
Nikolai Bulgakov and the family legend of the family

Few people know that the science fiction writer of the Soviet era M.A. Bulgakov was the brother of Nikolai Afanasyevich. In certain circles, this person is known and even popular. Let's see what the writer's blood brother became famous for. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Bronislav Malinovsky: biography, scientific activity, books

Bronisław Kasper Malinowski (April 7, 1884 - May 16, 1942) was an anthropologist often referred to as one of the most important exponents of this science in the 20th century. He is the founder of the school of functionalism. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Oxygen catastrophe in the history of the Earth

At some stages of the development of our planet, its atmosphere experienced very significant changes with far-reaching consequences. One such global change is called the oxygen catastrophe. The significance of this event in the history of the Earth is exceptionally great. After all, it was with him that the further development of life on the planet was connected. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What is acceleration in physics? Relationship of magnitude with speed and distance traveled. Problem solution example

The movement of bodies in space is described by a set of characteristics, among which the main ones are the distance traveled, speed and acceleration. The latter characteristic largely determines the peculiarity and type of the movement itself. In this article, we will consider the question of what is "acceleration" in physics, and we will give an example of solving the problem using this value. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What is a paradigm - definition, types and features

This word was coined by the Greeks. For example, Plato has this concept in the Timaeus dialogue: God, relying on ideas, created the world. In another - "Politician" - it is said that it is fitting for a politician to weave patterns of his power like a weaver: from laws and moral principles, weaving more and more threads into it, attracting citizens to his side. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Anthropologist Stanislav Vladimirovich Drobyshevsky: biography and scientific activity

Many Russians who are interested in human evolution are familiar with the name of Stanislav Vladimirovich Drobyshevsky. This is a well-known anthropologist and teacher, scientific editor of the educational portal, author of many textbooks and monographs for students. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Microscopes "Micromed": review, description, characteristics

Under the trademark "Micromed" a wide range of microscopes is produced, which are designed to solve different problems. Since 1992, the Optical Devices company has been producing microscopes. The article contains useful information about the main functions and features of optical products. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The area of the lateral surface of a regular quadrangular pyramid: formulas and examples of problems

Typical geometric problems in the plane and in three-dimensional space are the problems of determining the surface areas of different figures. In this article, we present the formula for the area of the lateral surface of a regular quadrangular pyramid. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Taylor system, its problems and advantages

Throughout its history, man has been looking for the best way to organize his work. This was done out of a desire to get the most out of their activities, spending a minimum of effort. To this end, many methods of organizing labor, including production, have been developed, but only a few of them have received significant distribution. The Taylor system is one such technique. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What is the distance between the planets of the solar system: table

The distance between planets will vary depending on where each planet is in orbit around the sun. Sometimes the distances will be closer and other times they will be farther. Thanks to this article, you will learn all the subtleties regarding this difficult issue. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Formulas for determining the distance from a point to a plane and from a point to a line

Knowing the distance from a point to a plane or to a straight line allows you to calculate the volume and surface area of figures in space. The calculation of this distance in geometry is carried out using the corresponding equations for the specified geometric objects. In the article we will show what formulas can be used to determine it. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Fundamentals of quantum physics: concepts, laws, connection with consciousness

Quantum physics differs from the science we are used to in that the energy, momentum, angular momentum and other quantities of a bound system are limited to discrete values, and objects have special characteristics both in the form of particles and in the form of waves. What are the foundations of quantum physics. Wave functions. Perturbation theory. quantum psychology. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The most important part of the device is the nominal value of the parameters

There are many different objects around us, including appliances. Some of them are designed for everyday life, some for production, and some are laboratory equipment that allows scientists to move science forward. What unites these devices is that they have specific characteristics, knowing which, a person can visualize the functionality of the device. The nominal value is one of the types of values that can be used in equipment operation. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Hexagonal prism and its main characteristics

Spatial geometry is the study of prisms. Their important characteristics are the volume contained in them, the surface area and the number of constituent elements. In the article, we will consider all these properties for a hexagonal prism. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Vectors on the plane and in space: formulas and examples

Vector is an important geometric object, with the help of its properties it is convenient to solve many problems on the plane and in space. In this article, we will give it a definition, consider its main characteristics, and also show how a vector in space can be used to define planes. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Hyaluronic acid: formula, composition, properties, effect on the body and application

Hyaluronic acid: the history of the discovery of the substance, its structure and basic chemical properties. Impact on the human body. Methods for obtaining and purifying feedstock. Application in medicine and other industries. Metabolism of hyaluronic acid. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Applied sociology: functions, tasks, methods, stages of development and application

What is sociology? This is one way to study people. Sociologists do their work to find out why certain groups form in a society, why a person behaves this way and not otherwise, and so on. That is, these researchers are interested in the interaction of people with each other. So sociology is the scientific study of society. At the same time, she is only interested in the social and human sphere. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Physiology and human anatomy. lymphatic system

The lymphatic system is part of the cardiovascular system that complements it. It performs the most important functions in the human body, and its he alth is extremely important for its normal functioning. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

A bijection is Definition of a concept, characteristic

In mathematics, there is the concept of "set", as well as there are examples of comparing these same sets with each other. The names of types of comparison of sets are the following words: bijection, injection, surjection. Each of them is described in more detail below. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Alcubierre Bubble - how to move faster than light?

The article discusses the essence of the movement of a spacecraft in space at a superluminal speed and the conditions under which it can be carried out at all, based on two theories: the Alcubierre bubble and the Krasnikov tube. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Viktor Savinykh, Soviet cosmonaut: biography, family, awards

Viktor Savinykh is a Soviet cosmonaut, 50th in the list of those who were able to fly into space in the USSR. In his entire life, he had three sorties, during one of which he was able to visit outer space. The total time of all flights is more than 252 days. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The invention of our days - a portable air conditioner and a smart bottle

Every year should start with good and useful news. In this article, lovers of gadgets and electronics will learn about the latest in 2017 in the field of technology. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Yevgeny Yasin: biography, nationality. Photo by Yasin Evgeny Grigorievich

Yevgeny Yasin is a former Russian Minister of Economy who has done a lot for the country. We will talk about it in the article. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Classification of fish: basic taxonomy and examples

Fish are amazing inhabitants of the water world. This is one of the most numerous and diverse groups of animals. The distinctive features of the structure, the classification of fish and the features underlying it will be discussed in our article. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Carbonate hardness of water: definition, the concept of hard and soft water, chemical and physical properties, units of measurement and ways to fix the problem

Reliable information about the quality of drinking water is of interest to everyone. There are a lot of sites on the net devoted to this, but among them the resources of interested parties predominate: manufacturers of bottled water and filters for purification. Therefore, it is better to understand the “water” issue with the help of independent information resources and your own logic. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01