Traditionally, it is believed that the time of a direct collision with the sphere of higher educational institutions for a student comes when the last bell rang, all the exams were passed, the graduation ball was held. In fact, the choice of an institution for vocational education begins long before the end of the 11th grade. Students and their parents need to take into account a number of factors and conditions. You have to choose not only among the entire range of speci alties, but also the list of universities where you can get them.
Not only the abilities and inclinations of the future applicant are important, but also the capabilities of a particular university or institute. The question also remains to be resolved: apply to a local university or try your hand in the capital? Many prefer regional institutions. The list of Tyumen universities is quite consistent with the wishes of applicants.
Educational area palette
According to the results of monitoring conducted in 2017, a license to carry out core activities and implement programs of higherEducation in the region was confirmed by eight state Tyumen universities, as well as six branches. Education is carried out according to the programs of undergraduate, specialist, master's, postgraduate studies. Most universities have full-time and part-time departments. There are budgetary places and training on a paid basis. It is conditionally possible to single out several key specializations of the work of higher education institutions:
- technical,
- humanitarian,
- economic,
- medical.

Main list of Tyumen universities
The leading positions in the higher education system of the region are occupied by the following institutions:
- Tyumen Industrial University (former oil and gas) - 5 departments, 125 programs.
- Tyumen State University - 12 departments, more than 70 study programs.
- State Medical University. There are 5 programs here - Pharmacy, Dentistry, Nursing, Pediatrics, General Medicine.
- State Institute of Culture. 3 faculties, 27 programs opened.
- State Agrarian University of Northern Trans-Urals – 3 departments, 25 study programs.
- Higher Military Engineering Command School. A. I. Proshlyakova. More than 10 speci alties have been opened (the term of study is from 2 years 10 months to 5 years 6 months), 3 programs of additional education.
- Tobolsk Theological Seminary. Directions - theology, church history, missiology.

UniversitiesThe Tyumen region offers more than 300 licensed programs of various levels of education: from the electric power industry, oil and gas business or land management to journalism, pedagogy or art. Separate areas are higher spiritual education and officer training.
Key Branches
This list includes subordinate institutions of Tyumen universities, as well as universities in other large cities. Among the branches of state universities are:
- Tobolsk Industrial Institute.
- Branches of Tyumen State University. These include the Ishim and Tobolsk Pedagogical Institutes.
- Branch of the Ural State University of Railway Transport. The parent organization is located in Yekaterinburg.

Educational services are also provided by units of non-governmental institutions. Training is conducted on a paid basis:
- Tyumen branch of the Moscow Institute of Public Administration and Law, speci alty - jurisprudence;
- branch of the Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation (the main organization is located in Novosibirsk), educational programs - management, commodity science, economics.
Ratings and reviews
When deciding where to apply for admission, applicants and their parents pay close attention not only to the list of offered speci alties, but also to the image of the educational organization, reviews about it. The image of the university in the eyesThe public is formed taking into account several factors: educational opportunities (programs, specialization), material base, additional services, demand for graduates in the labor market.

There are also all-Russian ratings, the entry into which confirms the prestige of a particular institution. Among Tyumen universities, industrial and state universities currently occupy the leading positions. Students and graduates note a wide range of popular programs, comfortable learning conditions, brilliant teaching staff, rich scientific and cultural life.