The content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the chemical formula and the impact on the human condition

The content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the chemical formula and the impact on the human condition
The content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the chemical formula and the impact on the human condition

Human activity has already reached such a scale that the total content of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere has reached the maximum allowable values. Natural systems - land, atmosphere, ocean - are under destructive influence.

Important Facts

The content of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere has been constantly increasing over the past century. In addition to CO2, other gases also enter there, which do not belong to the natural components of the global ecological system.

For example, these include fluorochlorohydrocarbons. These gas impurities emit and absorb solar radiation, which affects the planet's climate. Collectively, CO2, other gaseous compounds that enter the atmosphere are called greenhouse gases.

contentcarbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere
contentcarbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere

Historical background

What is the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? Svante Arrhenius thought about this question at one time. He was able to prove the relationship between carbon dioxide emissions and climate change. The scientist pointed out that when minerals are burned, the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases dramatically.

He warned that an increase in the volume of fuel burned could lead to a violation of the Earth's radiation balance.

Modern realities

Today, more carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere by burning fuel, as well as due to the changes that occur in nature due to deforestation, an increase in agricultural land.

what is carbon dioxide
what is carbon dioxide

Mechanism of carbon dioxide impact on wildlife

Rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere cause the greenhouse effect. If carbon monoxide (IV) is transparent during short-wave solar radiation, then it absorbs long-wave radiation, radiating energy in all directions. As a result, the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases significantly, the surface of the Earth heats up, and the lower layers of the atmosphere become hot. With a subsequent increase in the amount of carbon dioxide, global climate change is possible.

This is why it is important to predict the total amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere.

total amount of carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere
total amount of carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere

Sourcesatmospheric entry

Among them are industrial emissions. The content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing due to anthropogenic emissions. Economic growth directly depends on the amount of natural resources burned, as many industries are energy-intensive enterprises.

The results of statistical studies indicate that since the end of the last century in many countries there has been a decrease in specific energy costs with a significant increase in electricity prices.

Its effective use is achieved through the modernization of the technological process, vehicles, the use of new technologies in the construction of production workshops. Some developed industrial countries have moved from the development of the processing and raw materials industries to the development of those areas that are engaged in the manufacture of the final product.

The percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is not a constant value. With a minimal development of the production base, the presence of a dense forest, it has minimal performance.

In large metropolitan areas with a serious industrial base, carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere are significantly higher, since CO2 is often a by-product of industries whose activities satisfy the needs of education, medicine.

In developing countries, a significant increase in the use of high-quality fuel per 1 inhabitant is considered a serious factor for the transition to a higher standard of living. The idea is currently being put forward, according towhere continued economic growth and improved living standards are possible without increasing the amount of fuel burned.

Depending on the region, the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere ranges from 10 to 35%.

increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

Relationship between energy consumption and CO2 emissions

Let's start with the fact that energy is not produced just for the sake of receiving it. In developed industrial countries, most of it is used in industry, for heating and cooling buildings, and for transport. Studies conducted by major research centers have shown that by using energy-saving technologies, a significant reduction in carbon dioxide emissions into the earth's atmosphere can be obtained.

For example, scientists were able to calculate that if the United States switched to less energy-intensive technologies in the production of consumer goods, this would reduce the amount of carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere by 25%. On a global scale, this would reduce the greenhouse effect problem by 7%.

percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

Carbon in nature

Analyzing the problem of carbon dioxide emissions into the Earth's atmosphere, we note that carbon, which is part of it, is vital for the existence of biological organisms. Its ability to form complex carbon chains (covalent bonds) leads to the appearance of protein molecules necessary for life. The biogenic carbon cycle is a complex process,because it includes not just the functioning of living things, but also the transfer of inorganic compounds between different carbon reservoirs, as well as within them.

These include the atmosphere, the continental mass, including soil, as well as the hydrosphere, lithosphere. Over the past two centuries, changes in carbon fluxes have been observed in the biosphere-atmosphere-hydrosphere system, which in their intensity significantly exceed the rate of geological processes of transfer of this element. That is why we need to limit ourselves to considering the relationships within the system, including the soil.

Serious studies concerning the determination of the quantitative content of carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere began to be carried out since the middle of the last century. A pioneer in such calculations was Killing, who works at the famous Mauna Loa observatory.

Analysis of observations showed that changes in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are affected by the cycle of photosynthesis, the destruction of plants on land, as well as the annual temperature change in the oceans. During the experiments, it was possible to find out that the quantitative content of carbon dioxide in the northern hemisphere is significantly higher. Scientists have suggested that this is due to the fact that most of the anthropogenic income falls on this hemisphere.

For the analysis, air samples were taken without special methods, in addition, the relative and absolute calculation errors were not taken into account. Through the analysis of air bubbles that were contained in glacial cores, the researchers were able toestablish data on the content of carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere in the range of 1750-1960

an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causes
an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causes


Over the past centuries, there have been significant changes in continental ecosystems, the reason was the increase in anthropogenic impact. With an increase in the quantitative content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of our planet, the greenhouse effect increases, which negatively affects the existence of living organisms. That is why it is important to switch to energy-saving technologies that allow reducing CO2 emissions2 into the atmosphere.
