In world practice, there are terms that have acquired a commonly used meaning over the period of their existence. They are included in the vocabulary of many popular languages of the world and have the same indigenous origin. Such terms include the word "position". Currently, this noun is used in many areas of public life and is associated with a wide variety of human activities. What is a position?
The term comes from the Latin word "positio", derived from the verb "pronere", which translates to "put, put". In Russian, the word appeared in the Petrine era in the 15th-16th centuries. It is borrowed from the French language, in the colloquial dictionary of which there is a well-known noun "position". Synonyms for the term are the words position, opinion, judgment, posture, location. That's what position is.

The term maybe direct and figurative, modern and obsolete. This is a feminine noun. The full lexical meaning of the word is revealed in the modern encyclopedia of catchphrases and expressions, as well as in the explanatory dictionaries of T. F. Efremov, A. A. Zaliznyak, Ozhegov. What is a position from the point of view of modern connoisseurs of the Russian language? Currently, in the colloquial dictionary, there are the following main interpretations of this noun:
- Location, position. For example, the main position.
- Position of the body or posture during any physical exercise.
- Location of the unit in combat. For example, forward positions.
- The arrangement of pieces in board games (checkers, chess).
- The position of the legs in the dance. For example, third position in ballet.
- The state of money accounts or the availability of a loan for a certain period of time. This is an obsolete term.
- Determining the position of fingers when playing musical instruments.
- The judgment required to further develop any action. This is a figurative word. For example, starting position.
- A point of view or opinion that determines a person's behavior or the nature of his action. This is a figurative word. For example, a waiting position.

In colloquial Russian, the term has been used for a long time by various segments of the population. The folk proverbs and sayings that have come down to our time speak well about what a position is.legends, etc., for example:
- A smart man changes his position, but a fool never.
- Who imposes his position by force, perishes.
- The attitude of an old man is better than that of a teenager.
- Take advice from someone above and below you, then choose your position.

During the period of existence of the term in Russian, some expressions and phrases associated with this word have acquired a winged, figurative meaning. The term is perfectly compatible with various simple, complex and special adjectives, as well as with other parts of speech. For example: getting out of position, taking position, acting from position, advantageous position, excellent position, taking position, checking position, etc.
The term characterizes not only the physical, but also the psychological state of a person, allows you to assess the professional and moral potential of the interlocutor. Not to give up one's positions means not to stop there. Go ahead and don't lose your best qualities.