Types and ways of perceiving information

Types and ways of perceiving information
Types and ways of perceiving information

Every day, every person is bombarded with a huge amount of information. We are faced with new situations, objects, phenomena. Some people have no problem coping with this flow of knowledge and successfully using it to their advantage. Others have a hard time remembering anything. In many respects, this situation is explained by the belonging of a person to a certain type according to the way of perception of information. If it is submitted in a form that is inconvenient for a person, then its processing will be extremely difficult.

What is information?

ways of perceiving information
ways of perceiving information

The concept of "information" has an abstract meaning and in many respects its definition depends on the context. Translated from Latin, this word means "clarification", "representation", "familiarization". Most often, the term "information" is understood as new facts that are perceived and understood by a person, and also recognized as useful. In the process of processing this information for the first time, people receive certain knowledge.

How it is perceivedinformation?

Perception of information by a person is an acquaintance with phenomena and objects through their impact on various senses. Analyzing the result of the impact of a particular object or situation on the organs of vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch, the individual receives a certain idea about them. Thus, the basis in the process of perceiving information is our five senses. At the same time, the past experience of a person and previously acquired knowledge are actively involved. Turning to them, one can attribute the information received to already known phenomena or separate it from the general mass into a separate category. Ways of perceiving information are based on some processes associated with the human psyche:

  • thinking (having seen or heard an object or phenomenon, a person, starting to think, realizes what he is facing);
  • speech (the ability to name the object of perception);
  • feelings (different types of reactions to objects of perception);
  • will (human ability to organize the process of perception).
types of information perception
types of information perception

Presentation of information

According to this parameter, information can be divided into the following types:

  • Text. It is presented in the form of all kinds of symbols, which, combined with each other, allow you to get words, phrases, sentences in any language.
  • Numeric. This is information represented by numbers and signs that express a certain mathematical action.
  • Sonic. This is directly oral speech, thanks to which information from onea person is transferred to another, and various audio recordings.
  • Graphic. It includes diagrams, graphs, drawings and other images.

Perception and presentation of information are inextricably linked. Each person tries to choose exactly the option of presenting data that will provide the best understanding of them.

Methods of human perception of information

Man has several such methods at his disposal. They are determined by the five senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. In this regard, there is a certain classification of information according to the way of perception:

  • visual;
  • sonic;
  • tactile;
  • tasty;
  • olfactory.
features of perception of information
features of perception of information

Visual information is perceived through the eyes. Thanks to them, various visual images enter the human brain, which are then processed there. Hearing is necessary for the perception of information coming in the form of sounds (speech, noise, music, signals). The organs of touch are responsible for the possibility of perceiving tactile information. Receptors located on the skin make it possible to assess the temperature of the object under study, the type of its surface, and its shape. Taste information enters the brain from receptors on the tongue and is converted into a signal by which a person understands what product it is: sour, sweet, bitter or s alty. The sense of smell also helps us in understanding the world around us, allowing us to distinguish and identify all kinds of smells. The main role in the perception of information is played byvision. It accounts for about 90% of the acquired knowledge. The sound way of perceiving information (radio transmission, for example) is about 9%, and the rest of the senses are responsible for only 1%.

Types of perception

The same information received in any particular way is perceived differently by each person. Someone after a minute reading one of the pages of the book can easily retell its content, while the other will not remember almost anything. But if such a person read the same text aloud, he will easily recall what he heard in his memory. Such differences determine the characteristics of the perception of information by people, each of which is inherent in a certain type. There are four in total:

  • Visuals.
  • Audials.
  • Kinesthetics.
  • Discretes.

It is often very important to know what type of perception of information is dominant for a person and how it is characterized. This significantly improves mutual understanding between people, makes it possible to quickly and fully convey the necessary information to your interlocutor.


human perception of information
human perception of information

These are people for whom the main sense organ in the process of knowing the world around us and perceiving information is vision. They perfectly remember new material if they see it in the form of text, pictures, diagrams and graphs. In the speech of visuals, there are often words that are somehow related to the characteristics of objects by their external features, the very function of vision (“let's see”, “light”, “bright”, “it will be visible”, “it seems to me”). Such people usually speak loudly, quickly, and actively gesticulate at the same time. Visuals pay great attention to their appearance, environment.


