Learn what "the day before" means. It was literally yesterday

Learn what "the day before" means. It was literally yesterday
Learn what "the day before" means. It was literally yesterday

You can enrich your speech in a variety of ways. For example, knowing synonyms makes the language more expressive and interesting.

The words "yesterday" and "the day before" are spelled differently. But they are the same in meaning, and it is possible to replace one with another.

Meaning of the word "the day before"

Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary contains more than 57 thousand words. Here you can find, among other things, the meaning of the concept under consideration. S. I. Ozhegov explains that the word "on the eve" is, firstly, a preposition to a noun (we are talking about a word in the genitive case).

Here it is used in the meaning of "before something".

For example:

  • On the eve of the holiday, she decided to lose some weight (that is, before the holiday).
  • On the eve of exams, applicants experience stress (here the day before - this is before exams).

In the case when the day before is used as an adverb, its meaning will be: on the day that preceded the current one.

Dictionaries indicate exactly the same meaning for the word "yesterday".

  • They met literally the day before (that is, they met yesterday).
  • The weather on the eve was inclement (we are talking about yesterday's weather).
  • The meaning of the word eve
    The meaning of the word eve

What is the difference between "on the eve"?

If the time before the event is called solemn, festive, memorable, it is possible to use the turnover “on the eve”.

Here it is important to know how these two cases differ.

For example, the sentence "The day before they blocked the railway bridge." Here "on the eve" is a word in a position dependent on the predicate expressed by the verb "blocked". Thus, this is an adverb denoting time, namely, the previous day or very shortly before it.

Turnover "on the eve" we owe religious texts in ancient Greek. There, the meaning of "eve" is as follows: the day immediately before a certain church holiday, and also the entire sequence of prayers performed on that day.

In addition, in the church, the eve (or canon) is called a table covered with metal or marble, where funeral candles are placed.

Synonyms for "on the eve" will be:

  • one day before;
  • yesterday.

Usage examples:

  • On the eve of the big holiday, the parishioners cleaned the temple with flowers and green branches.
  • Children dream especially hard about a miracle on Christmas Eve.
The day before or the day before?
The day before or the day before?

But the word "on the eve", which is more commonly used, that is, occurs more often, may still differ somewhat in its color.

In some speech situations, the user wants to indicate not specificallyfor yesterday, but for a more blurred period of time:

  • On the eve of winter, calm reigned in the forest.
  • Girls get unusually excited on the eve of a first date.

Finding out the meaning of the word "the day before" is as exciting a task as finding out the meaning of other expressions in the native language. Its benefit is obvious - more expressive speech.
