Interesting school newspaper: original solutions

Interesting school newspaper: original solutions
Interesting school newspaper: original solutions

Today, the media have a serious impact on the lives of the younger generation. How to help a child not to get lost in such a stream? The school newspaper will be an excellent option for mastering the child's skills, information work skills.

Version of the school newspaper
Version of the school newspaper


Creating a school newspaper is a responsible event, involvement in which allows you to develop communication skills and teamwork. In addition, such an activity is an excellent means of education, a good incentive to increase interest in the educational process. How is a school newspaper created? Schools try to use it to inform children and their parents about the most interesting events taking place in the life of an educational institution.

Work on regular news releases is connected with the direct participation of schoolchildren in various social events, consideration of serious social problems, expressing their own point of view about the events taking place at school.

Sample for the school newspaper
Sample for the school newspaper

Periodical publication

The school newspaper is a periodical that publishes materials aboutall current events. The issue volume ranges from 2 to 50 pages. Unlike other periodicals, the school newspaper can be published once a week, a month or a quarter. Different styles and genres in its design are acceptable. Most of the space should be allocated to journalistic works and operational information. For example, interviews and essays are popular, in which there is a story about teachers, the best students of an educational institution.

School newspaper is a great start for future poets and writers, correspondents. Such materials can be dedicated to a public holiday or an interesting event organized in a particular educational institution.

Classification of newspapers

They are usually divided according to the frequency of release into daily, weekly, monthly options. For the school, the monthly option is considered optimal.

Depending on the scale of readers and the area of distribution, newspapers are divided into regional, district, local, large-circulation, nationwide. Within the framework of the educational institution, it is planned to issue a local version of the periodical.

By the nature of the issue, such a publication is a mixture of entertainment, commercial, and advertising. The founder of the school newspaper is an educational institution, so the target audience will be schoolchildren, teachers, parents of students.

Helpful tips

The hallmark of any publication is its title. It should be bright, memorable, unusual. For example, a school edition can be called:

  • "For you and for friends."
  • "School BOOM".
  • "Our friendly family."
  • "The planet of our friendship."

In order to come up with a newspaper name, you can announce a competition at school.

school news version
school news version

In closing

Ancient handwritten books became the prototype of the modern newspaper. Julius Caesar published the Acts of the Senate, and in 911, Jin Bao appeared in China. A lot of time has passed since those distant times, but the newspaper has not lost its relevance and relevance among readers.

In a school life filled with bright and interesting events, the printed edition is a great way to organize all the events. Currently, young publicists and poets, photographers successfully publish their printed editions in almost all Russian schools.

Quite often, children are engaged in issues of the school newspaper as part of additional education. For example, a school of young journalists is being created in an educational institution, whose duties include thinking through the layout, content, as well as the direct release of the school publication.
