
Tribal Union of Eastern Slavs. 15 tribal unions

Eastern Slavs were divided into 15 tribal unions. Each of them had their own characteristics and history. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Maria Orlova is the hope of the Russian skeleton

Today we will talk about the young hope of the Russian skeleton. Maria Sergeevna Orlova - master of sports, plays for the Russian national skeleton team. She is the winner of the European and World Championships. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What clothes did the Romans wear? Roman clothing and its description

Roman public education arose around the eighth century BC. At first it was a small settlement on the left side of the Tiber River. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Favourites of Catherine the Great. Grigory Orlov - favorite of Catherine the Great

The period of the reign of Empress Catherine II is overshadowed by both the mass of social problems that have arisen in the Russian state, and the unprecedented scale of favoritism. The young favorites of the empress had a sharply negative impact on the entire policy pursued by Catherine. Representatives of the upper strata of the nobility began to seek personal gain through flattery to new favorites, thereby undermining all the social foundations of that time. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

World War II bombers: Soviet, American, British, German

During the Second World War, numerous models of the most modern bombers at that time underwent a baptism of fire. All parties to the conflict participated in the arms race and paid special attention to this type of aircraft. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Battles of the Great Patriotic War. The main battles, operations and battles of the Great Patriotic War

The article will discuss the most epic and famous battles of the Great Patriotic War, which played the most important role and left a significant mark on history. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Yihetuan uprising: description, history, goals, causes and consequences

The Yihetuan uprising took place in China on a wave of anti-European and anti-Christian sentiments. Thousands of impoverished and angry peasants staged pogroms in foreign quarters throughout the country. The uprising was crushed after the armed intervention of the Western powers. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Sukharev Tower in Moscow: legends and facts

Starting from the 17th century, the Sukharev Tower was considered the most famous landmark in Moscow. There are many rumors and legends associated with it. It was demolished in June 1934. According to the native Muscovites, the city was orphaned without her. According to V.A. Gilyarovsky, the pink tower - a beauty, was "… turned into a pile of ruins of the living". Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Smolensk battle of 1941: meaning

In the summer of 1941, near the walls of Smolensk, Hitler's hopes for a brilliant blitzkrieg against the Soviet Union were not destined to come true. Here, the German troops belonging to the Army Group "Center" got bogged down in battles with units of the Red Army for 2 months and thereby lost not only time, but also the speed of advancement, as well as the forces that they might need in the future. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

General Kappel Vladimir Oskarovich: biography and photos

The article tells about the active figure of the White Guard movement Major General Vladimir Oskarovich Kappel and his participation in the events of the civil war. A brief overview of the biography of this remarkable man is given. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Samurai armor: names, description, purpose. Samurai sword

Over several centuries of the existence of samurai armor, Japanese craftsmen have created many varieties of this medieval armor. Any variation of it has traditionally been distinguished by originality and originality. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Reign of Rurik, semi-legendary old Russian prince

Rurik's reign is a page of history about which very little is known. Therefore, a lot of legends, secrets and hypotheses are connected with the name of this Varangian, Prince of Novgorod. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Golitsyn Lev Sergeevich (entrepreneur, winemaker): biography, family, memory

Prince Lev Sergeevich Golitsyn was born in 1845 in the town of Stara-Ves, Lublin province. He became the founder of winemaking in the Crimea, as well as the production of sparkling wines on an industrial scale in Abrau-Dyurso. His biography, history of winemaking and interesting facts will be discussed in this article. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps: a significant military force in the Middle East

In 1978-79, a chain of major events took place in Iran, as a result of which a government coup took place in the state. To protect the new leader of the country and his government, the so-called Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps was created. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

History of tourism: from ancient times to the present day

The article tells about the main stages of the development of tourism. What motivated people to travel? What were the first hotels, means of transportation? The history of tourism is multifaceted. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

True values, or How many sons Taras Bulba had

"Taras Bulba" is a brilliant story by the great Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, revealing for a thinking person such an abyss of relationships and feelings that all modern literature taken together cannot boast. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Lusatian Serbs where do they live? Lusatian Serbs (union of tribes)

The article briefly outlines the history of the Lusatian Serbs, explains the phenomenon of this Slavic ethnic group and its position today. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

President Martin Van Buren: biography

Martin Van Buren was the 8th President of the United States from 1837-1841. The head of state had to face the economic crisis and the growing problem of slavery. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The board of Fyodor Ivanovich is the strengthening of state power

The last Rurikovich, who got power, was weak in body and mind and could not rule the country, just as he could not have heirs. Despite the weakness of the sovereign, the years of the reign of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich were successful thanks to the smart policy of Godunov. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The oldest cities in Russia: a list. What is the oldest city in Russia?

The surviving ancient cities of Russia are the real value of the country. The territory of Russia is very large, and there are many cities. But which ones are the oldest? In order to find out, archaeologists and historians work: they study all the objects of excavation, ancient chronicles and try to find answers to all these questions. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Krasnogvardeiskaya Square, the city of St. Petersburg: description, history and interesting facts

Most often, tourists study only the "grand" St. Petersburg. Krasnogvardeiskaya Square, located in the city's district of the same name, on the banks of the narrow Okhta River, is usually not among the objects they visit. But just two hundred meters to the west of it flows the Neva, immediately after which the historical part of St. Petersburg begins. So, maybe it's worth devoting a couple of hours to exploring the "unknown" areas of the Northern capital?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Stoning: a description of the punishment, for which crimes, historical facts

Sometimes in our time you can hear about such a punishment as stoning. This ritual is reflected in many works - both films and books. Most modern people cannot even imagine such wildness, considering it either the lot of a bygone past, or fiction. But it's not like that at all. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Grand Duke of Lithuania Vitovt: biography, interesting facts, domestic politics, death

Grand Duke Vytautas ruled Lithuania in 1392-1430. He expanded the borders of his state to the east and south. In addition, it was this ruler who defeated the army of the Teutonic Order in the famous Battle of Grunwald. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

When did Lenin die and what did he leave behind?

