Literary quizzes for schoolchildren are a great opportunity to generalize and systematize knowledge, stimulate creative activity in the younger generation. We offer several options for quizzes that you can offer the guys.
The Literary Ring Game
The host of the event reports that this quiz for schoolchildren will be connected with fairy tales and folk art. The game involves the participation of two teams. Questions are asked to each in turn.
If the answer is correct, players get 1 point each. In the absence of a correct answer, the right to give their version is given to the opponents. Thinking time - 10 seconds.

First round
This part of the quiz for schoolchildren is related to the image of the Firebird. It was invented by ancient people and passed through many Russian fairy tales as a symbol of happiness and beauty.
The prototype of it was the nature that surrounds man. Teams must guess according to the mythological descriptions of birds that still live in the forests.
We offer several quiz questions for schoolchildren with answers:
- Her Slavsconsidered the goddess of spring, the predictor of rains and thunderstorms (cuckoo).
- This bird existed three hundred years ago, it brought dead and living water (raven).
- In peasant life, she was revered as a symbol of heavenly fire, a talisman against evil spirits. Images of the bird can still be found on the roofs of village huts (rooster) today.
- Guess the name of a mysterious bird that loves nightlife. People believe that it is she who guards the treasures and is the wisest bird on earth (owl).
- Since ancient times, it has become a symbol of wisdom, freedom, power. The myths say that the Slavic god Perun in her image appeared on earth (eagle).
After this stage, the host of the event proceeds to the second part of the quiz for schoolchildren, which can be devoted, for example, to the world of animals. The Slavs considered Indrik the Beast to be the lord of the animal kingdom. He had many subjects, each of which was endowed with mythical properties.

Inhabitants of the forest
We offer a few questions for the quiz as a sample. For schoolchildren, information about how our ancestors characterized the inhabitants of the forests will be useful.
- According to folk beliefs, this particular beast personifies darkness. The Slavic god Perun turned into it in order to be on earth. The beast spoke with a human voice, was wise, was mentioned in many Russian folk tales (the wolf).
- According to ancient legends, an evil sorcerer turned a man into this wild beast. The animal could walkhind legs, the person was not attacked (bear).
- Many signs and proverbs are associated with the name of this animal. It has always been a companion of sorcerers, possessed amazing intelligence (cat).
- Man's friend is a constant participant in riddles, fairy tales. He is of the same breed as the wolf, but has always been his worst enemy (the dog).

Fairy tales
The next part of the quiz for schoolchildren is dedicated to Russian folk tales. The host first talks about how and when they appeared in antiquity. This stage of the quiz for younger students can be devoted specifically to fairy tales, since they are closest to children of this age.
Children are offered four images of characters from fairy tales. According to the description, they must guess the tale in which he occurs. Here are a few quiz questions for younger students as an example.

- Who ordered mothers and nannies to get ready, equip themselves, bake white bread in the morning, such as that of a father? ("The Frog Princess").
- Which fairy tale tells about the shoots of a round creature, as well as a villainous murder? ("Kolobok").
- Which fairy tale says that an evil witch is tied to a horse's tail and allowed into the field? (“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”).
Guess the hero contest
Part of the questions of such a quiz for schoolchildren with answers can be compiled on the basis of those works that children read together with their parents back in kindergarten.
Schoolchildren are offered illustrations from the works of Eduard Uspensky, which they should learn by asking questions.
- This intruder tried to disrupt many important events, she, along with her accomplice, harmed civilians, scared children (old woman Shapoklyak).
- This citizen took custody of a homeless child, helped him find a job (crocodile Gena).
- This benevolent kid forgot his name, so citizen Gena called him that… (Cheburashka).

Questions on the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin
An interesting quiz can be offered to schoolchildren, offering to guess the heroes of the works considered as part of the school literature curriculum using the original description.
- Three intruders who were in the service of an official committed a forgery of an official document, which led to serious consequences - the destruction of the family. According to the agreement, mother and son were severely punished, as a result, justice was restored in full (Weaver, cook, matchmaker Baba Babarikha. The work "The Tale of Tsar S altan").
- Royal lady forced a woman to commit a terrible crime. Under the guise of a beggar, she penetrated to a young girl, treated her to a delicious fruit, after tasting which, she fell dead. (Chernavka poisoned the princess in the work “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs”).

Currently, teachers use various ways to activatecognitive interest of students. In order for students to strive for self-education, obtaining additional knowledge on the subject, the teacher selects the best questions for subject quizzes, combines gaming, creative and intellectual activities in his work.