Valeological education appeared after the reform of the domestic education system. Russian legislation has allowed schools to independently introduce innovative methods into the educational and upbringing process. Textbooks are changing more and more often, new opportunities are opening up for self-realization and self-education of the younger generation.

Relevance of the problem
In recent years, visual acuity and posture have deteriorated significantly in school-age children. Some parents believe that their child comes to an educational institution as an absolutely he althy baby, and leaves the school walls sick - they think that the school is the place where children lose their he alth.
In fact, there are other factors thatcontribute to the deterioration of children's he alth. Among them:
- economic and social problems;
- bad environment;
- constant work at the computer.
Scientists have proven that the school environment only affects the he alth of children by 30%. It is characterized by the conditions of education, as well as the organization of the working day and the nutritional habits of children.

The Consequences of Carelessness
Most of the children, adolescents, adults are not serious about their he alth. This is due to the installation of permissiveness, which is currently relevant in society.
One of the urgent and serious problems of our time is the preservation and strengthening of the physical he alth of the young generation of Russians. The state of he alth of today's children is of great concern to medical workers.
Timely use of he alth-saving technologies
Valeological education at school is necessary because of the increase in the number of sick children. This problem has existed since the second half of the eighteenth century. At the beginning of the last century, the state and the school assumed responsibility for the he alth of the younger generation, removing responsibility from society and parents. It was educational institutions that were supposed to ensure a he althy lifestyle. In reality, this is impossible, because this problem is public.
For a hundred years, the situation has not changed much: neither in the family nor in society has the awareness of the significance and importance of he alth changed. The school is unabledeal with such a massive problem on your own. The teaching methodology that was used in the twentieth century in domestic educational institutions no longer corresponds to the functional capabilities of the child. Society and parents overload children with numerous additional courses and clubs.
The topic of he alth is very relevant today, because modern children do not just go to school for knowledge, they get a lot of diseases there, from banal myopia to gastritis.

Scientific basics
Valeological education is the formation of a worldview that allows children to monitor their he alth. This is a prerequisite for spiritual, material and social needs, that is, he alth can be considered a social value.
The upbringing of a valeological culture is a problem at the state level, because a sick nation has no future.
Modern social and technical innovations have made positive changes in human existence, but they have not been able to solve he alth problems, on the contrary, they have exacerbated them.
Ecological and valeological education is one of the most important areas, without which it is impossible to form a harmoniously developed personality. Due to the lack of physical activity and excessive high-calorie nutrition, numerous diseases appear: metabolic disorders, diabetes, atherosclerosis, neurosis, pathologies of cardiovascular activity. The increase in the volume of information generates nervous tension,environmental problems, creates social threats.
All this leads to an increase in psychological illnesses, drug addiction, exacerbates the demographic crisis.
The increase in the number of congenital neuropsychiatric and physical pathologies is of particular danger, as the deterioration in the he alth of the younger generation poses a threat to the future of the nation.
In order to improve the he alth situation of the population, it is important to take preventive, economic and social measures.

Methodological foundations of the he alth-saving strategy
It is necessary to create nationwide he alth programs that are based on a he alth strategy that allows improving the mechanisms of self-regulation of the body.
Valeological education is the formation of ideas about strengthening, maintaining, restoring he alth.
The term "valeology" was proposed in 1980 by Professor I. I. Brekhman. Under it, the scientist understood the sum of knowledge about the mechanisms and patterns of creating, maintaining, improving and restoring human he alth.
Valeology is considered one of the 4 areas of science, which is called public he alth. This is an integrative science that appeared at the junction of several fields of knowledge:
- ecology;
- biology;
- hygiene;
- medicine.

Valeological education is associated with the formation in the younger generationrespect for your he alth. The object of valeology is human he alth in all its manifestations, in relations with the surrounding nature and the social environment. The subject is the criteria for the quality of he alth, as well as the possibility of improving it. Valeology is not limited to preventive, protective measures. It is aimed at creating he alth, creating technologies for healing and increasing the body's capabilities.
Valeological education involves increasing the adaptation of schoolchildren to changing environmental factors.

