Despite the huge number of original terms, Russian speech remains very friendly to those who dare to learn it. This is due to the presence of capacious and short synonyms that are understandable even with minimal familiarity with the language. A good example would be the word "spur". This is an interesting concept from geography and geology, which is rooted in antiquity and is directly related to the animal world.
Philological delights
Dal made a great contribution to the study of the word. Almost all interpretations of the definition are based on similarities with specific formations on the heads of artiodactyl mammals:
- lateral processes of the corresponding form;
- rassokha (fork or bifurcation) horns;
- prefix or attachment of this kind;
- bough on the tree;
- mountain branch, side ridge.
Very long list. But what unites the listed things and phenomena?
A spur is something pointed and extending from the main part. Remember the usual pitchfork for throwing hay and their massive "teeth". Branched works of nature on the heads of deer or neatdecorative elements.

Modern language
Today, most of the above interpretations have gone into oblivion. Obsolete or has been replaced by borrowed concepts. For a person of the XXI century, the meaning of the word "spur" means exclusively a branch from the main mountain range. Such a stone formation can stand out against the background of overgrown slopes or stretch for many kilometers "tongue", whose dimensions are lost against the background of the entire ridge.
Specialists refer to its main characteristics as relative narrowness and short length. In addition, if the stone ledge also goes down to the periphery, it is a spur, without any doubt. There is such a geological phenomenon under the influence of natural elements and erosional dismemberment:
- surface waters;
- under the influence of a strong wind.
The processes of washing out and blowing out the smallest particles of rock take millennia, so they are not noticeable to local residents.

Current usage
Be sure to add the word to the lexicon! If you often travel or live not on the plain, the spur is one of the useful landmarks. Stone branches allow you to quickly find the main ridge, and their shape or location helps you navigate the terrain even without a compass. In addition, the word itself diversifies speech. It allows you to describe the beauty of the area with a couple of sentences to potential clients of a travel company or to identify key positions during rescue operations.