Under normal conditions, when it enters the body, alcohol quickly decomposes into metabolites (non-toxic metabolic products). However, on the basis of taking a number of drugs, violations appear in the process of decay. At the same time, the rate of chem. reactions will depend on the dosage of the drug and the amount of alcohol. Antibiotics should be considered among the most causative drugs. When alcohol is used on the basis of therapy, there are quite serious consequences. These include disulfiram-like reactions. With the development of these effects, patients develop, along with other symptoms, an aversion to alcohol-containing products.

Drugs that provoke disulfiram-like reactions
Means "Trichopol" has antibacterial and antiprotozoal activity. When combined with alcohol, the drug causes severe patient conditions, in which disulfiram-like reactions appear. These properties allow the use of the drug for the treatment of chronic alcoholics. Quite often, a drug such as"Amoxicillin". This medicine can cause breathing difficulties, and alcohol can inhibit the activity of the respiratory center of the brain. In this regard, the combination of "Amoxicillin" and alcohol increases the likelihood of death in persons who are intoxicated. There are medications that are prescribed specifically to cause disulfiram-like reactions. These are drugs such as Esperal, Antabuse and others. When they are taken, a special enzyme is destroyed. The name of the reaction comes from the drug "Disulfiram". This medicine is also, along with other similar drugs, used to treat alcoholism in a chronic form. The condition that develops while taking it is called disulfiram-alcohol, if the side effect is caused by another medication, it is called disulfiram-like.

Reason for side effects
The development of the state is caused by the accumulation in the body of the product of the breakdown of ethanol - acetaldehyde. This compound is highly toxic. Under normal conditions, the substance is neutralized under the influence of a number of enzymes (aldehyde dehydrogenase and others). Some drugs can inhibit the activity of these elements. As a result, acetaldehyde accumulates in the body, which is accompanied by a number of characteristic symptoms. Along with this, drugs block the action of a number of other enzymes. This, in turn, provokes a decrease in the level of norepinephrine in the nervous system and a violationits relationship with dopamine. As a result, disulfiram-like reactions are enhanced even more. Experts note that this condition has a fairly long-term character. In this regard, doctors do not recommend drinking alcohol after completion of therapy for a certain period of time. It should be said that the side effects of drinking alcohol during the treatment period are quite intense, developing a persistent aversion to alcohol.
Symptoms of disulfiram-like reactions
When a side effect develops, the patient develops a feeling of heat and redness in the upper body and around the face. In addition, pressure decreases, breathing becomes difficult, and the heartbeat increases. Patients have a feeling of tightness in the chest, fear. The condition is accompanied by thoughts of impending death, nausea, vomiting. The risk of disorders of the nervous system increases. With an increase in the amount of alcohol, the intensity and severity of the course of disulfiram-like reactions increases. In some cases, collapse may develop - a sharp decrease in pressure with loss of consciousness.

Therapy of patients with chronic alcoholism
The history of the use of the drug "Disulfiram" to eliminate dependence on alcohol began with one interesting observation. At one of the rubber factories, the consumption of alcohol by workers has dropped markedly. During the study, it was found that the cause is the substance disulfiram, which was just used in the manufacturing process.rubber products. This discovery led to the fact that the compound began to be used for therapeutic purposes. A little later, experts noted that a number of medicines also provoke disulfiram-like reactions. Some drugs began to be specially prescribed for chronic alcoholics. For example, doctors often prescribed them the remedy "Trichopol". This drug as part of a complex treatment by some doctors is prescribed now. It is recommended to drink it in courses of 250 mg 2 rubles / day. Therapy is carried out twice a year. In some cases, the medication is also prescribed for a longer period - up to several months.

Special instructions for certain medications
People who do not suffer from alcohol addiction, doctors highly recommend not to combine the intake of any medications with alcoholic beverages. It is especially important to observe the precautions when receiving antibiotic therapy. It should be remembered that the combined use of drugs and ethanol, in addition to the development of disulfiram-like reactions, increases the risk of alcoholic liver damage, a violation of the complex of its most important functions (filtration and detoxification). In addition, the intensity of side effects that provoke antibiotics, drugs that affect the nervous system and other drugs increases. Toxic metabolites, which are formed when drugs and alcohol are combined, can change the effect of the drugs taken. This, in turn, leads to very serious consequences, in some cases leading to death.
Warnings in alcohol addiction treatment
For people addicted to alcohol, various drugs have been developed to help get rid of this addiction.

Specialists remind you that taking any medication must be agreed with the doctor. Not all alcoholics voluntarily agree to treatment. Such patients should be given first psychological help. A person suffering from alcoholism should be made aware of the ongoing treatment. In no case should you give any drugs that cause an aversion to alcohol without his knowledge! Such a "treatment" can not only become ineffective, but also provoke serious, dangerous in some cases, consequences.