Satisfying what human needs is a family function?

Satisfying what human needs is a family function?
Satisfying what human needs is a family function?

Every person has certain needs. Most of these needs are related to communication and interaction with other people. Belonging to a family gives a person the opportunity to satisfy them. A family is a system that exists according to certain rules and performs certain functions.

Basic functions of the family

Most researchers define the function of the family as a sphere of life that is responsible for meeting the needs of all family members. What does this mean?

Relate to the functions of the family social roles, social status and focus. Naturally, depending on public influence, some may disappear, being replaced by others.

Family functions include:

  • reproductive;
  • educational;
  • economic;
  • communicative;
  • economic;
  • sexy;
  • emotional and spiritual communication.

If we consider each of these functions, we can be sure that all areas of need will be coveredhuman.

basic functions of the family
basic functions of the family

Need for intimacy and love

Of course, each person needs close contact with other people. All people strive to love and be loved. Some of the basic functions of the family are just to meet the needs of a person. Sexual interaction of spouses, parental love, communication with relatives - all this gives a person self-confidence, the necessary amount of communication and emotional nourishment.

The function of emotional and spiritual communication, as well as sexual, gives spouses the opportunity to express their needs for intimate communication, tenderness and affection, psychological support for each other, acceptance and participation from a partner. The ability to inspire each other, support in solving problems, help in matters of personal development - all this affects the harmonious relationship of spouses and marital satisfaction.

social functions of the family
social functions of the family

The need for security

Feelings of security and safety are of great importance for a comfortable human existence. Ways to provide them are related to the functions of the family. Two people, by creating a family, strengthen their financial position, thereby providing each other with a sense of security and support. Economic and economic functions realize this need.

For offspring, the reproductive and educational functions of the family provide safety and protection. The need for the birth of children and their protection is inherent in a person at an instinctive level. And the educational function adds to this processawareness and love.

parents and children
parents and children

The need to belong to society

A person is not adapted to live in absolute loneliness, for a normal existence he needs communication. The society gives what it needs: communication with other people, through which a person develops and learns, receives respect and recognition from others, provides himself with the necessary status and influence in society.

Due to the social functions of the family, the child learns to communicate and interact with other people. The family helps him in this and gives the necessary support throughout the development and maturation of the child. Among the social functions are educational, economic and communicative.

In the process of upbringing, parents have to contact educational and other institutions, the child takes a direct part in this and adopts parents' styles of interaction with social organizations. The economic support of the family is also associated with social interactions, therefore, from childhood, the child is preparing to become a full-fledged member of society. And for this, he will need to master the art of communication, which he begins to master in his family, gradually expanding his social circle.

the most important function of the family
the most important function of the family

The need for self-actualization

Family functions include the need for emotional interaction and spiritual communication, which also play an important role in human life. Man needs constant development and spiritual growth. From childhood to himmoral and moral principles are instilled that will influence his actions all his life. Growing up, a person already independently determines his beliefs and the direction of his development. But the family prepares the basic beliefs that are laid as the basis of the spiritual search.

Self-actualization is the highest link in the hierarchy of human needs described by A. Maslow. The desire for development and growth, for the realization of one's potential is laid down from childhood. The influence of the family plays an important role in the realization of a person's capabilities. But this largely depends on the level of development of the parents and their participation in the upbringing of the child.

It is difficult to single out the most important function of the family, because each of them has an impact on all spheres of human life to varying degrees. The relationship of family functions with human needs is obvious. Of course, a single person can also satisfy all these needs, but it is the family that provides the most effective satisfaction of all needs.