It is much easier for auditory learners to learn what they have heard once, and not seen a hundred times. The peculiarities of the perception of information by such people lie in their ability to listen and remember well what was said both in conversation with colleagues or relatives, and at a lecture at an institute or at a workshop. Audials have a large vocabulary, it is pleasant to communicate with them. Such people know how to perfectly convince the interlocutor in a conversation with him. They prefer quiet activities to active pastime, they like to listen to music.

information perception informatics
information perception informatics


Touch, smell and taste play an important role in the process of perception of information by kinesthetics. They seek to touch, feel, taste the object. Significant for kinesthetics and physical activity. In the speech of such people, there are often words that describe sensations (“soft”, “according to my feelings”, “grab”). For a kinesthetic child, bodily contact with loved ones is necessary. Hugs and kisses, comfortable clothes, soft and clean bedding are important to him.


Methods of perceiving information are directly related to the human senses. The majority of people acquire knowledge through sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. However, the types of perception of information include the one that is associated primarily with thinking. People who perceive the world around them in this waycalled discretes. There are quite a few of them, and they are found only among adults, since logic is not sufficiently developed in children. At a young age, the main ways of perceiving information in discretes are visual and auditory. And only with age do they begin to actively reflect on what they saw and heard, while discovering new knowledge for themselves.

Type of perception and learning ability

The way people perceive information largely determines the form of learning that will be most effective for them. Of course, there are no people who would receive new knowledge entirely with the help of one sense organ or a group of them, for example, touch and smell. All of them act as means of perception of information. However, knowing which sense organs are dominant in a particular person makes it possible for others to quickly bring the necessary information to him, and the person himself allows him to effectively organize the process of self-education.

Visuals, for example, need to present all new information in a readable way, in pictures and diagrams. In this case, they remember it much better. Visuals usually excel in the exact sciences. Even as a child, they put together puzzles perfectly, know many geometric shapes, draw well, draw, build from cubes or a constructor.

perception and presentation of information
perception and presentation of information

Audials, on the contrary, more easily perceive information received from oral speech. It can be a conversation with someone, a lecture, an audio recording. When teaching a foreign language for auditory students, audio courses are preferable to printed ones.tutorial. If you still need to remember the written text, it is better to say it out loud.

Kinesthetics are very mobile. They find it difficult to concentrate on anything for a long time. It is difficult for such people to assimilate the material received in a lecture or from a textbook. The memorization process will go faster if kinesthetic learners learn to connect theory and practice. It is easier for them to learn such sciences as physics, chemistry, biology, in which a specific scientific term or law can be represented as the result of an experiment conducted in a laboratory.

Discretes take a little longer than other people to take note of new information. They must first comprehend it, correlate it with their past experience. Such people can, for example, record a teacher's lecture on a voice recorder in order to listen to it a second time later. There are many people of science among discrets, since rationality and logic are above all for them. Therefore, in the process of study, they will be closest to those subjects in which accuracy determines the perception of information - computer science, for example.

Role in communication

Types of perception of information also affect how it is better to communicate with a person so that he listens to you. For visuals, the appearance of the interlocutor is very important. The slightest carelessness in clothing can push him away, after which it will not matter at all what he says. When talking with a visual, you need to pay attention to your facial expressions, speak quickly using gestures, reinforce the conversation with schematic drawings.

ways of perception of information by a person
ways of perception of information by a person

In a conversation with an auditory person, there should be words that are close to him ("listen to me", "sounds tempting", "it says a lot"). The perception of information by an auditory person depends largely on how the interlocutor speaks. The timbre of the voice should be calm, pleasant. An important conversation with the auditory is better to postpone if you have a bad cold. Such people also cannot stand shrill notes in their voices.

Negotiations with kinesthetics should be carried out in a room with a comfortable air temperature, a pleasant smell. Such people sometimes need to touch the interlocutor, so they better understand what they hear or see. You should not expect a quick decision from the kinesthetic immediately after the conversation. He needs time to listen to his feelings and understand that he is doing everything right.

Dialogue with discrete should be built on the principle of rationality. It is best to operate with strict scientific facts, rules. For a discrete, the language of numbers is more understandable.