The name of this man is associated with the fall of the monarchy, the creation of the Soviet Union and its first years. Let's try to trace the influence of life and, which turned out to be no less important, Lenin's death on the fate of the country. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Aldar Tsydenzhapov: the story of a feat

Russia is a multinational country that is strong with the unity of the peoples living on its territory. This is confirmed by the feat performed by Aldar Tsydenzhapov, the hero of Russia. With his selfless actions in an extreme situation, he put himself on a par with those who defended our country during numerous wars and in peacetime. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Komsomol Heroes: the exploits of young people

Millions of Soviet citizens were subject to mobilization, and large-scale training in medical and military affairs was launched in the rear. Many young men who did not have time to finish school rushed to the front, and girls who did not reach the age of majority hid their return in order to go to the forefront of hostilities as nurses. Komsomol members, heroes of the Patriotic War, also distinguished themselves. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Pontic kingdom: history, coins, ruler, army. The Pontic kingdom and its role in the history of the Black Sea region

The Pontic kingdom existed in the expanses of the Black Sea region in the 3rd - 1st centuries. BC. This power after several bloody wars was destroyed by the Roman Empire. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Who are they - the ancient goddesses of Greece?

The names of the ancient goddesses of Greece are probably known to everyone. To know them, it is not necessary to read myths. They are so well known. But who are the ancient goddesses of Greece? What power were they endowed with and what did they give people?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The famous Athenian hetaera Phryne is the model of Praxiteles and Apelles

The story of one of the most famous IT girl of Ancient Greece - Hetera Phryne. Praxiteles, Apelles and many other artists and sculptors whom she inspired to create art that they still admire to this day. What kind of life did she live, what stories from her life became legal and comedic or dramatic anecdotes?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Royal blood: Isabella Valois

The history of the Valois family is a significant part of the history of medieval France. This dynasty became the next on the throne after the Capetian dynasty cursed by the Templars. One of the most unfortunate kings of this dynasty, Charles the Mad could not help his daughter Isabella find happiness. Relatives from the Orleans branch, who ruled under an insolvent father and a powerless mother, married her to another state, deciding for a while their political ambitions. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Year of the formation of the United States as a state. The War for the Independence of the American Colonies and the Formation of the United States. Constitution of 1787

America is presented to contemporaries as an integral and unified state with a developed economy and equal rights for all segments of the population. It is hard to imagine that this independent country was once just a colony of the vast British Empire, and the year of the formation of the United States as a state is not at all a date that is many centuries away from today. After all, the United States is considered one of the youngest states in the world, which can be associated with a teenager who is just starting his life journey. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The Teutonic Order and Russia: confrontation

1212 was marked by a military campaign of the united fifteen thousandth Novgorod-Polochansk army against a number of castles. A brief truce followed. The Teutonic Order and Russia entered a period of conflicts that were to last decades. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Kozma Indikoplov: contribution to the geography of a Byzantine merchant

Kozma Indikoplov is a Byzantine merchant, an extraordinary and original personality who left a deep mark on world history and geography. As a trader and traveler, he was very fond of the world around him, was inquisitive and observant, had a penchant for science and philosophical reflection. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Korean mythology: characters, legends and myths

The article tells about the mythology of ancient Korea, which reflected the idea of the inhabitants of this country regarding the origin of the world, as well as the eternal confrontation between the forces of good and evil. A brief overview of the main characters of this amazing page of world culture is given. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Construction of the White Sea Canal: history, timing, description

This article tells about one of the tragic episodes in the history of the Soviet Union - the construction of the White Sea-B altic Canal named after Stalin, carried out by the forces of Gulag prisoners and costing many of them their lives. A brief overview of the surviving information is given. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The most terrible torture and progress in the field of humanism

The worst tortures were long procedures. In order for the suspect to be able to betray the largest number of his accomplices, tell the details of the crime he committed and have time to confess to everything, no time was spared. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

General Dorokhov - hero of the Patriotic War of 1812

The epoch of the Patriotic War of 1812, gone forever into history, is looking at us today from the portraits of its heroes, hung on the walls of the famous Hermitage hall dedicated to their memory. Among those, thanks to whose unbridled courage and heroism Russia with honor came out of this test, Lieutenant General Ivan Semenovich Dorokhov remained in the memory of his descendants. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Battle of Maloyaroslavets in 1812

The Patriotic War of 1812 is one of the most heroic pages of our history, fully showing the ability of the Russian people to consolidate in the face of external danger. And although the Battle of Borodino is considered to be its main event, it was the battle of Maloyaroslavets in 1812 that forced Napoleon to abandon the plan to conquer the southern provinces and forced him to retreat along the Smolensk road. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What were the gods in ancient Russia?

Before the adoption of Christianity, our ancestors, the Slavs, worshiped a whole pantheon of gods. In some areas, they differed significantly. History has preserved more than a hundred names, whose functions are quite definite and utilitarian. It is generally accepted that the gods of Ancient Russia were divided into several levels. First - the main god, after him - the gods of the Sun, then - the gods of everyday life, the lowest level was occupied by the forces of darkness. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Ancient Egypt: periodization of history

The history of ancient Egypt covers several millennia. It is divided into several periods characterizing the state structure of the country in northeast Africa. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01