Morphemic and word-formation analysis of the word: an example. Derivative analysis of a noun

Morphemic and word-formation analysis of the word: an example. Derivative analysis of a noun
Morphemic and word-formation analysis of the word: an example. Derivative analysis of a noun

In the article presented to your attention, we propose to talk a little about word-formation analysis and morphemic analysis of words. As already clear, we will consider the structure of the word. It is very important when defining it to strictly distinguish between two types of parsing. After all, they have their own specific goals and objectives.

word-formation analysis
word-formation analysis

If you were asked to perform morpheme analysis (it can also be called word analysis by composition), then this means that you need to select all the morphemes that make up the word. To make it clearer, let's briefly analyze the word moonless. It consists of:

  • prefixes "without-";
  • root "-lun-";
  • suffix "-n-";
  • ends "-th".

We will talk about this in more detail later. In this case, it is very important to follow the correct sequence. And now let's pay a little attention to word-formation analysis. In total, there are two variants of morphemic parsing, one of which (formal-structural)closely related to derivational.

During the word-formation analysis, the goal is set before us - to determine the basis from which the original word is formed, with the help of what affixes, and in what way. It is very important to remember that during word-formation analysis, words are highlighted:

  • producing base;
  • word-forming morphemes.

It is equally important to consider modernity. For example, the word capital was originally formed from table. But we in the twenty-first century cannot explain the connection between these two words. Therefore, we single out another stem: the root "capitals-".


derivational analysis of the word
derivational analysis of the word

Since we are analyzing the morphemic and derivational analysis of the word in the article, we cannot do without the concept of “root”. We offer you to get acquainted with this morpheme more closely.

As mentioned earlier, the root is one of the morphemes that carries a lexical meaning. Speaking in a less complex language, the root helps to understand the meaning of the word. It is important to note that the Russian language is extremely complex, and this morpheme can not be found in all words. Of course, we are talking about conjunctions, interjections and other lexical units.

But there is another side - compound words formed by two simple ones, therefore, they have two roots. Common examples are: an airplane, a steam locomotive, and so on. Surely many have heard about the alternation of roots. As a result of this phenomenon, we can observe several surface realizations that share a common morphologicalrecord. A striking example: the roots "-rasch-" and "-growth-". In Russian, this morpheme is traditionally denoted by an arc.

Service words and interjections consist only of the root, some adverbs also belong to this category. In addition, there are a number of invariable nouns (like kangaroo) and adjectives (maxi, etc.) that also consist of the same root.


morphemic and word-formation analysis
morphemic and word-formation analysis

This section will focus on the word-formation morpheme that comes before the root or the second prefix. As it has already become clear, the prefix serves as a morpheme, with the help of which new words are formed. It is also important to say that prefixes are also included in the basis of the word (along with the root and suffix). All prefixes have their own meaning. You can learn a little more about this from the table in this section.

With- and demon- Prefix means negation
B- Guides inwards
Sun- and Sun- Has a lift value
You- Outside
Before- Approximation to the goal (drive, add, and so on)
For- It has the meaning of the beginning or end of the action
Not- Denial
Once-or race- Divide into parts

Of course, these are not all consoles. There are many more. It is very important for all students to remember one thing: a preposition and a prefix are different things. Do not confuse them. In this case, the preposition is written separately from the word, and the prefix is \u200b\u200balways together.


derivational analysis of a noun
derivational analysis of a noun

Now briefly about another morpheme, which comes after the root and carries semantic and grammatical meaning. Officially, it is customary to highlight the suffix with a sign - an inverted tick. It is important to note that it is the suffix that is the main way of word formation in our great and mighty Russian language.

Now in more detail. The suffix when parsing a word is highlighted last. To detect it, it is necessary to make a complete parsing of the word. It is recommended to start from the end, for this, change the word by case or gender. The part of the word that changes is the ending. All that remains outside of it is the basis of the word.

Next, we look for the root. To do this, we select single-root words. But the steps taken are not always enough to highlight the correct suffix. In addition, you need to establish motivation. To put it simply, it is a method of word formation. A striking example: a needle. Many will erroneously single out the suffix "-points-". Correct emphasis: two suffixes "-och-" and "-k-".

Some suffixes can be highlighted "automatically". For example:

  • for past tense verbs ("-l-");
  • diminutives of nouns ("-points-", "-chik-"and so on);
  • in adverbs ("-a-", "-o-", "-e-").

