Road Construction College (Gomel): reviews

Road Construction College (Gomel): reviews
Road Construction College (Gomel): reviews

The Road Construction College has been operating in Gomel since the middle of the 20th century, which annually accepts hundreds of applicants, not only Belarusians, but also foreigners.

The conditions for admission, tuition fees and reviews will be discussed further.

road construction college gomel tuition fees
road construction college gomel tuition fees

About the college

The Road Construction College in Gomel began its existence on September 30, 1930. But then he wore the status of a technical school. Although the institution announced recruitment for admission three weeks before the opening, on October 1 of the same year, only 137 people entered the training.

In July 1931, some reforms took place in the educational life of Gomel, as a result of which the autotractor and road construction technical schools merged into one - the Gomel road school. The structure of the renovated institution was divided into 3 speci alties:

  • road construction;
  • operation of road machines;
  • cars.

Three years after the opening, the educational institution graduated 69 of its first graduates. At that time, within the walls of the technical school550 people have already been trained.

From 1935 to 1954, the current Road Construction College in Gomel underwent several name changes. During this period, he was and:

  • automobile;
  • road transport;
  • road-mechanical;
  • road-road.

And only in 1960 the technical school began to be called the Gomel road construction. At the same time, another department is opening - construction.

road construction college gomel
road construction college gomel

After 41 years, in 2001, the institution became known as the Gomel State Road Construction College named after the Lenin Komsomol of Belarus. In 2007, the institution ceased to exist in the status of a technical school and became a college.

In 2016, the college again underwent a reform process and was attached to the Republican Institute of Vocational Education, became its branch. Since that time, the institution has acquired its currently completed name: "Gomel State Road Construction College named after Lenin Komsomol of Belarus" of the educational institution "Republican Institute of Vocational Education".

Speci alties

Admission to the Road Construction College of Gomel is carried out on the basis of two graduation classes: 9 and 11. The learning process takes place in two forms: full-time and part-time.

road construction college gomel passing score
road construction college gomel passing score

After 9 classes, you can get the following speci alties:

  1. Construction of roadtransport facilities. Upon completion, the qualification "technician-builder" is awarded. The training time will be 46 months.
  2. Construction of objects of industrial and civil use. The awarded speci alty is "technician-builder". The training will take 44 months.
  3. Car operation. Each graduate is awarded the qualification "technician-mechanic". Study time: 46 months.
  4. Electronic computing facilities. Occupation: Electrical Technician. The training will take 45 months.

After grade 11, the Road Construction College of Gomel can enroll in the following speci alties full-time:

  1. Construction of objects of industrial and civil use. Upon graduation, the profession "technician-builder" is awarded. Duration of study - 2 years 8 months.
  2. Lifting and transport, construction, road machinery and equipment. Graduate qualification - "technician-mechanic". It will take 2 years 8 months to get a speci alty.
  3. Construction of road transport facilities. Qualification "technician-builder". The study period will be 2 years 10 months.

Also, after grade 11, there is an opportunity to become a part-time student:

  1. Construction of road transport facilities. The term of study is 3 years 10 months.
  2. Technical operation of vehicles. 3, 8 - training interval.

Since 2016, the College of Road Construction has stopped enrolling in the "Architecture" department. And since 2017year, the speci alty "Banking" has lost its relevance.

Admission conditions

In order to become a student of the Road Construction College, an applicant must provide a full package of documentation to the selection committee:

  • Application made in the name of the head of the college according to the model provided by the institution. The document is filled in and signed by the applicant himself.
  • Applicant's passport: original and copy.
  • Certificate of general school education in original and duplicate format. Also an attachment to it.
  • Certificate of centralized testing, which is provided by the Belarusian education system.
  • Medical certificate of existing or absent contraindications to training.
  • Documents for existing benefits, if any.
  • 6 pieces of photo size 3 x 4.
  • Envelope with the applicant's return address marked.
  • If available, then you must provide a reference about the applicant from the last place of study.
road construction college gomel photo
road construction college gomel photo

Another criterion for admission to the Road Construction College of Gomel is a passing score. This is the average of all grades in the certificate. So, for 2018, the passing scores are as follows:

After 9th grade:

  • Construction of road transport facilities - 7, 4 (budget);
  • Construction of objects of industrial and civil use - 7, 9 (budget); 5, 6 (contract).
  • Technicalcar operation - 7, 7 (budget); 5, 9 (contract).

After 11th grade:

Construction of roads and transport facilities - 11, 7 (budget); 10, 7 (contract)

For other speci alties there is a new, not yet established score of the Gomel Road Construction College.

In addition, for admission, you must pass entrance examinations. They are presented in several variants:

  1. Competition for the best GPA.
  2. The result of the centralized test in mathematics, Russian, Belarusian languages.

For each speci alty, form of study has its own examination system.

Contract training

Tuition fees at the Road Construction College of Gomel for 2017-18 next (in Belarusian rubles).


  1. 1 course for both 9th and 11th grade education - 1490 rubles.
  2. 2 course: 9 classes - 1218 rubles, 11 classes - 1442 rubles
  3. 3 course - RUB 1069
  4. Graduation course - RUB 938

For external students:

  1. 1 course - RUB 429
  2. 2-3 courses - 373 RUB
  3. Graduation course - RUB 456
road construction college gomel enlisted
road construction college gomel enlisted

The presented price list for studying at the Gomel College is relevant for the citizens of Belarus. For foreigners, the cost is different.

For full-time students:

  1. 1 course - RUB 2,458
  2. 2 course - RUB 2,446
  3. Course "TODM" - RUB 2,456

For part-time students 1 course of studycosts 1,012 rubles.

Student Life

After the lists of those enrolled in the Road Construction College of Gomel are formed, the real student life begins with lectures, practice and exams. But, in addition to classes, various events are held at the educational institution:

  • summer tourslet;
  • demonstrations and concerts dedicated to memorable dates for the country;
  • city subbotniks;
  • holiday concerts dedicated to the New Year, February 23, March 8, etc.;
  • open lessons and meetings with significant people of the country;
  • sports competitions.

Of course, this is just a small list of how the college lives. In addition to recreational activities, the institution also takes care of the daily employment of its wards. There are sports sections and various circles in DSK. All significant events are filmed on video and photos. The Road Construction College of Gomel presents for a general review all the events held during the academic year. This information is relevant for applicants.

road construction college gomel scores
road construction college gomel scores


Practice for professionals such as mechanical technicians, construction workers and road workers is a prerequisite for obtaining a full education. For this, the college provided for the opening and operation of the "Training Ground", which has been open since 1969. The following practical exercises are held at this training ground:

  • Welding processing.
  • Mechanical activity.
  • On technical use andcar repair.
  • On preparing and setting up machines and tractors for work.
  • On the installation of machines for storage.
  • Painting work.
  • Plaster.
  • Carpentry and joinery activities.
  • Working with stone.
  • Locksmith's.
road construction college gomel after grade 11
road construction college gomel after grade 11

Reviews about the Road Construction College of Gomel

For its many years of work DSK Gomel has established itself on the positive side. In their reviews, both students and graduates express only gratitude to the teaching staff for their professionalism and responsiveness. Students also like extracurricular life: the availability of sports and clubs. In addition, graduates note that the received speci alties are in great demand within the country.


The Road Construction College in Gomel is one of the few educational institutions in Belarus that trains highly qualified personnel for work within the state, as well as abroad.