Main Tasks
Objectives can be formulated like this:
- taking into account the individual and age characteristics of children, building on their basis valeological upbringing and education;
- development within the framework of the educational process of a he althy personality of the child;
- accounting for heredity and the social environment in which the child develops and grows;
- medical and pedagogical approaches to the child;
- formation of students' interest in their he alth;
- individualization of education and training.
Valeological education of preschool children involves teaching them the norms of a he althy lifestyle. It is during this period that children form clear stereotypes of behavior that predetermine their future life.
Education of a valeological culture among preschoolers involves familiarizing children with the characteristics of their body.
Prerequisites for the formation of value literacy
Valeological education of childrenallows educational organizations to fulfill the social order of society - to educate a he althy generation of Russians.
The poor he alth of modern children is the result of not only social and economic factors, but also a number of organizational and pedagogical factors:
- inconsistency with the age and physiological characteristics of schoolchildren of educational programs and technologies;
- non-observance of the simplest hygienic requirements for the organization of the educational and educational process;
- increasing the volume of teaching load and the pace of learning;
- too early systematic pre-school education;
- Teachers' lack of information about the development and protection of children's he alth.
At the beginning of the 19th century, a link was found between hygiene conditions at school and diseases: posture disorders, as well as myopia.
Inadequate valeological education of preschoolers, lack of comfortable furniture in classrooms, violations of light and air-thermal regimes, lesson schedules without taking into account the physiological characteristics of children - all this leads to a deterioration in the he alth of the younger generation.

Working methods
Valeological education of preschoolers and school-age children involves the use of the following motives:
- cognitive, concerning the study of the human body;
- aesthetic, contributing to the preservation of vision, beautiful posture;
- humanistic, which are associated with the manifestation of concern for the he alth of the child at home and inschool/kindergarten.
Valeological education of schoolchildren is carried out using several methods. One group consists of those techniques that contribute to the formation of children's responsibility for their he alth. Among them, persuasion is distinguished, for example, through conversation.
The second group consists of practical methods for developing dynamic stereotypes: maintaining discipline, order in the classroom, airing classrooms, observing sanitary and hygienic standards.
The third group includes methods to keep children he althy in the classroom, as well as outside school hours. For example, it can be physical minutes in the classroom, changing activities, organizing outdoor activities during breaks, holding days of he alth, sports competitions and relay races, hiking trips.
Building he althy lifestyle habits
One of the main tasks of the teaching staff is to improve the he alth of preschoolers and school-age children. For its implementation, educational organizations should create special programs aimed at introducing children to a he althy lifestyle.
They highlight goals, objectives, prescribe methods of work and expected results. A comprehensive plan that contributes to the formation of he althy lifestyle needs in children can include the following sections:
- he alth for children;
- functioning of the he alth cabinet;
- he alth summer camp work;
- lessons of life safety and he althy lifestyle;
- prevention of bad habits;
- decoration of he alth corners, issue of wall newspapers;
- hiking trips, excursions;
- celebrating decades of he alth.
Movement is life and he alth
To ensure the motor activity of the younger generation in kindergartens and schools, teachers conduct physical exercises before classes or during lessons. Mandatory elements of pedagogical activity are musical changes, games that help relieve muscle and emotional stress.
The formation of a he althy lifestyle in children is influenced by extracurricular activities and the work of a class teacher. Hygiene and sanitation issues are considered within the framework of class hours, quizzes, competitions, thematic decades.
On problems related to the prevention of schoolchildren's diseases, teachers hold parent-teacher meetings.
Thanks to the close cooperation of subject teachers with physical education teachers, medical workers, psychologists, schoolchildren's parents, the quality of the educational process on the basis of he alth saving is significantly improved.
It is necessary to build the process in such a way that, without lowering the quality of teaching, to preserve the he alth of the younger generation, to reduce the burden. The introduction of valeological technology can be carried out through the content of education.
Improving work in kindergartens and schools should be based on the principle of differentiated education. At the same time, emphasis is given to activities that are aimed at increasing the importance of the he alth of the younger generation.
The principle of continuity is to improve the he alth of preschoolers and school-age children induring the academic year, carried out with the alternation of different methods.
Taking into account he alth-saving factors when thinking through and conducting the educational and educational process allows you to create a lifestyle that contributes to the comfortable and safe stay of children in educational institutions.