Among the many inventions made by great scientists in the past centuries, the discovery of the patterns of development of our universe in the form of a system of numbers is the most interesting and useful. This fact was described in his work by the Italian mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci. A number series is a sequence of digits in which each member value is the sum of the previous two. This system expresses the information embedded in the structure of all living things according to the harmonious development.

The great scientist Fibonacci
The Italian scientist lived and worked in the XIII century in the city of Pisa. He was born into a merchant family and at first worked with his father in trade. Leonardo Fibonacci came to mathematical discoveries when he tried to establish contacts at that time with business partners.
The scientist made his discovery when calculating the planning of the offspring of rabbits according toat the request of a distant relative. He opened the number series, according to which the reproduction of animals will be carried out. He described this pattern in his work "The Book of Calculations", where he also provided information on the decimal system for European countries.
Gold Discovery
The number series can be expressed graphically as an expanding spiral. It can be noted that in nature there are many examples that are based on this figure, for example, rolling waves, an auricle, the structure of galaxies, microcapillaries in the human body and the structure of atoms.
It is interesting that the numbers in this system (the Fibonacci coefficients) are considered "live" numbers, since all living things evolve according to this progression. This pattern was known even to people of ancient civilizations. There is a version that already at that time it was known how to investigate the convergence of a number series - the most important issue in the mathematical analysis of a sequence of numbers.

Applying the Fibonacci theory
After examining his number series, an Italian scientist discovered that the ratio of a digit from a given sequence to the next member is 0.618. This value is commonly called the proportionality coefficient, or the "golden section". It is known that this number was used by the Egyptians in the construction of the famous pyramid, as well as the ancient Greeks and Russian architects in the construction of classical structures - temples, churches, etc.

But the interesting fact is thatThe Fibonacci number series is also used in assessing price movements on stock exchanges. The use of this sequence in technical analysis was proposed by engineer Ralph Elliot at the beginning of the last century. In the 30s, the American financier was engaged in forecasting stock prices, in particular, the study of the Dow Jones index, which is one of the main components in the stock market. After a series of successful predictions, he published several of his articles in which he described methods for using the Fibonacci series.
At the moment, almost all traders use the Fibonacci theory when predicting price movements. Also, this dependence is used in many scientific studies in various fields. Thanks to the discovery of a great scientist, many useful inventions can be created even after many centuries.