Who is an academician? Active member of the academy. Academic title

Who is an academician? Active member of the academy. Academic title
Who is an academician? Active member of the academy. Academic title

Often when reading the biography of a scientist or when it comes to science in general, there is confusion with academic titles and positions. For example, who is an academician? Is it a title or position? What do you need to do to be called an academician?

First academicians

Our country is full of educational institutions called "academies". How to call those who study and teach there - really academics?

Of course not. The first students of the Academy were the students of Plato. They listened to their mentor in a sunny grove, where, according to legend, the Athenian hero Akadem was buried. Therefore, they began to be called academicians, and the school founded by Plato - the academy.

who is an academic
who is an academic

In pre-revolutionary Russia, all students of academies were also called academicians. But then the situation changed. The creation of the table of ranks made it possible to single out academicians into a special caste of scientists. And modern students of academies have nothing to do with academicians of the past and present. As elsewhere, such young people are called students, who are lectured by the teachers of the academy. And who is a real academician?

Bologna and domestic ranking system

Before we delve into the academic jungle, let's look fordefinition of what an academic title is. This is the name of the qualification scientific scale, which allows ranking scientists according to the degree of their merits and scientific achievements. In world science, the British system of honors is used, in which uniform requirements are established. It is also called Bologna, and each country that has joined the Bologna process must streamline its academic titles and bring them in line with accepted standards. Under the British system, there are three degrees for each branch of study. This is:

  • Bachelor (licensee);
  • master;
  • PhD.

Bachelors study at universities for four years, masters for six years. To obtain a Ph. D., one should prepare and defend a scientific paper.

academic title
academic title

Philosophy here does not mean the discipline of the same name, but becomes synonymous with science "in general". At the same time there are doctors of medicine, law, theology, and so on. The domestic system of awarding qualifications originates in the scientific systems of the German model. In our country, academic degrees were usually distributed as follows:

  • certified specialist;
  • PhD;
  • Doctor of Science.

The PhD degree is awarded based on the decision of the dissertation council. And the degree of doctor of science can be obtained by petition of the same council. Such a decision is made only by the Higher Attestation Commission. At the moment, a mixed system operates on the territory of our country: a new qualification system is being partially introducedsystem, and in some places the old one is also used. It is by studying the domestic qualification system that one can answer the question of who an academician is.


Where are academics - not academics?

In other countries, this title is given for completely different reasons. For example, the British Academy of Sciences was founded in 1901. Its members are about 800 scientists born within the British Commonwe alth. All of them have the right to be called academicians.

But the Royal Society of London invariably has a greater influence on the development of science in this country. It is it that sets the tone for all the most famous scientific research. Scientists who join this organization receive the title of member of the royal society. And although they are not called academicians, they enjoy the highest respect among all scientific schools in the world.

Academies of Sciences

In order to consolidate scientific developments and discoveries, academies of sciences operate in many countries. The main goal of its members is to enrich domestic and world science with new discoveries and inventions. The Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) operates in our country. A full member of the academy is a citizen of the Russian Federation who has scientific experience in any of the areas of modern science.

Other countries - other academics

Academies of Sciences also exist in other countries of the former Soviet Union. There is the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan and many others. An academician of the National Academy of Sciences has the same rights in his country andprivileges as an academician in the Russian Academy of Sciences. Scientists from other countries can also take part in the work of the RAS. Then they are given a special status - foreign corresponding members.

Academician of the National Academy of Sciences
Academician of the National Academy of Sciences

Who can become an academician?

Its full members and corresponding members can take part in the work of the Academy of Sciences. The difference between the two is as follows:

  • the academic title "corresponding member" goes to scientists who can take part in the work of the Academy of Sciences without using the privileges of full members;
  • The title of full member of the Academy of Sciences can be obtained by members of the highest level, whose work has had a decisive influence on the development of science in the country. It is awarded by current members of the academy, with a 2/3 majority vote.

The existing table of ranks makes it possible to determine that the answer to the question of who an academician is can only apply to full members of the Academy of Sciences. The rest of the scientists are forced to be content with those titles that are proportional to their merits in the science of the country.

Thus, only those who have made a significant contribution to development and have scientific works can receive an academic title and be called an academician. The title of academician is given for life, and even after retirement, the venerable scientist will still be called "academician".


Modern staff of RAS

Each of us who wants to answer the question - who is an academician, immediately imagines a wise husband of the elderlyyears. The number of academicians of this age has steadily increased, and at the end of 2016 it was decided to limit the age bar for all applicants for the academic mantle. So, candidates for corresponding members should not be older than 51 years, and for academicians, the age limit was limited to 61 years.

Currently, 522 academicians are registered in the RAS. All of them are the founders of their own scientific schools, many of the academicians are still engaged in teaching and research activities.
