Recreation at school is a place where children can take a break from classes. Its area is small, the shape is square or rectangular, often with several windows. On the eve of the holidays, it is customary to decorate educational institutions. This creates a special atmosphere and helps to relax.
Decoration of school recreation for the New Year is considered an important preparatory stage. It is attended by children of senior, middle and junior classes. Unfortunately, the administration does not always allocate budgetary funds that can be spent on the purchase of holiday paraphernalia. Therefore, the question always remains open as to how to decorate recreation at school.
Preparation of the premises
Children must be involved in the process of registration of recreation at school. Primary school students are particularly enthusiastic about this. As homework, you can offer to do a thematic craft or draw a poster. Wall newspapers are often hung along the walls, and voluminous handmade decorations are placed on the windows or in the corners.

If everyone brings some tinsel and rain from home, then in the end there will be enough of them. It is better to disassemble these decorations by color, and then with the help of adhesive tape they are fixed in the form of uncomplicated patterns on the walls. When creating a festive atmosphere, everything that was planned to be thrown away can be used.
Snowflakes have been and remain an integral part of the New Year. They are great for decorating the ceiling. Adults need to help students with this. If there is an old tulle, you can make waves out of it, fixing it with rain, and hang them between the windows just below the window sills.
Christmas glasses
For more than a dozen years before the New Year, people in their homes decorate the windows with various winter-themed pictures. This technique can be easily used to make the recreation of the school acquire a festive atmosphere. From the outside, the glass is decorated using decoupage technique.

It's easy to play. It is necessary to stock up on beautiful napkins, which depict Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, a snow-covered forest, a snowman and other fairy-tale characters. They are carefully cut out, which can also be done in a technology lesson, and then attached to the windows with a brush and glue.
Colorful glitter is used to create a shimmering effect. Almost every child now has them, and if not, then they can be purchased at any stationery store at a low cost. So that the powder does not crumble, the picture is first smeared with PVA glue.
Recreation at school is the place where, after school, parents expect their children, primary school students. On New Year's Eve, they will be especially pleased to be there. As do the children and teachers themselves. A great idea would be to install snowmen made of floss and glue on the windowsills.

Even a first-grader can cope with such a craft, while it can be made at home, together with their parents. You will need to purchase white floss threads and three balloons, as well as the glue itself. The balloons are inflated, but not much, so that each one is slightly larger in diameter than the previous one.

Then wrap it with pre-moistened thread. So apply several layers and allow to dry well. Identical manipulations are repeated with the rest of the balls. When the mugs are ready, the balls are pierced and taken out through the hole. Then the design is assembled together with glue, the eyes of the snowman are made with black threads, and the scarf and hat are red.
A little about safety
When decorating recreation at school, it is very important to remember that children's safety always comes first. When using paints, you should give preference to ordinary gouache. It is non-toxic and does not emit a pronounced odor. Applying a stained glass pattern is also worth using proven materials.
All decor items must be securely fastened. If necessary, you can decorate the ceiling. To do this, attract high school students, but they must be accompanied by an adult who willcontrol the whole process. Any inaccurate movement can cause injury, and this should always be remembered. It is better to play it safe and do everything necessary to ensure that the holiday is not overshadowed by any troubles.