a teacher. Focus on vocabulary, not grammar. The wider your vocabulary, the easier it is for you to explain yourself in a difficult situation: even if you mix up the time or use the wrong article, you will still be understood. But the lack of words is difficult to compensate, especiallyif they are abstract nouns or verbs denoting mental activity. Learning English quickly is possible if you dedicate at least three hours a day to working on it.
On the importance of motivation

Self-learning English from scratch is relevant for those who want to marry a foreigner or get a job abroad. Without great necessity, you yourself will not force yourself to cram words and grammar. That is why it is highly recommended to find a teacher - you can learn listening and reading without a teacher, but speaking and writing as types of speech require feedback. Alternatively, you can find a native English pen pal who will agree to help you for free.
Independent study of English from scratch is obtained by persistent, hardworking and curious people. But remember that at a certain stage a teacher becomes necessary. Good luck with your studies!