Hazardous production facilities: registry, classification, safety law

Hazardous production facilities: registry, classification, safety law
Hazardous production facilities: registry, classification, safety law

Hazardous production facilities pose a great threat to both people and the environment. For this reason, each such object needs special control. In our country, the function of the control body is performed by Rostekhnadzor. This organization, by its order No. 495, approved the requirements and features of maintaining the state register of hazardous production facilities. This article reveals the features of entering various types of production facilities into this database, as well as their mechanism for excluding them from it.

Hazardous production facility
Hazardous production facility

General definitions and provisions

Under a dangerous object, people understand equipment, the probability of failure of which is quite high, while the environment and people (working personnel and the populationnearby communities) causing significant damage.

A hazardous production facility is understood as an industrial facility (separate workshop or section) on which high-pressure equipment (more than 70,000 Pa) operates. Such equipment should also include water heating installations with an operating temperature of more than 115 degrees Celsius. However, this is not the whole list of hazardous production facilities. It also includes enterprises that generate (store or process, transport, dispose of, and so on) hazardous substances (toxic, strong oxidizers, explosives, etc.), use lifting mechanisms and machines, and carry out work on the extraction of minerals from the bowels of the earth., melting metals and metal alloys.

Hazardous production facility
Hazardous production facility

All listed hazardous production facilities must be registered with Rostekhnadzor authorities. This organization monitors the he alth of this equipment throughout its life cycle. In addition, Rostekhnadzor is obliged to monitor the timely certification and re-certification of work and engineering personnel, conducts an expert assessment of the industrial safety of facilities and workplaces, and so on. It is safe to say that the complex of the listed measures can significantly reduce the rate of accidents and emergencies at the country's production facilities. Indeed, as a rule, it is hazardous production facilities that cause large-scaleman-made disasters.

Authorized employees of supervisory authorities have the right to suspend the activities of enterprises if critical violations are detected in production. If the commission fixes the elimination of these violations, then the production activity of the enterprise can be resumed.

After a thorough study of all the documentation, the specialist of the licensing department decides whether to register the object or return the documents. Registration is carried out in the following sequence: entering the necessary information into the register, assigning a unique number to the object and issuing a state-approved certificate, entering the assigned number into the database, issuing an accounting card for each object (mandatory in two copies), signing the certificate by the head of the registering and licensing body of Rosnadzor and affixing the state official seal on the certificate.

In the event that the specialists of the Licensing and Registration Department of Rosnadzor revealed violations, they have the right to return the entire package of documents for revision. When returning documents, the inspector is obliged to notify the operating organization about this (orally or in writing). After that, the acceptance and registration of objects is suspended until the complete elimination of all shortcomings by the operating organization. At the same time, a period of five working days is set for these corrections, after which the procedure will need to be repeated.

Supervisory officer
Supervisory officer

Why register objects?

According to lawon industrial safety of hazardous production facilities, the registration of the latter is carried out in order to assign the status of an object of increased danger to the means of production, which makes it possible to impose increased safety requirements on this object. In addition, from the moment of registration in the mentioned register, the object is put on a special account, which allows state bodies to regularly monitor compliance with safety and labor protection standards at industrial production enterprises. The goals of including industrial hazardous production facilities in a special register also include the ability to analyze the state of safety at specific organizations and industries, as well as the ability to provide the necessary information about the state of safety at a particular enterprise to interested authorities and individuals.

What information is in the registry?

It is not allowed to fill the database with redundant data. This can lead to a number of problems. In accordance with the law on industrial safety of hazardous production facilities, this database must contain information about the full name of the organization (object). Of course, the legal address of the organization and the physical address of the production should be indicated. Also, in the corresponding columns of the database, there should be a list of danger signs of a particular object and its type. If, during the operation of the equipment, activities are carried out for which it is necessary to obtain a license, then this must be noted in the register without fail. Documentthere should be information about the organization that operates the facility and information about state registration.

Registration and registration

Registration is carried out in accordance with generally accepted industrial safety rules. Hazardous production facilities are entered into the register by a special division of Rostekhnadzor - the licensing department. This procedure takes no more than 20 calendar days. But this period can be revised upwards (in agreement with the organization that operates the equipment). As a rule, the need to extend the registration period arises if a large number of dangerous equipment (more than one hundred units) is registered at the same time.

