The history of Novorossiysk, a glorious city, is accompanied by true stories, documented facts and legends. Reading about the events that, replacing each other, created his chronicle, at times you stop understanding: we are talking about a real geographical point or an unknown land invented by a science fiction writer. Can it all happen in one place? It turns out it can, if its history begins in the 5th century BC.
The place where the beautiful city stands today has always attracted people: fertile land, warm sea, good climate. This was worth fighting for. They fought. Many storms swept through here, settlements were destroyed many times. But time passed, and people returned here, settled down and rebuilt the city.
I want to tell the story of Novorossiysk for children, like a good fairy tale, but nothing will come of it. Very often she was quite unkind. But nothing can be changed: this is his story.
Then he had a different name
In the 5th century BC, the Hellenes, the ancient Greeks, liked the place on the shore of the Tsemes Bay, they organized a settlement here - the city of Bata. Tradewent well, overseas merchants came here, mountaineers came. So, there were also pirates who rarely missed their prey. Protecting merchant ships, the ships of the Bosporus king entered into a sea battle with robber tribes.

In the 13th century, the Tsemes Bay was captured by the Golden Horde. But why do the steppe inhabitants need the sea? They went further inland, and there they made their predatory raids. And the land on the Black Sea coast was looked after by Genoese merchants, who agreed to pay tribute to Batu Khan for permission to live and trade here. For many years their ships were masters in the bay. But after the capture of Constantinople in the 15th century by the Turks, which led to the fall of the Byzantine Empire, the owners of these waters and lands also changed. The Turks drove the Italians away from our shores.
To protect their new territories, they built the Sudzhuk fortress here in the 18th century, which our soldiers repeatedly took with battle in the Russian-Turkish wars of that time. But after the conclusion of peace treaties, Sujuk was returned to the Turks until the next hostilities.
In 1829, the Sudzhuk fortress finally becomes the shore of Novorossia, new lands annexed to the Russian Empire. Having won another Russo-Turkish war, Russia won the right to enter the Black Sea for its ships. This is the history of the name of Novorossiysk.
Establishment of the city of Novorossiysk
The local population accepted the new government hostilely, all the Caucasian tribes went to war with the "infidels". The life of Russians in these places was hard and dangerous. ExceptIn addition, the soldiers were sick in an unaccustomed climate.

It was decided to build military coastal fortifications and roads between them. General Nikolai Raevsky was appointed the head of the work. He chose the top of the Sujuk Bay for the construction of one of them.
On September 12, 1838, eleven ships flying Russian flags entered the Tsemess Bay. They were commanded by Vice Admiral Mikhail Lazarev, on board one of the ships were General Raevsky and Rear Admiral Serebryakov. Six thousand people landed on the shore, and the tribes, without resisting, left these places. It is on September 12 that the city celebrates its birthday.
In January, an order was issued to give the fortification built here the status of a city called Novorossiysk.
How the city developed
Thanks to these three outstanding people, not only the fortification was built. The admir alty, the port, residential buildings, and trading shops were built in a short time. Started planting orchards and orchards. We established relationships with local residents, involving them in trade and the organization of the city. A school was opened for the children of the highlanders. The city grew and developed.
Citizens erected a monument to the founders of their city on one of the modern squares.
Crimean War
In 1853, the Crimean War began, in which Russia had to fight against a powerful coalition of several European states. In February 1855, the enemy squadron approached Novorossiysk. Realizing that there was nowhere to wait for help (the Russian fleet was locked in Sevastopol), andcoastal guns are short-range, Russian soldiers were forced to remain silent while powerful destructive fire was fired from enemy ships. When the ships, already confident in victory, approached closer to the shore, our guns hit, so much so that the battered squadron urgently left the bay. The victory was for the Russian soldiers.

