Rendezvous - what is it? Meaning, origin, synonyms and interpretation

Rendezvous - what is it? Meaning, origin, synonyms and interpretation
Rendezvous - what is it? Meaning, origin, synonyms and interpretation

Someone thinks about Chernyshevsky, and someone thinks about popular Russian music of the 90s of the XX century. But those and others are united by their interest in the object of our study. Breaking down the noun "rendezvous" today, it's going to be exciting.


Even non-specialists in languages hear that the word came to us from French. It was spoken in the 19th century by the Russian nobility even better than Russian, so a huge number of different words have settled in our language since those times. The etymological dictionary kindly provides us with information about the history of the noun. According to him, a rendezvous is a "date". And the word is very old. The first uses date back to the 18th century. Rendez-vous - "go". There is also such a thing as a rendezvous-platz, that is, a “company assembly point”. But, despite the French roots of the noun, there is a version that it was borrowed from German. But it seems that the French origin hypothesis is more realistic. At least when Chernyshevsky uses the object of research in the title of his famous work "Russian Man on Rendez-Vous", he definitely uses the French word.


Boy and girl drinking a cocktail
Boy and girl drinking a cocktail

Yes, the origin of words is usually a dark matter. But with the meaning of definitions it is always easier, because there is an explanatory dictionary that will not let us fall into melancholy and be sad. If you want to know what a rendezvous is, then you should refer to Ozhegov’s book: “The same as a date (in the second meaning)”. Linger on the word "date":

  1. Meeting, usually arranged, of two or more persons.
  2. A pre-arranged meeting of two lovers, in general a meeting of a man and a woman seeking acquaintance, mutual relationship.

I must say that now, when we have an unromantic date, we are talking about him "meeting". Because the second meaning has swallowed the first. And if you talk about a business meeting as a date, then there is an ambiguity that is not good for understanding.

Sentences with the word

boy and girl walking
boy and girl walking

When we say "date", it's as if we are pulling the veil of mystery from the upcoming event. Is it worth it to do so and deprive yourself of additional pleasure? After all, love only benefits from a mysterious atmosphere, as well as obstacles. True, the latter should not be too serious, otherwise the feeling may crack. We will give examples of sentences, and you yourself will judge how sometimes the right word changes the meaning:

  • "It was amazing. At the corporate party, all single employees of the company exchanged blind phone numbers and formed pairs. Then we met at the appointed place. In a word,a real rendezvous, it was unforgettable.”
  • "Where are you dressed up like that, for a rendezvous?"
  • "So you don't date anymore, what if you were offered a rendezvous?"

When we replace, in general, synonymous concepts - "date" and "rendezvous", then it seems that the subtle meaning becomes different. If a person goes on a date, then it can turn out as you like, another thing is a rendezvous. From the word breathes adventure, intrigue and success. It seems that the French version almost automatically implies greater awareness and interest of the parties. But, perhaps, such an interpretation of the noun in question is only an illusion and a desire to romanticize reality.


The girl looks at the man with interest
The girl looks at the man with interest

After we understand what “rendezvous” is in French, we can pick up semantic analogues in Russian for the word. After all, we already have everything we need. Consider the list:

  • date;
  • meeting.

Yes, not much. In addition, we insist that even the nouns mentioned here in the full sense cannot cover the entire spectrum of the meaning of the object of study. If people say “rendezvous” and not “date”, then they have some reason to choose a word with French roots.

Our job is to consider the meaning of the word rendezvous, and it's done. Now the reader can dispose of the information as they wish.