Entering objects into the register is possible only after their identification. This procedure is usually carried out with the involvement of third-party independent experts.

open type mine
open type mine

Interaction between the licensing authority and the enterprise

In accordance with the Federal Law (Federal Law "On the Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities"), all consultations of specialists from the Licensing Department of Rostekhnadzor are free of charge. Authorized inspectors and responsible officials explain step by step the procedure for registering objects, as well as their re-registration and making changes if necessary. Moreover, it is allowed to contact the listed officials in an informal manner. In other words, a representative of the operating organization can simplycall the licensing department, bypassing many bureaucratic obstacles.

On what matters is the inspector required to consult?

The questions that the licensing officer is required to answer are strictly regulated by law. The safety of hazardous production facilities is ensured by strict control and transparency of industry standards.

Organizations that own hazardous facilities may request information about the documents required to register or re-register such assets in the public register. Such information includes, for example, a list of documents required for inclusion in the register, as well as documents that will be required during re-registration and exclusion of objects from the lists of hazardous ones. Also, an official authorized person may request information on the location of the licensing and registration authority, as well as on the work schedule and the timing of the registration procedure.

Required package of documents for registration

Registration of a specific object in the register of hazardous industrial facilities requires the provision of a full package of documents. This is, first of all, a hazardous facility registration card, a description (basic information) about an industrial facility, a description of the enterprise itself and its charter, copies of certificates of registration with the tax authorities and an official letter on registration in the state register of industrial facilities, on entering data into the state register legal entities. In addition, additional information is provided (if necessary and according torequest of the registration authority) about dangerous objects. This information may be required in the event that, according to the calculations of experienced specialists of the licensing authority, more equipment is required.

When is it necessary to provide additional information?

As already mentioned, additional information may be required if the specialists of the registration and licensing authority doubt the veracity and relevance of the data provided by the organization.

Specialists may request additional information in cases where the calculations of the amount of equipment, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise, turn out to be implausible. This is generally the most common reason for requiring additional information. However, it is far from the only one. Additional information may also be required if there is an increased level of hazardous substances in the enterprise, as well as if some signs of danger are deliberately omitted, the activities of all departments are not fully reflected, and so on.

Hazardous production facility
Hazardous production facility

Class of hazardous production facilities for the storage of chemical weapons

Such equipment belongs to the first class of danger. It should be noted that this category includes not only weapons storages, but also enterprises for their disposal. This category also includes enterprises that produce chemicals for special purposes.

Hazard classesfacilities intended for hydrocarbon production

Such objects may belong to one of the following hazard classes:

2 hazard class - for installations working with raw materials with a high content of hydrogen sulfide, which is an explosive substance.

3 hazard class - it includes installations that work with raw materials containing hydrogen sulfide from one to six percent in mass terms.

4 hazard class – this category includes all other installations for the extraction of hydrocarbon raw materials.

Hazardous production facility
Hazardous production facility

Danger of gas distribution station equipment

In accordance with the safety rules for hazardous production facilities where natural gas is present, machines and mechanisms with a pressure of 120,000 Pa or more belong to the second hazard class. This also includes installations for the transport of liquefied gas (pressure exceeding 160,000 Pa). All other installations, in accordance with the rules and regulations, belong to group 3.

Hazard class of heating boilers and installations

This equipment belongs to the group of hazardous production facilities. The rules state that the equipment of boiler houses that supply hot water to the population belongs to the third hazard class. Other objects may also belong to this group. The pressure of the working atmosphere in such equipment can be 160,000 Pa or more, and the working temperature reaches 250 degrees.

Work in the mine
Work in the mine

Classeshazards of mining facilities (mines)

In accordance with current legislation, coal mines and other industrial facilities are classified as hazard class 1, as they may experience a gas explosion, an unexpected release of gas or rock, filling with water, and so on.

The second hazard class should include those objects that are not listed in the above paragraph. As a rule, this group includes mines for open pit mining with a significant rate of rock output (one million cubic meters per year minimum).

The third class should include open-pit mines with a much more modest output - from one hundred thousand to one million cubic meters per year.

Neither and the fourth class are open-pit mines with a relatively small and small amount of production per year (up to 100,000 m3).
