Some words seem familiar to native speakers, but at the same time they seem to come from some other world. This happens when the worldly lexicon and vocabulary collide with religious terms. The classic blagovest is a sound that many heard when they passed Orthodox churches. The bell always attracts attention, even if a person has no idea what a unique ringing means in a particular situation.
Is there an easier etymology?
The concept is broken down into its component parts even with superficial knowledge. However, only people involved in the church can understand the meaning of the positive message. What exactly happens as soon as the traditional evangelism is heard? This is a signal for the beginning of the service, and equally - musical accompaniment for its most significant moments. In itself, a religious vigil for a believer is akin to a holiday.

What is special about the tool?
Aby what ringing does not fit. The solemn sound of the word "evangelism", its meaning in the performance of rituals, implies something impressive. Therefore, the largestbells. The original musical instrument can be alone or coexist on the belfry with "brothers" of different sizes. Usually they hit only one at a time, and the order is determined by church canons and the capabilities of the temple, often associated with holidays or days of the week. Easy to navigate by common names:
- just a day;
- Sunday;
- festive etc.
And in each case, the melody emitted is a blessing. Although, with the permission of the abbot, it is possible to slightly break the tradition, to give the big bell a name in honor of the giver or a unique voice.

How to perform correctly?
First, the ringer asks for blessings, which turns the far-reaching sound into an organic part of the service. Already on the approach, the parishioners begin to internally prepare for the act of sacred unity with higher powers. The long-fixed sequence helps them in this:
- two blows, each of which is allowed to completely subside;
- measured repetition from the third strike.
And if the bell ringer adjusts to the voice of a particular bell, this is a good, pacifying blessing. A measured fight is calming, while a too frequent one causes anxiety, and a slow one inspires despondency. Possible intersection of two sources to create a gross effect.

What are the nuances in the XXI century?
Based on internal prayer recommendations, experts calculated an average ringing duration of 20 minutes. But inin the conditions of a big city and with the transition to the formal implementation of some norms, the process is usually reduced to 10. Also, the townspeople are trying to limit the level of noise generated by injunctions, so the volume and duration of the blagovest can vary depending on the locality. But at the same time, it will always remain an invariably positive phenomenon for the followers of Christian teaching.