Pay attention to the fact that many adverbs have an ending instead of a suffix. This is erroneous, because the adverb is an invariable part of speech.

Besides this, there is also a postfix "-sya-". In indefinite verbs, it is usually distinguished both as a suffix and as an ending. A postfix is a syncretic morpheme.


morphemic and derivational analysis of the word
morphemic and derivational analysis of the word

This section is about a morpheme, which is at the very end of a word and is a link with other words in a sentence.

Why is it still needed? End Role:

  • binder;
  • genus expression;
  • numbers;
  • case;
  • faces.

To make it clearer, let's analyze the endings of some words:

  1. stola, ending "-a", masculine, singular, genitive;
  2. reads, ending "-et"; third person singular verb.

It is important to remember that the ending is not always at the end of the word. This applies to those cases:

  • when there is a postfix in the word;
  • we are dealing with complex cardinal numbers.

This variable part of the word does not change its lexical meaning: notebook, notebook, notebook. This morpheme cannot form new words, that is, it does not participate in word formation. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the ending can be included as oneletter, and several: a chair ("a"), a chair ("om") and so on.

Null morpheme

Before we proceed directly to the morphemic and derivational analysis of the word, we propose to analyze the materially unexpressed morpheme. It can be revealed only if the word proposed for analysis is compared with its other forms.

Let's immediately turn your attention to invariable words, such as: good, coat, and so on. They can't have endings as they can't change shapes.

If we turn to the works of F. F. Fortunatov, published in 1956, we can find the following words: grammatical forms of a word can be formed not only by various morphemes, but also by their absence. The scientist calls this phenomenon negative formal belonging. He argues that all forms of the word are formed by some affix, they suggest the existence of other forms that are used without this morpheme or with any other.

In addition, the mention of the zero morpheme is found in the works of G. O. Vinokur, who gave examples, comparing the words: table and table, walked and walked, and so on. Thus, we can summarize: there is a special kind of morphemes that do not have a material embodiment. They are called zero or negative.

Debrief plan and example

In this section you can see a plan of morphemic analysis and some examples that will help you consolidate and assimilate the material received. Let's get started!

word-formation composition analysisthe words
word-formation composition analysisthe words

Begin morphemic analysis necessarily with the selection of the ending (this is easy to do, it was said earlier in the article: you need to change the gender, case, number, and so on). Everything that remains outside the ending is the basis of the word. Next, we turn to the definition of the root (for this it is necessary to give single-root words, and the repeating part is the root of the word). Only after that we decide on the prefix and suffixes.

Example: two-story. This word has two endings ("-uh" and "-yy"). Also, the word has two roots, since the word is complex: "dv-" and "floor-". The suffix of the word two-story is "n".

Example: lane. The ending of the word is zero (lane, lane). The basis is the entire word (lane). The root is "-ul" (one-root word - street). The prefix is "-re-", and the suffix is "-ok".

According to the same principle, it is possible to perform a morphemic analysis of absolutely any word in the Russian language.


In word-formation analysis, the main task is to determine the method of formation of a given word, or, more precisely, this particular form of it. A whole section of the Russian language deals with this issue.

There are nine types of word formation in total, all of them can be studied in the table below.

Method Example
Prefixed Sing and sing
Suffixal Red and red
Prefixed-suffixal Glass and coaster
Truncation Deputy and deputy
Addition Forest-steppe (the word is formed with the help of two - forest and steppe)
Fusion Evergreen
Abbreviation Ministry of Internal Affairs - Ministry of Internal Affairs, unified state exam - USE and so on.
Substantiation Dining room (transition from one part of speech to another)
Mixed Orderbearer (addition of two words - order and wear, and suffix - ets).

Debriefing plan

The word-formation analysis of the noun, as well as other parts of speech, is carried out according to plan.

  1. Put the word in its initial form.
  2. The next stage of the word-formation analysis of the composition of the word is the definition of the word from which it comes.
  3. Explain its meaning.
  4. Next - select the base.
  5. Specify the means of word formation.
  6. Specify the method.
  7. derivational analysis of the word neighboring
    derivational analysis of the word neighboring


Now let's give an example of the word-formation analysis of the word neighbor. It comes from the noun neighbor. A neighbor is someone who is close, in the neighborhood. The word is formed with the suffix "-n-", therefore,way - suffix.

Another example of derivational analysis of the word window sill. The noun is derived from the word - window. The base is "window". It is formed with a prefix and a suffix. Therefore, the method is prefixed-suffixal.
