Stages and stages of team development: methodology

Stages and stages of team development: methodology
Stages and stages of team development: methodology

All people living on our planet are united among themselves in a variety of numerous stable and not very communities. They are called groups. Such communities are different, namely: social, small and large, formal and informal, conditional and real, labor and educational, etc. In addition, there are groups of low and high levels of development.

characteristics of the stages of development of the team
characteristics of the stages of development of the team

The first of them is characterized by a lack of cohesion, a clear separation of leaders and personal relationships. A group of a high level of development is usually called a team. This community has those properties that are absent in the formation at a low level of its development.

Team concept

The path that a low-level group goes through to the very top rung of its development is individual. But in the end, this commonality has a significant impact on the individual.

Signs of a team

A group of people reaches its high level of development if there is:

- common goal;

- joint activity;

- interdependent relationship of responsibility;

-general leadership, which can be either one of the most authoritative members or governing bodies.

stages of team development
stages of team development

There are various types of relationships in the team:

- personal, based on sympathy, antipathy and affection;

- business, necessary for the joint solution of tasks.

School team

Educational group is of particular importance in the formation of personality. It is created at school and formed from students on the basis of common aspirations on the path to success, as well as on the basis of normal social relations. In such a team there is a high organization of interpersonal relations and self-government. The formation of such a community activates students in increasing purposefulness, forms their culture of behavior and positive interpersonal relationships.

stages of team development according to Makarenko
stages of team development according to Makarenko

The school team includes the following elements:

- primary (classes);

-temporary (circles, sports sections);

-formal (school self-government body, student committee);

- informal.

Means of Education

The formation of the student's personality in the school team occurs through:

- educational work;

- extra-curricular activities;

- work activities; and social work.

In order to form a he althy school team, it is necessary:

- to bring up a student asset that helps the teacher and positively influences allclassmates;

- correctly organize sports and recreation, educational, labor and educational activities;

- clearly formulate pedagogical requirements.

Stages of team formation

The great teacher A. S. Makarenko formulated the basic law by which the community of pupils should live. Its basic principle is to move. This is the life form of the team. Stopping always means his death.

The main principles of the team, according to the great teacher, are dependence and publicity, as well as perspective. An important role is also played by the parallel actions of all its members.

Also, Makarenko revealed the stages of development of the team. They consist of four stages, the first of which is becoming. It occurs during the formation of a class, circle or group into a team or socio-psychological community, where the relationship between students is determined by their goals, objectives and the nature of joint activities. At the same time, the main organizer is a teacher who puts forward certain requirements for children.

stages of development of a group of collective
stages of development of a group of collective

At the second stage of the development of the team, the influence of the asset increases. These are students who not only fulfill the requirements of the teacher, but also present them to other classmates. At this stage of development, the team acts as an integral system in which the mechanisms of self-regulation and self-organization are already developed and begin to work. At the same time, this community is a tool for the purposeful education of positive humanquality.

At the third stage of the development of the team according to Makarenko, there is a flourishing. The community reaches a stage in its development when the demands of its members on themselves become higher than on their surroundings. All this testifies to the achievement of a high level of upbringing, as well as the stability of students' judgments and views.

Being in such a team, a person has all the prerequisites in the formation of his morality and integrity. The main sign of such a community at a given stage of development is the presence of common experience and the same assessment of certain events.

The fourth stage of group development is movement. At this stage, schoolchildren, relying on the already acquired collective experience, make certain demands on themselves. At the same time, the main need of children is the observance of moral standards. At this stage, the process of education smoothly turns into self-education.

All stages of team development according to Makarenko have no clear boundaries. Each of the subsequent stages is added to the previous one, and does not replace it.

Describing his theory of the stages of development of the team, the great teacher paid great attention to the traditions created by his members. These are stable forms of community life that help to develop a line of behavior, as well as beautify and develop school life.

According to Makarenko, a goal that can be close, medium and distant is capable of rallying and captivating the team. The first of these is self-interest. The average goal is determined by complexity and time, and the distant one isthe most socially important. Such a system of perspectives should permeate the entire team. Only in this case, his development will proceed naturally.

stages of development of the children's educational team
stages of development of the children's educational team

Considering the stages of development of the children's educational team, Makarenko also put forward the principle of parallel actions. What does it mean? At one stage or another of the development of the collective, each of its members is under the simultaneous influence of the educator and his comrades. Sometimes the punishment for the guilty can be too severe. That is why this principle of Makarenko advice should be used with caution.

According to the theory of a famous teacher, a fully formed team is characterized by the following features:

- constant cheerfulness;

- friendly unity of all members;

- self-esteem; - motivation for orderly action;

- feeling of security;

- emotional restraint.

Development of Makarenko's theory

Characterization of the stages of development of the team was also considered in the works of Sukhomlinsky. This teacher, working for many years as a teacher and school director, based on his own experience, formulated a set of principles that form a highly organized group of students. Among them:

- unity of pupils;



- we alth of relations between students and teacher;

- harmony of interests;

- leadership role of the teacher, etc.

