"Hurrah!" - is it "banzai" and nothing more?

"Hurrah!" - is it "banzai" and nothing more?
"Hurrah!" - is it "banzai" and nothing more?

"Banzai!" - shouted the Japanese samurai, rushing to attack the enemy. Russian soldiers, rushing to cut down enemies, shouted: "Hurrah!". The word "banzai" means this in our language. Although it came from a phrase that the ancient Chinese pronounced as "wansui", which meant a wish for longevity. The literal translation from ancient Chinese is "Ten millennia". In Japanese, it sounded like this in full: "Tenno: heika banzai." Somehow, the phrase was later transformed into a battle cry. At present, it means a feeling of triumph, more often expressed by a crowd of people. Has several more meanings.

"Banzai" - deep-fried sushi

Recipes may vary, the main ingredients are rice and nori seaweed. In addition, you will need cream cheese, avocado, eel, cucumber and salmon. Rice is laid on the nori sheet, then cheese. The rest of the ingredients are added and the roll is rolled up. Then it is dipped in flour, lightly beaten protein and finally in breadcrumbs. Deep-fried whole.

Afterpreparations are cut into portions with a saw-blade. Otherwise, the roll may fall apart - the crust is very fragile. You can sprinkle with roasted sesame seeds.

Sushi "Banzai"
Sushi "Banzai"

Sushi "Banzai" is very tasty. Those who do not like cold dishes will like it. And the rest will be pleased with the combination of cheese, salmon and vegetables.

Suicide attack or getting rid of shame

In the 19th century, the Japanese used frightening tactics in battles with the United States. Since the soldiers in the army were brought up according to the code of "busido" (in other words, the samurai), their own life was not valued by them. To die on the orders of the chief was considered the highest honor. Here are just a few of the code's tenets:

Real courage is to live when you should live and die when you should die.

In ordinary life, do not forget death and keep this word in your soul.

In battle, the devotion of a samurai is expressed in the fact that, without fear, go to the spears and arrows of the enemy, towards death, if such is the call of duty.

If a samurai has lost a battle and is in danger of death, he should solemnly pronounce his name and die smiling, without shameful haste.

If a samurai's wound is fatal, the samurai should respectfully bid farewell to his superior and die peacefully.

Samurai must, first of all, always remember that death can come at any moment, and if the time comes to die, then the samurai must do it with dignity.

The opponents of the Japanese called the tactic "attack-banzai". It was donelike this: the army lined up and with a loud roar of "Tenno Heika Banzai" rushed forward. Note that the soldiers were armed with bayonets, and the Americans had machine guns and rifles at their disposal. It was during World War II. The losses of the Japanese army during such attacks were very numerous. Practically unarmed soldiers came under heavy fire and died en masse.

At first, the tactics terrified and shocked the American soldiers, which, in fact, the Japanese were counting on. The enemy was shocked and frightened by fearlessness and indifference to death. Often the case ended with the retreat of the Americans.

But it didn't last long. The US Army was accustomed to such tactics and calmly shot the Japanese. The attack turned into an act of suicide. There is evidence that in this way the Japanese deliberately went to their death in order to escape the shame of defeat and not be captured.

Miniature bonsai tree

Uninformed people think that banzai is a Japanese mini garden in a pot.

bonsai tree
bonsai tree

Actually, "bonsai" is spelled correctly. This is the art of growing miniature copies of real trees, which came from Japan. The plant has been grown for decades. Hobbies require a lot of time and effort. Birch, oak, pine and other trees growing near the house can be used in our bonsai strip.
