Need is the lack of things necessary for life. It is primarily due to poverty. It happens that a person is a beggar, but due to some circumstances he does not need anything, for example, he is a monk or a hermit. The subject is in harmony with himself, and therefore does not need anything.
Classic interpretations
The word "need" implies an urgent need for something, and not necessarily food or clothing. A need is a need, and it comes in several forms. Acute lack of food and clothing refers to physical needs.

Unsatisfied requests for communication, friendship, affection can be called social. If a person does not have enough knowledge for self-expression, and he feels an urgent need to obtain it, obviously, this kind of need can be attributed to “individual”. It should be noted that the need is by no means requests, which in themselves imply the abundance of the necessary and the possibility of choice.
From need to demand
It can be assumed that need and need are also different from each other. Need, especially acute, is a little-colored phenomenon. A person is hungry or freezing, he needs food and warmth. That is, need is something clear and hard. Needs are multicolored and unlimited. Depending on many factors, they take a specific form.

So, one individual has needs due to both lifestyle and educational level, which another person does not know about and lives perfectly without it. And these are really needs, not requests or delights.
We can say that requests are balanced needs, supported by the possibility of satisfying them. An individual needs, perhaps for work, a worthy expensive thing, and he can pay for it. Along with the concepts of "need", "need", "requests" there is also the term "good". This is something that can satisfy all of the above. Benefits, on the other hand, are tangible and intangible. There are an infinite number of them.
Marshall classification

There are several classifications of needs and needs in the literature. A lot has been written about this, there are classics of the genre, for example, the English economist Alfred Marshall, who proposed his scale of needs. He divides them into primary and secondary, absolute and relative, higher and lower, positive and negative, those that can be postponed, and urgent. As well as general and special, ordinary and extraordinary, individual and collective, private and public. Canto assume that the need, for example, for food, according to this classification, can be both primary, and absolute, and private, and urgent, and, in this case, the lowest.
Maslow's Pyramid
The prominent American psychologist Abraham Maslow took an active part in the study of needs, needs and requests. The “Maslow pyramid” is very popular, which is a hierarchy of human needs from the lowest to the highest. The author believes that as the needs necessary for survival are met, a person gradually develops needs of a higher order.

In the most simplified form, the pyramid, as it approaches the highest point, can be divided into the following steps. Primary - the need for protection from hunger and cold. Next comes the desire to secure and protect oneself. When a person is fed and protected, the thought of social position arises. Once in a certain society, the subject seeks the respect and support of others. At the very top of the pyramid is the need for self-expression. Abraham Maslow said that there are an infinite number of needs, but they have one thing in common: the satisfaction of all of them is unthinkable due to limited economic resources.
Own needs
As already noted, the needs are different, for example, their own and the state. The concept of "own needs" is very capacious. Every person has such needs, every group of people, every cell of society, every organization, and so on. And for each object or subject to know these needs and how to satisfy themnecessary to prolong their own existence, since an imbalance in these matters will lead to the depletion of the resources provided for meeting needs. But there is also a technological concept of "own needs", there is such an item of expenditure. They are laid down in the plans for the development and existence of any object. And this is done in order to provide the necessary funds to meet the needs and requirements of the facility, ensuring its uninterrupted operation.
Needs of the State
The country also has its own needs. State need unites the needs of all branches of government (legislative, executive, judicial) at all levels - federal, regional and municipal. These needs and the sources of their satisfaction (mainly taxpayers' funds) are included in the budgets of each level. Extra-budgetary funds are also used for these purposes.
The needs and requirements of the country or its subjects are established in strict accordance with the law. State needs include the need for the defense of the country. It should be noted that state need is a kind of loophole for unscrupulous officials who, due to the imperfection of laws, use it for their own enrichment. You can enter an extra expense item, you can increase requests in existing paragraphs and paragraphs.
As noted above, each state level has its own requests and needs. Municipal need is akin to state or federal, but, as a rule, smaller. The needs of the municipalities areits specificity, which is not surprising in such a vast country. Goods, works, services necessary for the implementation of the activities of municipalities represent the needs of these territorial-administrative entities.
Hunger drives the world
It should be noted that need, need, requests - all these concepts underlie marketing, the purpose of which is to promote and sell goods and services on the market. It is based on a scientific approach to everyday things.

Marketing takes into account that a need is a need or feeling of an acute shortage of something or someone. The desire to satisfy the need in itself is the activator of activity, the concentration of forces on the satisfaction of the need. The need is very inventive and, depending on different situations, it always manifests itself in different ways.