"During" or "during"? Derivative preposition or noun?

"During" or "during"? Derivative preposition or noun?
"During" or "during"? Derivative preposition or noun?

"During" or "during"? It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, because both options are correct in their own way, and they should be used, paying attention to the context. In order to correctly determine which of the options will be appropriate in a particular case, it is necessary to consider all possible meanings - both lexical and grammatical, that phrases can take.

Part of Speech

The spelling "during" or "during" largely depends on the function of which part of speech the word in the sentence performs.

"During" is a derived preposition, like "in continuation". Accordingly, its function in the sentence is binding. However, this phrase can also be a noun with a preposition.

"During" is a prepositional noun with the preposition "in". In a sentence, it can perform different functions: it can be an addition or an adverb of a place.

"During" - the meaning of the preposition

For a time
For a time

Using the option "incourse", the author always means an action that occurred within a certain time, within a certain period, norm, interval. For example:

  • Customers continued to arrive throughout the following week, and the owner was soon surprised to find that he had no room for new guests.
  • The boss promised to fire me if I didn't give him a completed report within two hours, but I'm a stubborn and stubborn lazy person, so I'm going to bargain until four.
  • For an hour, a crowd of curious, onlookers and loafers gathered on the street, and it was the right time to start the show.

If the proposal implies a certain time period, you must use the option "within".

"During" as a noun

During the event
During the event

If we are talking about the course of an event, event, meeting or something similar, and the word itself should be in the accusative case, a situation may arise when the phrase "during" (into what?) will play the role of a complement. For example:

  • The organizers made changes during the holiday to somehow diversify the pastime of bored guests.
  • To make adjustments during the event after it has started is of course wrong, but sometimes there are situations in which such impromptu is simply necessary.
  • My friend realized that if he didn't make changes during the date, his girlfriend was in danger of getting bored, so he proposed in timewalk.

If this word means intervention during something, you should choose the spelling according to the rule of case endings. When choosing an ending, you need to focus on the declension of the noun.

"During": the meaning of the word

Along the river
Along the river

This word with this spelling is usually understood literally. That is, if we are really talking about the flow, for example, of a river, this option will be more than correct. Here are some examples of using "during" (in what? prepositional case):

  • Noticing the changes in the course of the river in time, the navigator suggested speeding up as much as possible.
  • For an experienced swimmer, there is nothing dangerous in the flow of a fast mountain river, but he should still be extremely careful.
  • The fault of accidents is not in the course of the river, but in the inattention and stupidity of swimmers who neglect safety.

Summing up

When choosing between "during" or "during", you must remember that the meaning depends on the spelling. The wrong choice can distort the meaning of the sentence, misrepresent what the author meant, and mislead the reader. If there is any doubt as to which of the two options "during" or "during" to use, it is better to use a synonym that is appropriate in meaning. It will not be difficult to pick them up in Russian.
