Truly the Russian language is wonderful! And with all its richness, there are words in it that are very similar, but their meaning, stress, and origin are different. Therefore, there are difficulties in interpreting some expressions, and, therefore, there is a high probability of making a mistake in the use of a particular lexeme. This article is about the word developed and other words with the same root. Where did this communion come from? What is the meaning of the word developed? What meaning was attached to it by scientists of different directions and times of activity? How to separate it from other words similar to it? You will find all the answers below.

Back to basics
To understand the meaning and interpretation of the word developed is impossible without a brief digression back into the past. There is even a whole science - etymology, which deals with this issue. This teaching helps to determine the true, original meaning of the word. So, the verb "develop" is indicated in the dictionaries of the Russian Academy. Its meaning is determined specifically, based on the morphological composition of the word. The root -vi- refers to a simple twist, whichmeans to make by weaving or twisting. And initially, until the end of the 18th century, the word of interest to us was understood only in the meaning of unfold, unfold, unravel, separate. As expressions that help to capture the meaning of this verb, the following are indicated: develop a rope, a braid, a thread. That is, even at the dawn of the spread of this word, it meant a certain process, a change. However, it cannot be said that it was certainly about some kind of improvement, progress.

French "revolution"
At the end of the 18th century, the definition of the word developed began to acquire the features that it currently has. This happened due to the spread of the French language in Russia. The foreign développer had a more sublime meaning, not as mundane and banal as our develop. This verb began to be applied to abstract words, such as beauty, idea. Characters, personalities, thoughts, minds began to develop … The reaction of society to such changes was ambiguous. On the one hand, such expressions caused a storm of emotions and indignation among conservative-minded people, they were already very accustomed to the simple meaning of the word developed. The meaning of the word new caused a flurry of criticism from great scientists and writers, such as Alexander Semenovich Shishkin. But some still took the novelty with a bang. The meaning of the word developed in the sense of perfect, brought to the highest level, can be found in the works of Apollon Grigoriev. Gradually, new explanatory dictionaries changed the usual vision of this saying. to develop in themmeans to open up the mental faculties. Let's add the prefix -sya to our verb, and we get a word that is understood not only as unwinding, unwinding. So, in the explanatory dictionary of 1847, to develop means to multiply, open up, increase. Turgenev also uses the word in this sense in his works.

In the 19th century, the meaning of the word "developed" became a problem not only for writers and linguists, but also for philosophers. This category was of interest to V. S. Solovyov and other Russian scientists. Now development is synonymous with evolution. Solovyov wrote that this concept implies a series of qualitative changes, which goes from a certain beginning and goes to a specific well-known goal. And to this day, the word "develop" is understood in this sense. Many scientists gave their definition in the works and explanatory dictionaries. Thus, it was the association of the word “develop” with the French “développer” that allowed the first to become not only an ordinary, but also a philosophical, biological and cultural category. But all these theories give an almost identical interpretation of this phenomenon. Thus, development is a process of change, movement of integral systems. At the same time, this transformation is irreversible, regular, directed. Development is the basic principle of explaining history, knowledge, society, nature.

Philosophical understanding
In the science of wisdom there are many teachings, theories, views. Various philosophers throughout public lifeoffered their own interpretations of important categories. Even in ancient Greece, Heraclitus was puzzled by the problem of development. He believed that everything in the world and the world itself exists, and at the same time it does not exist. Heraclitus explained this duality by the fact that the process of development is ongoing. Everything is constantly changing, in the process of arising and ceasing. In Plato, the meaning of the word developed also has a dynamic character. The scientist of antiquity interprets this term as unfolding, showing all the qualities, possibilities that any phenomenon has from the very beginning, which pass from a state of rest into an active phase. Mechanistic theories, in turn, understand development as nothing more than an improvement, first of all, a quantitative increase in something, and only then a qualitative improvement. The bright representative of the organic theory of the Englishman Herbert Spencer has a work "The Hypothesis of Development". It outlines the doctrine of evolution. For Spencer, development is the movement of matter. It transforms matter from incoherent homogeneous into a single, but unequal. In this case, the saved movement is also changed. The term development has a special meaning in the philosophy of Charles Darwin. His entire scientific theory is built on it.

Linguistic analysis
The word developed comes from the simple verb vit. The prefix indicates the dynamic nature of this saying (compare with scatter, seat, liberate).
The secret is in the accent
And yet this saying is not so simple - developed. Meaning of the worddepends on the accent. So, if it falls on the first syllable, then we are dealing with a participle. It has a direct connection with the verb from which it was formed. To develop means to set out in detail, to bring to a significant degree, to promote progress. So the word we are interested in has the same meaning, but instead of action, it still describes mainly quality. Thoughts, activities, abilities can be developed. The use of stress on the second syllable in the same meaning is also allowed. However, if we are talking about something untwisted, untwisted, then the word developed should be used only with stressed -and-. There is another way of pronunciation. The word developed has a completely different meaning. This is not a participle, but an adjective. It is used in the meaning of enlightened, spiritually mature, who has reached a high level of progress.

Is there a difference?
What conclusion can be drawn? Do the participle developed and the adjective developed differ in meaning? The interpretations of the word discussed above are similar and express the same idea. That is, the meaning of these sayings are almost identical. What is the difference? Developed - communion. This means that this word has the properties of both an adjective and a verb. That is, this participle performs both a descriptive function and indicates a certain type of action. Developed is an adjective. There is no indication of the action, there is only a description of the sign. Another significant difference is the fact that the participle is always formed from the verb, and the adjective is only from the namenoun.

The word developed is of Russian origin, but its meaning is nevertheless influenced by a foreign language. Although, oddly enough, thanks to this factor, we can boast that in our speech we can use our native saying, invented by our ancestors, to denote something perfect, constantly improving. At the present time, "our" words, Russian in origin, are less and less preserved. And let there be borrowed synonyms for the word development - this is evolution, progress. The main thing is that the Russian language should be alive, that it is constantly spoken, that it sounds at all latitudes of the vast country and beyond, in all homes, circles, social strata. Take care of your native language!