Properly organized mass sports work allows you to introduce physical education into the daily lives of children and adults. A variety of championships, sports days, as well as tournaments and championships contribute to the organicity of this process.
Here are all kinds of greetings and simple poems about a sports festival that can be used in its script.

Today is a holiday of sports
It is important that a sporting event looks really festive and solemn. This will help the musical arrangement of the event, which may consist of:
- march;
- sports songs;
- rhythmic and dynamic melodies.
Along with greetings to rivals in verse, you can include texts about the holiday itself in general in the script of the event:
Today is a holiday of sports.
We are glad to see you.
Athletes are walking proudly, Their finest hour has come!
Fans welcome:
Noise, whistle, shout.
Jury allnotes
And soon there will be a start!
Oh sport, you are the world
In the design of the hall or sports ground where sports competitions are held, you can use quotes from famous authors or winged expressions on the relevant topics:
Oh sport! You are the world!
And our idol -
He who is strong, mighty and dexterous.
Through many practices
He won.
And now he is the champion.
But if there is no team nearby, His reward is no joy.
And without fans athlete
Doesn't look like Superman.

We challenge you to an honest duel today
If you mean a sports festival in a general education institution, then you need to consider that it is more of an entertainment. But propagandist:
- activity of children of different ages;
- he althy lifestyle;
- values of joint sports pastime.
Greeting to opponents in this case takes into account all these elements:
Do you hear how the music sounds?
Do you see the flag flying proudly?
No one can stop us
And our furious deter attacks.
Beckoning victory cup golden.
But don't forget on the way to it, That everyone here fighting you
Worthy of respect. Don't yawn!
Competitive spirit capable of:
- increase motivation;
- cheer up;
- raise the bar for personal andteam achievements.
Cheers to opponents can also achieve these goals if they are said at the right time in the right place. It depends on the skill of those who prepare the scenario of the sports festival:
In a he althy body -
He althy spirit.
There won't be two
First place
Stand teams!
Let's fight fair!
Go! Ready!

Children have a strong competitive spirit, and the value of victory is great for them. This is what we ourselves teach babies from the cradle, constantly comparing them with others and encouraging them to give higher and higher performance. When children's rivalry is directed by the organizers into a sporting direction, the event becomes a holiday. It’s good if the guys at the same time get acquainted in practice with such concepts as:
- honesty;
- nobility;
- mutual assistance.
These goals can be promoted already at the beginning of the competition in a greeting to the opponents.
Studies show that those who were originally aimed at some kind of rivalry attended 90% more sports:
We are in a fair duel
Calling you today.
Tricks are inappropriate here, Let's fight nobly!
We are ready to show
All we've achieved is
To call you to this
We, friends, were striving!
Choosing a greeting to the opposing team is an important moment in preparing for a competition, if anysuggest similar elements of manifestation of participating teams:

So it happened centuries before us:
Challenge issued, we will answer.
There are a lot of forces in the body, We are sure of victory!
Sports holidays are arranged for the following purposes:
- to instill in children an interest, and ideally, a love for different sports;
- teach them to enjoy this pastime;
- form a complete personality;
- teach how to live in society and win;
- raise a he althy generation.
Sports greetings to opponents help achieve these results.
Today everyone will know what is called a team
An extremely important aspect of such competitions is the development of team spirit. What does it mean? And the fact that you need to organize the environment and team culture in such a way that each participant can be the most effective, that is, to express themselves in the best possible way. The importance of this can be emphasized by the following poetic lines:
Gold is a mirage.
Mirage is silver.
Bronze is also a mirage.
We caught a sports rage
Disease and laziness out of spite.
We will prove our superiority, But that's not what we want. -
Let everyone know today
What everyone calls a team!

Get your palms ready and shout the loudest
Motivation is very important for competitive athletes. And here, of course, one of"main violins" are played by the fans. It is required not only to organize their presence, but also to set up the guys in such a way that they are ready in advance. That is, they made posters, prepared flags and other paraphernalia.
Among the greetings posted here to the opponents, the fans are also not forgotten:
Prepare your palms
And shout the loudest!
The opponent will not catch up with us, Success awaits us!
From the fans themselves, a greeting to the opponents and their own team may look like this:
The main success in our business -
This is a he althy body, Muscle trained strength, The posture is straight and beautiful.
But strength of mind matters!
We wish athletes "no fluff…"

Honorable jury, great authority
The work of a judge is a lot of trouble and a lot of responsibility. The authority of those who judge should not be nominal. No one will trust those who have not won it before the event. And they will allow you to do this:
- capacity for work;
- objectivity;
- good faith.
At the beginning of the competition, all participants and spectators are introduced to the judges. Therefore, the greeting of the jury, along with the greeting of the opponents, is an important part of the sports festival:
Dear judges!
Hello from the team!
We will compete, Well, keep your advice!
Experience gives you confidence
Because your instincts won't let you down!
Sports games areoften conflicting activities. Referees must have the skill to minimize injuries and spectators to enjoy a beautiful spectacle.
From the judges, by and large, depends on the desire of the players to improve their skills, and the popularization of sports in society as a whole. Therefore, when preparing a greeting for the opposing team, one should not forget about such an important hero of the competition as the jury:
Honorable jury, Great authority!
His probably
And there is no fairer!
We are in the palm of our hand in front of him.
We have nothing to hide. Today we win!
The arbitrators have a big load during the competition. They should be the unquestioning authority for the participants, so they are always supposed to look confident, knowledgeable. And often the coaches of young athletes pose even a big problem for them. Therefore, it is very important to cheer them up with a respectful poetic word at the beginning of hard work.

We are rich in our friendship
Technique and tactics are the necessary skills that are acquired in physical education classes. But the ability to compete, achieve victory, be happy for others and draw conclusions from the loss comes only in competitions:
Let's celebrate together!
Sport is interesting, He is honest, Different!
Let's not chase
For a cup of gold!
We are strong, Friendship, Own
Such poems will help create an appropriateset the mood for all participants of the event.