Relevance of the research topic is the most important step towards the successful defense of scientific work

Relevance of the research topic is the most important step towards the successful defense of scientific work
Relevance of the research topic is the most important step towards the successful defense of scientific work

Work on a scientific study begins with the search for a topic and the definition of problems. The wording of the title further influences the choice of reviewers, opponents, consultants, and writers. This process can be lengthy, since the whole further course of work depends on how the research topic is formulated.

Relevance of the research topic
Relevance of the research topic

Important in choosing a topic:

- interest and competence of the author himself;

- relevance of the research topic;

- originality and novelty of the directions of the selected subject.

In any kind of scientific work, it is required to substantiate the relevance of the research topic. Familiarization with this paragraph immediately gives a clear idea of the importance and significance of a particular scientific intelligence in the modern world: in the theoretical or practical aspect of any field.

They substantiate the relevance of the study in the introduction, which is the most important part of the thesis, master's, and dissertation work. It contains all the basic qualifications.

The relevance of research
The relevance of research

At the very beginning of the introduction, you should briefly but meaningfully explain why this topic was chosen, which served as its additional study.

In general, the course of scientific research can be divided into the following mandatory actions:

1) Justify the relevance of the research topic.

2) Set goals and objectives.

3) Identify object and subject.

4) Select research methods.

5) Describe the process.

6) Discuss the results.

7) Draw conclusions and evaluate the results.

In diploma and dissertation works, the choice of the object of study is of great importance. The author's ability to choose the right topic, formulate it correctly, evaluate it from the standpoint of modern trends and social significance testifies to his scientific maturity and professional training.

Otherwise, explaining the essence of significance, we can formulate the following question: “In what area of production or knowledge, for what and who will need the proposed results? Why should we discuss this? Answering these questions, we can formulate relevance.

research topic
research topic

The problem arises when the existing knowledge and results are already outdated, and the new ones have not yet settled down. Thus, in theory or practice, a contradictory problem situation appears that needs to be analyzed, and ideally, ways to solve it, based on reliable data from various studies, should be proposed. The emergence of such a situation is due to the discovery of facts unknown until a certain moment, which are notfits no existing theory.

Requirements for describing relevance

- Describing the relevance of the research topic, one should avoid verbosity and ambiguity. It is enough to state the essence of the main problem to be investigated in a few sentences.

- When formulating a scientific problem, it is important to differentiate the main from the secondary.

- Interesting and sensitive topics, which at the same time are of a transitory nature (this applies to the sphere of political, economic, legal discourse), should be avoided. What is popular and on everyone's lips today may lose its relevance tomorrow. This will cause a lot of unpleasant trouble in the scientific process. And first of all it will be reflected in the degree of relevance.