Proteins, vitamins, mineral s alts… This is not a complete list of useful substances that contain pea seeds. And hay, silage and green mass of this plant have valuable fodder properties. The high yield of this crop is largely due to the peculiarities of the pea root system.
Characteristic of the legume family
Representatives of this systematic unit have a number of similarities. First of all, it is a fruit called a bean. It is dry and multi-seeded. The bean opens at the seams from the top to the base, and the seeds are attached to both flaps.
The second name of this family - Moth - determines the structure of the flower. The fact is that all the petals have a different shape. The upper one is the largest, the two lateral ones are smaller, and the lower ones grow together. Visually, this structure resembles a moth. A single pistil is surrounded by ten stamens. Nine of them are fused, and one is free.
The leaves of most legumes have reticulate venation. On the run, they end with antennae, with which they canattach to a support.

What is the root system of peas
Plants have three types of roots: main, lateral and additional. Their combination forms the root system. In some species, the main root is absent or poorly developed. It is practically invisible among the numerous additional roots. In this case, a fibrous root system is formed.
In peas, the underground part has a different structure. The main root is well developed, numerous lateral ones depart from it. Thus, the type of pea root system is pivotal. In legumes, it is well branched. The main root can penetrate to a depth of 1.5 meters, and the lateral ones develop in the arable layer.
The root system of peas reaches its maximum development during the flowering period. It is very sensitive to soil moisture. The optimal indicator is 60-80%. With a high standing of groundwater, the root dies off, and the shoot turns yellow. But peas are quite resistant to short-term droughts. This is due to the ability of the root system to absorb moisture from deep horizons.

Peas like green manure
This term refers to natural green fertilizers. Along with the growth of pea roots, loosening of the soil and the formation of numerous air passages occur, preventing the growth of weeds and cracking. In addition to the mechanical effect on the soil, peas also have a chemical effect - restores its composition, enriches it with organic matter and minerals - potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus. Sow peas as green manurecan be both before planting the cultivated crop, and after its harvest.

Soil selection
To get a good harvest of peas, you need to "prepare the sleigh in the summer." This means that the seeds of this crop are sown in the spring, and the soil is pre-treated in the fall. It is better to choose a site where nightshade or cruciferous grew. For example, tomatoes, potatoes or cabbage. It is recommended to plant peas in the previous place only after four years.
Next, the soil must be dug up to a depth of 30 cm and fertilized. From organic compounds, rotted manure is suitable, from mineral compounds - superphosphate and potassium s alt.
If the soil is too acidic, preliming is recommended. Since the root system of peas penetrates deep enough, close groundwater should be avoided.
Before sowing, the seeds are soaked for up to 18 hours, changing the water every three hours. The optimal planting depth is 3 cm. The first shoots will appear in a week and a half.

Useful "neighbors"
Features of the pea root system also lie in the fact that it forms a symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing bacteria. This mutual cohabitation benefits both organisms. Plants need nitrogen for root development. But they are not able to absorb this substance from the air. Bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can absorb from the soil.
During photosynthesis, autotrophic organisms formorganic substances. Therefore, plants provide bacteria with the carbon compounds they need to live.
Scientists have proven that bacteria can exist without Legumes. But in this case, they lose the ability to fix the nitrogen of their atmosphere. As soon as a plant from the legume family appears in the soil, bacteria penetrate into its roots, forming thickenings - nodules.

Meaning in nature
Peas occupy the first place among legumes in terms of gross grain harvest. This is due to good yields and high nutrient content. First of all, these are essential amino acids, which are similar in chemical composition and calorie content to proteins of animal origin. Among vitamins, C, B and PP predominate, minerals - phosphorus and potassium s alts, organic - fiber and starch.
Peas also play an important role in the crop rotation. The essence of this process is the annual alternation of different types of cultivated plants that are grown in the same area. Peas are used as a precursor of grain and vegetable plants. Its powerful root system loosens the soil well, and the green mass fertilizes with organic matter. The result is a fertile and porous base for future crops. In addition, such soil is well protected from water and wind erosion.
So, peas are a member of the legume family, the distinctive features of which are:
- bean fruit;
- "moth flower";
- lodgingescape;
- simple leaves with opposite leaf arrangement;
- well developed rod system;
- development of symbiotic nodule bacteria on the roots.