Judicial reform - one of the great reforms of Alexander II. The reforms carried out by him in a liberal spirit have changed our country, given freedom to many and brought to a new level of development.

Great reforms Alexander II began with the abolition of the main inhibitory force of the modernization of the country - serfdom. This reform was complex, and it was not easy to decide on it. The changes affected all segments of the population, which means that it was necessary to carefully consider all possible controversial situations. As you know, redemption payments complicated the process of obtaining personal freedom for peasants. However, this did not stop the emperor - he takes a number of important transformations. Judicial reform is becoming a new stage in the development of the judiciary in Russia. It was thanks to this reform that the bar and the jury appeared. Now we are talking about such phenomena as an integral part of legal life, but then they caused a lot of controversy and questions. The concept of judicial reform involved the transition to the European system. This indicated that the court was supposed to become classless, and all processes were open.
So, judicial reform was started in 1864. All innovations were introduced gradually so that there were no strongprotests against the new system.

The judicial reforms of Alexander II led to the creation of a powerful judicial base, contributed to the equality of all before the law, as well as the development of the legal system and the formation of new bodies. This reform was radical, which provoked unrest among the nobility. First of all, this was due to the introduction of the no-estate court. As mentioned above, it was this reform that put both the peasant and the nobleman on a par. Also, mass dissatisfaction with the new transformations was caused by the introduction of a jury trial. Now, according to the defendant, the case could be considered by jurors - independent people who pass their verdict. This principle often did not live up to its expectations: there were cases when a jury delivered a verdict of not guilty to a person whose guilt was simply obvious. For example, the story known in those years about Vera Zasulich, who was found not guilty.
What did the new judicial system lead to in the country? As mentioned above, one of the consequences of the transformations was the frequent acquittal of objectively guilty people. Also, the judicial reform announced the publicity of the court. This principle has led to court hearings being used as a source of scandalous news and compromising material. Such events were not uncommon, after which the reformers decided to limit the openness of court sessions.

Thus, the judicial reform carried outEmperor Alexander the Liberator, led to the creation of a branched judiciary in our country: the advocacy appeared, the jury was established. Proclamation of the non-estate court, publicity and openness of the judicial process contributed to the humanization of the legal system.