Our world has seen a huge number of geniuses in its existence! The list of them from all over the world is endless. There is a huge number of axioms, theories and hypotheses on which modern science is based. The great minds of all times and peoples built the foundation of physics brick by brick. These include Einstein's postulates, Lorentz transformations, Archimedes' axiom, Pythagoras' theorem, Heron's formula, and many others. Each new discovery entailed a storm of excitement and symbolized a breakthrough in a certain area. In this article, all attention will be directed to Einstein's postulates.

Einstein's biography
Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in the city of Ulm (Germany), in a Jewish family. His father, along with a friend, co-owned a small factory for the production of feather stuffing for pillows and mattresses.

The scientist's mother was from a well-to-do dynasty that traded corn. Already a family man, Albert's father opened a company selling electrical appliances.
In the autumn of 1896, at the Polytechnic in Switzerland, Einstein met a student from Serbia, Mileva Maric, who would later become his wife.
The future scientist wanted to get Swiss citizenship so much that he refused German citizenship for this. He was finally able to achieve this in 1901
Despite his talent and outstanding abilities, he rushed about in search of work for two years, even starving from hopelessness, but did not stop doing physical sciences.
The attitude of others to the works of Einstein
Many scientists of that time considered Einstein's work too innovative, as they crossed out some fundamental knowledge in this area. Some of the great minds of that century nevertheless decided to stick to the classical theories, while trying to develop alternatives that refute Enschnein's postulates, but they were faced with the fact that they were not applicable in practice.
The postulates of Einstein's theory of relativity more than once became the reason for his nomination for the Nobel Prize. But such a revolutionary theory scared the Nobel Committee a little, so they did not give him this award for a long time. But in 1922, he was nevertheless awarded it for his work on the photoelectric effect.
Personal qualities of a scientist
Albert was an open, affable, charming, optimistic and helpful person. His friends noted in itgreat sense of humor.

He was especially fond of 18th century music. He himself knew how to play the violin, which he always kept with him.
Einstein was self-critical about his work, always admitting his mistakes, even publicly. He was never ashamed of being wrong, respectfully took into account the works of other scientists, did not tolerate lies and injustice.
Albert Einstein received a huge number of awards and distinctions, including posthumously.
The units of measurement of photons, chemical element 99, a small asteroid discovered in 1973, a gymnasium, an observatory, an institute, medical organizations, streets and, of course, awards - medals and awards are named after him.
Interesting facts from life
- Einstein's greatest contribution is considered to be the theory of relativity. Few people know, but along the way, a scientist (German by nationality) David Hilbert worked on it along the way. You can even say that they worked in tandem, as they constantly kept in touch and exchanged information during the research. They presented the final equations of the theory of relativity almost simultaneously, but they did it in completely different ways. Initially, many were sure that Hilbert was able to achieve the same result almost a week earlier, but he presented Albert to the public later, who got all the laurels and honors. Despite this, at the end of the 20th century, draft calculations and notes by D. Gilbert were found, thanks to which it became clear that he could bring histheory to the end without already published data. Although the scientists themselves were not at all interested in these disputes.
- Einstein was able to develop a refrigerator that does not require electricity, running solely on low power heaters. In 1930, the patent for it was sold to the Electrolux company, but, unfortunately, they never started producing such equipment.
- The FBI of the United States of America considered Einstein a Soviet spy, so everything connected with him was treated with extreme fear. By the end of his life, his dossier consisted of 1.5 thousand sheets.
- Pacifist Einstein asked Roosevelt to dismantle the atomic bomb. He was categorically against it, considering it too dangerous.
- Before his death, A. Einstein worked very hard to implement the theory of the Unified Field. Which lies in the fact that with the help of one main and unambiguous equation to formulate and put together the interaction of 3 main forces: electromagnetic, gravitational and nuclear. Perhaps Einstein was able to make a startling discovery, but, alas, he burned these works. Now the descendants can only guess what he could come to then.

Main contribution to the development of physics
Einstein's postulates are the main key to explaining many physical phenomena. The works of the scientist gave a tremendous start to the further development of science and changed the approach to the study of space and time. They are divided into two types: postulatesEinstein's theory of relativity and the principle of constancy of the speed of light. These are completely new and hitherto unparalleled concepts in physics.
Einstein's first postulate
It says about the constancy of natural laws and the equations characterizing them when changing a certain inertial frame of reference to another one.
The laws of deformation of the state of a physical system are not at all burdened with such a fact as which of the 2 coordinate systems moving relative to each other, these deformations relate to.
In simple words, he explained the movement of different inertial frames of reference or the movement of physical bodies moving relative to each other at a constant speed. When one body (system) changes its trajectory or speed, at that moment GR (general relativity) is applied, and neither body (system) can be considered as a reporting system.

Second postulate
The next postulate was Einstein's: the speed of light in the presence of vacuum is unambiguous in all directions and will not change when the speed of the light source deviates from the initial value. Based on this, the conclusion suggests itself that the speed of light is limiting and constant, regardless of the inertial frame of reference.
This amazing theory that the speed of light for all around, no matter how they move, is absolutely the same (subject to certain auxiliary conditions), leads to the previously developed coordinate transformations andH. Lorentz time at the moment of transition from the original inertial frame of reference to a new one, which is changeable with respect to the first one.
Unlike Lorentz, who viewed his formulas as unrealistic and fictitious, Albert Einstein put them into action in reality.
This served as a source for obtaining the most important equation for science, relating the mass M, energy E and momentum P: E2=M2× c4+P2×c2.
Where c=speed of light. And the equation itself can be called one of the first prerequisites for the use of intranuclear energy.
Einstein's postulates of special relativity
Special relativity is the most important physical theory of space and time. Einstein's SRT postulates serve as the main base of modern physicists and technicians. Many subsequent discoveries of scientists from all over the world are based on them. The elements of the special theory of relativity (Einstein's postulates) are often called the relativistic theory, and the phenomena that it describes are called the relativistic effect. This is best seen when bodies move at a speed close to the speed of light in vacuum c=3 108 m/s. These postulates of Einstein were created in 1905
Special relativity is only applicable when the speed of objects remains constant and the movement is uniform. At the moment of deviation of either the speed or the path of movement, the laws of SRT simply simply cease to work. In such a case, general relativity applies.

Albert Einstein - the catalyst for the development of science of his time
At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the science of physics was in a critical situation. The way out of it was Einstein's rejection of the classical view of space and time. What used to seem clear and obvious, in fact, is changeable! Einstein's postulates prove that quantities and concepts, which were considered constants in non-relativistic physics, in this theory adjoin the category of relative ones.
All of the above postulates of Einstein gave a tremendous impetus to the development of physics as a science. He absolutely deserved the Nobel Prize and worldwide recognition!