The stages of team development are considered in their works by A. T. Kurakin, L. I. Novikov and others. Moreover, they have a completely different approach to this issue. These authors believe that at the stage of development of the student team, not only requirements can rally children. Other means help in this.

Recently, there is a distinct tendency to understand a collective as a group whose members have a high level of development. At the same time, such a community should be distinguished by integrative activity, cohesion and a single focus. The most essential quality of the group, according to modern authors, is the level of socio-psychological maturity. It is this feature that is the main prerequisite for creating a group-collective. What are the main stages of its formation?

At the first stage of development of a group-collective, a conglomerate appears. This community is made up of previously unfamiliar children who were gathered at the same time in the same space. The relationship of the guys at this stage, as a rule, is situational and superficial. If such a group is given a name, then it will be nominalized. In the event that the members of such a collective do not accept the conditions and goals set for them, then the transition from the conglomerate will not occur. Such cases are not uncommon in school practice.

the theory of the stages of development of the team
the theory of the stages of development of the team

If the initial merger did happen, then the collective assumed the status of primary. In this case, the group passes into an association, where the goal for each of its members is projected by the task. At this level, the first bricks are laid in the formationteam. When living together, the group moves to a higher level of organization, changing interpersonal relationships.

In the presence of favorable conditions, the stage of development of the children's team changes. At the next stage, a cooperative group is formed. Such a community is distinguished by a successful and actually operating structure of the organization. Also in this case there is a high level of group cooperation and preparedness. All relations between members of the cooperation group are of a business nature and are aimed at achieving the goal.

Lutoshkin's concept

According to this author, there are the following stages in the development of the student team:

1. The first stage is the nominal group. This community exists formally and has joint activity and time. If this is observed at school, then such a team is called an unfriendly class.

2. The second stage is the association group. It arises when all its members have the same goals.

3. According to Lutoshkin, at the third stage of the development of the collective, a group-cooperation arises. It is characterized by the unity of goals, high cohesion and a unified approach to solving the tasks set.

4. The fourth stage is the creation of an autonomy group. This community is distinguished by internal unity, developed self-control and high readiness to solve the problem.

5. The fifth stage is characterized by the emergence of a group-collective. This is the highest stage in the development of a community, all members of which are connected by a single goal, as well as activities on the way to achieving it. In addition, in such a group one can observe the moralpsychological unity, high preparedness and perfect organizational structure.

Let's consider the characteristics of all stages described by A. N. Lutoshkin.

Nominal group

At this stage of development of the educational team, it can be called a "sandy placer." The comparison is not accidental. At first glance, the grains of sand are collected together. However, each of them is on its own. Any breath of wind can blow the grains of sand in different directions. So they will remain until there is someone who will rake them into one pile. The same phenomenon occurs in the human community, when certain groups are specially organized or arise by the will of circumstances. On the one hand, everything is together. But on the other hand, each of the members of such a group is on its own. Such a "sand placer" does not bring satisfaction and joy.

Association group

This stage in the development of the team is called "Soft Clay". Such a name for this stage was not given by chance. Soft clay is a material that is easily influenced. Taking it in hand, you can sculpt anything. A good craftsman can make a beautiful vessel or any other beautiful product out of clay. But without effort, the material will forever remain just a piece of soil.

stages of development of the educational team
stages of development of the educational team

The same in the children's association. Here, the role of a master can be played by a formal leader, a class teacher, or simply an authoritative student. Yes, not everything goes smoothly. The team lacks the experience of mutual assistance and interaction. However, at this stagecommunity building efforts are already visible.

Cooperative group

This stage in the development of the team is called the “flickering beacon”. At this stage, the team is compared to a stormy sea. For an experienced sailor in the midst of raging waves, the flickering light of the lighthouse allows you to choose the right path and brings confidence. Here you just need to be careful and not lose sight of the saving beam.

The collective that is formed in the group also gives each of its members signals to choose the right path and is always ready to lend a helping hand. In such a community there is a desire to work and help each other. The role of the beacon in it is played by the asset.


The next step in the development of the team is called the "scarlet sail". This is the stage of striving forward, friendly fidelity and restlessness. In such a team, they act and live according to the principle of musketeers "one for all and all for one." At this stage of development of the team, interest and friendly participation go hand in hand with mutual exactingness and adherence to principles. The assets of such a group are reliable and knowledgeable organizers, as well as loyal comrades. They will always help, both in deed and advice.


So, all the main stages of the development of the team have been passed, and it rises to the fifth step, called the "burning torch". No wonder this stage is associated with a living flame. It means united will, close friendship, business cooperation and excellent mutual understanding. At this stage, a real team is formed that will never close.within the narrow boundaries of its close-knit and friendly association. The people included in it will not remain indifferent to the problems of other groups, illuminating their path, like the legendary Danko, with their burning heart.
