The categorical apparatus is what we use all the time, but we don't always think about it. First, let's define the terms that we will use here. Let's start with "thesis" and "concept" in a scientific context. In everyday life, the same meaning is invested in these words. They are synonymous in conversation, but are used separately in science.

A thesis is like a "label" that is hung on an idea or object. Just words with meaning. For example, the thesis "bad person". Everyone understands something different by this, but in general this is a description of a person who does not fit into our concepts of good and evil. We hang this "sticker" on certain people to fit them into our relationship system. Directly proportional situation with the thesis "good person".
The concept is just the meaning that we put into the thesis. It is the concept, the meaning, which is contained in the thesis and gives us the opportunity to ascribe certainqualities of an idea or object. Take the previous "bad man" example. One acquaintance says that your friend is a bad person, because he gets drunk every evening. He put a "label" on him, attributed the thesis to him. But your and his concept of a “bad person” do not coincide, you do not think that getting drunk in the evenings is bad. This is an application of the same thesis, but a conflict of concepts.
What is the categorical apparatus?

The categorical apparatus is, don't be surprised, a set of categories. What are categories? It's just a combination of thesis and concept. The word and its meaning in symbiosis give rise to a concept that is attributed to a certain category. For example, we know the thesis "bird" and we know what is meant by it. And even Plato, trying to attach this thesis to man, used the same concept. Separately, they do not exist, but together form a category. Flying? Flies. Do you have feathers and claws? There is. Is there a beak? There is. So, we attribute the creature to the category "birds".
Why do we need a categorical apparatus?

Any system of presenting information is built on the concept of a categorical apparatus. Even here, all the text before that explained the categories of all subsequent text. They need to be defined, because if the text said “satellite” in terms of a celestial body, and readers would understand “satellite” as “comrade”, confusion would arise. So, the categorical apparatus is a tool for correctly understanding each other in a conversation; without it, communication would be verydifficult.
The conflict of the thesis and the concept of "man" on the example of blacks

If we take the times of slavery in the United States of America, we get a vivid example of the conflict of thesis and concept. At that time, society did not consider blacks to be people. Science, of course, said: blacks are the same homo sapiens as whites. But scientists put their meaning into the thesis “man”, for them a human being is a matter of physiology. The majority of ordinary people put various moral and ethical qualities into this thesis. Negroes, according to the society of that time, did not fit into this framework and it was normal to say: "Negro is not a person." This is how the conflict of the thesis and concept between different spheres occurred.
Conflict of concepts in pedagogy

Is the teacher responsible for the ethical education of students? This question is not new, because of it they have been arguing for many years. In theory, the answer is very simple: yes, it does.
The thesis "teacher" is attached to everyone who is in one way or another connected with pedagogy. If we take the concept, then it involves teaching not only disciplines, but also the education of the individual. For proof, let's conduct a small study of the categorical apparatus of pedagogy.
Categories in education

UNESCO talks about education:
Education is the process and result of improving the abilities and behavior of the individual, in which it reaches maturity and individualgrowth.
The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" is similarly revoked:
A purposeful process of education and upbringing in the interests of the individual, society, state, accompanied by a statement of the student's achievement of a certain state level (educational qualification).

So, in all these definitions, we see that education is not just teaching the sciences, but mainly the improvement of the individual. Common to the concepts is the formation of personality - education. At this stage, the evidence that any teacher is responsible for the ethical education of students is undeniable. This is clearly shown to us by the categorical apparatus of science and pedagogy, in particular.
But they are indisputable only in theory. In practice, we rarely get a teacher who, in addition to his own subject, knows how to properly educate ethical qualities and develop a student as a person. Many teachers simply ignore the upbringing factor, others do things that they would rather not do. There are exceptions, but these are teachers by vocation, to say the least - geniuses in their work. There are very few of them, especially considering the working conditions of teachers in schools, universities and so on.
Categories in psychology

The categorical apparatus of psychology is as important as in any other discipline. A clear understanding of it is necessary, because often in everyday life we substitute concepts, speaking of "popular" psychology. There is nothing criminal in this, of course, but such confusion gives rise to great misunderstanding. People use the same terms, but the concepts are completely different. Exactly as in the "satellite" example.
For clarity, let's take five categories. Of course, there are many more, but it is impossible to cover them all within the framework of the article format. So, five basic categories according to M. G. Yaroshevsky: image, action, motivation, communication and personality.

Image is a subjective perception of the world. A person receives external information and forms his own picture of the world. All actions, thoughts and emotions pass through this "inner world". For example, when a person evaluates the morality or immorality of a certain act, he first of all passes it through the way of his thinking, as this act is quoted in his mind. Figurative thinking itself is formed throughout life, changing under the influence of external incidents. In fact, the image is how we see the world around us and our place in it.

Action is the process of interacting with the world in order to achieve certain goals. The very impact on the object or the ultimate goal of the action may not be realized by the person. For example, when we decide to get a job, we take an action. We are aware of the process of searching for vacancies, we understand the desired end goal, we are aware of the action itself.

Motivation isimpulse to action. The main concept in the category of "motivation" is motive. It is the motive that is the initial stage of action. Before doing something, a person must have urges to activity. It is this impulse that will be called motivation. In the job search example, a person's motive is material well-being. That is, a person realizes that he needs more material we alth, and motivation appears - to achieve the goal.

Communication is the process of interacting with other people. All communication takes place in the format of figurative thinking. Other people, or rather, our idea of them, is a direct part of the image in our thinking. Based on this image, the motivation for communication is built. For example, if we are interested in a person as a person, then we have a motive for communication. The very process of speaking and interacting is action. Collectively, all these stages are called communication.

Personality is the inner world of a person, the inner "I". In fact, these are all the factors described above that are applicable to one single and unique individual - personality. Physiologically, we are all the same: blood runs through the veins in everyone, the heart performs the same function in all people. In terms of personality, we are all different, we always differ in details, and it is impossible to find two identical people all over the world.