Kostroma is a famous city, one of the pearls of the Golden Ring of Russia. Here are ancient monuments of antiquity, the spirit of the XVII-XVIII centuries has been preserved. The population of Kostroma is 277 thousand inhabitants and has been growing steadily over the past few years. Tourism is developing in the city. Many people want to come here as part of their trips around the Golden Ring. Also, many people like the flavor of the merchant city, which has survived here to this day.

City information
Kostroma is located on the banks of Mother Volga in the place where the Kostroma River flows into it. It is located on the Kostroma lowland. It is the administrative center of the region of the same name. There is a river port in Kostroma.
The nearest large city is Yaroslavl. It is 64 kilometers away. A little more than 100 km to Ivanovo, and 301 to Moscow.
Many people know this city for its ancient Russian folklore and ancient monuments. And here is the main monastery of the Romanov dynasty.

And recently Kostroma is the official homeland of the Snow Maiden. The city is over 850 years old.
The climate is temperate continental. The average temperature in July is 18 degrees Celsius, and in winter in January and February, an average of minus 9. The warm winds of the Atlantic influence the weather here with a plus sign. The average annual temperature is kept at around 4.2 degrees.
History of Kostroma
The city was founded by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky (like Moscow) in 1152. A fortress was built. At that time, there were constant internecine wars between the princes, and this small city was of great strategic importance. Interestingly, the first chronicle mention of Kostroma was made when it was burned. The Rostov prince did not like that the inhabitants supported Prince Yuri of Vladimir and ordered the destruction of the settlement.
In the 14th century, the city became part of the Moscow Principality.
Kostroma began to have great importance during the Romanov dynasty. Then the Ipatiev Monastery was rebuilt, behind the walls of which, just in the Time of Troubles, Mikhail Romanov was hiding from his pursuers. After these events, each new ruler considered it his duty to visit these holy places for the whole family.
In the XVII century, there was a rapid industrial growth of the city. Kostroma has become one of the five largest cities in Russia. Trade, jewelry, agriculture, icon painting, weaving, and construction developed here.
In the Soviet period, the city lost its provincial status and became part of the Ivanovo region, and later - Yaroslavl. Only in 1944 was the Kostroma region formed. Kostroma became its central city. Industry began to develop, new radio electronics enterprises were opened,mechanical engineering, instrument making and others.

How many people are in Kostroma
According to statistics for 2017, the city has 277,649 inhabitants. The population of Kostroma has been growing since 2012. Then the city had 269,000 inhabitants. However, the targets for 2000 have not yet been reached. At that time, the population of Kostroma was 288 thousand people. In terms of population, the city ranks 74th in the Russian Federation.
The population density of Kostroma is 1911 people per square kilometer. The city is small, it consists of only three districts: Central, Zavolzhsky and Factory (previously they were called Leninsky, Sverdlovsky and Dimitrovsky). And the area is 144.5 kilometers.
Population dynamics and other indicators
The population of Kostroma is growing. In the Central District, this city holds the first place in terms of fertility. The average age of the female population is 43 years, and the male population is only 37. Among the population of Kostroma, women predominate by 20 percent.

The average salary is 31,000 rubles. Therefore, residents sometimes leave in search of a better life in other larger cities: Moscow, which is only five hours away; St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and others. But in general, the population in Kostroma is stable and does not decrease due to migration.
The cost of a square meter of housing averages 45 thousand rubles. A meter of land in the central part of the city will cost about 1 million rubles. The most luxurious housingnear Susaninskaya Square and along the Volga.
As for the ethnic groups living in Kostroma, there are no special diasporas. The Russian population is predominant. There is a small group of Chinese, Tatars, Armenians. Religious communities, in addition to the Orthodox, there are also others. There is a synagogue in the city, there is a Muslim community.