But in general, the war was lost, and one of the conditions for concluding a shameful peace was the destruction of the Black Sea fleet and fortifications on the coast. The Russian garrison left Novorossiysk. Local residents also left with him.
But the story of Novorossiysk doesn't end there. This wonderful place attracted people, and after 20 years a small settlement and military fortification appeared here - Konstantinovskaya station "with one tavern, one mill, one tobacco factory and eight drinking establishments."
People of different nationalities who fled from the Turkish yoke come here, the settlement comes to life and in 1866 again becomes the city of Novorossiysk.
Industry is developing, a port and a railway are being built. The constructed oil pipeline and the first cement plant "Zvezda", working on local marl, accelerate its development, attract business people here. This is the golden period in his life. Industrial enterprises, gymnasiums, libraries, hotels, houses are being built. The port is expanding. Winemaking is rising to a high level.
Novorossiysk Republic
Where industrial enterprises, ports, railways worked, the labor force was concentrated, which means that there wererevolutionary movement that swept the country in 1905. Not only port loaders and factory workers took an active part in the strikes. The advanced youth did not lag behind them, putting forward their demands. The schoolgirls did not go to class, demanding to replace cold breakfasts with hot ones, and the male doctor for a woman.
But the funny demands quickly ended, the question of power arose. The movement was led by professional revolutionaries who relied on a militant squad of workers. Power passed to the Soviet of Workers' Deputies. For two weeks, the Novorossiysk Republic was proclaimed in the city. The history of Novorossiysk as a Soviet city began much earlier than other Soviet cities.
Soviet managed to do something in favor of the working class. Throughout this period, "revolutionary order and discipline" were observed in the city.

The end of the republic came with the entry into the city of a punitive detachment. The Soviets dissolved themselves.
The years of the formation of Soviet power
Briefly about the history of Novorossiysk during this period, we can say this: the government changed many times and often. Representatives of the Provisional Government yielded it to the Bolsheviks, who - to the commander of the Volunteer Army. Colonel Kutepov, the governor of the city, retreating with the last wave of emigrants, was almost caught by the troops of the Red Army. Soviet power returned “in earnest and for a long time.”
Until the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the city lived the life of its country: the economy destroyed by the war was restored, five-yearplans, the guys joined the October and pioneer detachments.
From the first days of the war, the city began to work for the front, factories were evacuated here from the places occupied by the Nazis. In the summer of 1942, the Germans approached Novorossiysk.

Soviet soldiers fiercely defended their city and were able to stop the enemy, despite his superior forces. The Germans pulled up additional troops and entered its western part. All! They couldn't get any further, no matter what they did. Ours fought to the death, not letting the enemy into the Caucasus.
More than a year, 393 days, troops fought for the territory of Novorossiysk. Nobody backed down. Only one other city, Leningrad, could withstand such a long defense. For this feat in 1973 he was awarded the title of Hero City. The history of Novorossiysk keeps the memory of these events. Many monuments and monuments in the city are dedicated to war heroes.
After a year of fighting, only ruins remained on the streets of the city. It was decided to build it again. And built under the guidance of architect Boris Iofan.

The center of the cement industry, the most important transport hub of the Russian south, the city of winemaking and, of course, the Black Sea port - this is today's history of the city of Novorossiysk.
The city that has survived so much over the centuries, has survived and won, today lives a working, full life. No matter what troubles and events it has gone through, Novorossiysk treats its history with care, preservingher for posterity. Many memorable places speak of past events.
The beginning of the formation of the city, its historical center - the Heroes' Square near the seaport. From here you can start a story for children about the history of Novorossiysk, the city of heroic people.
The central street of the Soviets immortalized the memory of the revolutionary movement of 1905 and the Novorossiysk Republic.
The embankment, a beautiful street, reminds one of the founders of Novorossiysk, Lazar Markovich Serebryakov.

The history of Novorossiysk is in the streets, their names, in numerous monuments, in the hearts of the inhabitants. But the Black Sea Tsemesskaya Bay, which has witnessed all its difficult, but such a beautiful history, remains the most important memorable place that has been preserved for centuries as beautiful.