Labor is the basis, the source of the existence of society and each person individually. But the individual is not born with this conviction and with ready-made work requests and skills. The attitude to work is formed in childhood and adolescence due to the educational efforts of adults. And this is also their great pedagogical work, requiring special knowledge.
Why we work
Labor is one of the types of human activity, the purpose of which is the creation of material, spiritual, cultural values. Attitude to work determines the degree of prosperity and psychological balance of the individual.

The social position of a person largely depends on how he works. Conscientious useful work is respected and highly valued at all times, even if it is aimed at achieving one's own well-being. A financially independent person is self-sufficient and does not require help and care from society. Often, we alth and proper upbringing push him to charity.
Successful work provides the means to satisfy the spiritual,aesthetic demands: man does not live by bread alone. Acquisition of works of art, art, sports, travel - the ability to meet such needs is higher for those who work hard and conscientiously.
I want - I work, I want - I'm lazy?
Labor and social relations provide scientific progress, technical improvement of production. The economic power and independence of the state directly depend on the efficiency and consciousness of its citizens. This, in turn, stimulates the development of important spheres of life - social, labor and labor relations.
A person consciously chooses a profession and masters theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the process of learning.

The horizons of independent and creative activity, new relations in the world of work are opening before him, that is, he is developing as a person, growing into social life, his needs are satisfied in recognizing him as a full-fledged member of society.
Thus, to work or not to work is not a personal matter of a person. What is his attitude to work, and so to the state as a whole. It is interested in the activity of its citizens in any field to be conscious, creative, purposeful, useful to society.
Types of work
You can determine the type of specific labor by various indicators:
- By content - mental or physical. It can be professional, complex, simple, reproductive (copies alreadyexisting methods and ways of working), creative (innovative).
- By nature - concrete, abstract, collective, individual, private, public, hired.
- According to the results - productive (production of material objects) and intangible (creation of intangible, spiritual objects, for example, music, songs).
You can also determine the type of activity by such indicators as relations in the labor sphere, the method of attracting an employee (voluntary or under duress), by the means used (manual, mechanized, automated), by execution time (day, night, shifts, schedule).

When choosing a field of activity, one should carefully analyze the content, nature of labor and labor relations, correlate with them one's own intellectual and physical abilities, temperament, desires, prospects, ambitions.
What are professional requirements
Each profession requires special qualities from the employee, without which he will not be able to work productively. In some cases, he must be sociable, socially active (doctor, teacher, social worker), in others, physically hardy, brave (cosmonaut, military man, pilot, driver). General professional requirements for all employees:
- availability of knowledge, skills and abilities corresponding to the nature and content of work,
- conscious attitude to work, readiness for self-improvement in the chosen profession,
- responsibility, honesty, initiative,willingness to work creatively and for the public good.

Professiogram - a document that sets out the requirements for an employee, which he must meet in order to engage in a particular type of work. They relate to the level of training, the volume of professional knowledge and skills, personal qualities, psycho-physiological capabilities.
The concept of professionalism
Professionalism is a high level of attitude to work, skill and perfection in the chosen type of occupation. It is formed in the course of training and practical mastery of labor operations, a creative approach to solving complex problems.

At all times, a professional, a master of his craft, is highly respected. His work is permanent employment in the field that has become his profession. He deeply understands its significance and social value, possesses the necessary and highly developed skills, and strives to improve them.
Professionals often become formal or informal mentors to young professionals.
Problems of education
The purpose of labor education is to raise a person who is ready for work and labor relations, who has an internal need to be diligent, conscientious, responsible. It combines the public and personal interests of the development of the future worker. Its implementation is carried out by both the family and educational institutions of various levels, starting with kindergarten. as well as community organizations andcultural institutions.

Family is the first step in the education of labor qualities in a child. It continues in kindergarten and then at school. Taking into account the age of the child, adults jointly and gradually solve the following tasks on the way to the goal of labor education:
- Developing respect for work.
- Formation of motivation for a useful pastime, self-criticism, truthfulness, purposefulness.
- Formation of the desire for self-service, mastery of labor skills.
- Development of interest in the labor sphere, familiarization with various types and forms, diversity and features of professional activity.
The solution of these problems encourages children to make a conscious choice of profession, which largely determines what attitude to work they will form. And his well-being in the future depends on this.
Forms of organization of educational work
The individual form is most often implemented in the form of assignments - taking care of the inhabitants of a living corner, partial or complete cleaning of the room, helping an adult or a friend, preparing material for a lesson for everyone, etc. Instructions can be given for a short or long term taking into account the child's age and existing skills. An obligatory stage is a clear briefing, an explanation of the purpose and meaning, the progress of the work, showing the methods of implementation. And at the end - a report on the implementation, analysis and quality assessment, encouragement.
Older children can independently outline a plan for completing the assignment, choosetool, set deadlines, evaluate your work. This teaches them to be independent and responsible.
Combining children into small groups (teams) of 2-3, 5-6 or more people to work together contributes to the formation of the ability to work together, distribute responsibilities among themselves, coordinate actions, help each other, objectively evaluate results own and common labor.

The composition of the group can be formed at the request of the children. The teacher, taking into account specific educational tasks, can give special tasks to its individual members: teach an inexperienced comrade how to do work, prepare a tool for everyone, etc.
The collective form teaches pupils to cooperate, obliges them to put common interests in the first place, develops altruistic feelings, humanism, reveals individual creative abilities. Labor landings on the territory of the school or outside it, preparing events for calendar events (making gifts and a concert for the inhabitants of the boarding house on the Day of the Elderly), organizing handicraft exhibitions - the choice of a specific event depends on the goal and objectives of labor education, the opportunities and needs of the social environment. But in any case, it should be a useful, memorable experience of collective work for each of its participants.
Methods and techniques of labor education
One of the most effective pedagogical methods is to show the child examples of adult actions in combination with explanations: what, why and how to do itmake. The display of actions and explanations can be multiple. Namely, until the pupil develops sufficient independent actions.
Evaluation, analysis of the work done by the child, praise and censure should be objective, respectful, businesslike, sincere. Be sure to emphasize how useful his work was for other people.
Familiarization of children with professions can proceed in the process of thematic conversations, meetings with specialists, reading, excursions to production and various institutions, examination of equipment and tools. Films, materials from mass media are used.

Education of attitude to work should not be theoretical. The methods of organizing the practical activities of children are varied: manual labor, artistic creativity, competitions, exhibitions of handicrafts, joint activities, collective activities, promotions, patronage, duty.
Children are extremely interested in events held in educational institutions with the participation of parents, for example, the competition "Our family is the most skillful and creative", community work days for landscaping and cleaning the territory.
Can't you easily get a fish out of the pond?
The history of the development of society and the stories from the life of individual citizens say that it is possible to live well for some time without working. However, all of them sooner or later end badly: parasitism - poverty and vagrancy, robbery and theft in all its forms - prison, predatory wars - defeat. The attitude of a person to work is the measure of hismoral he alth and attitude both to oneself and to society as a whole.