The image of a Russian woman in classical literature

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The image of a Russian woman in classical literature
The image of a Russian woman in classical literature

One of the distinguishing features of Russian classical literature is the depth of its ideological content. It shows a relentless desire to resolve the issue of the meaning of life, a humane attitude towards people, the truthfulness of the image.

And also Russian writers in their works sought to find the image of the ideal Russian woman. They brought out its best features, which are inherent in our people. Few in the literature of the world can one find such beautiful and pure representatives of the weaker sex. They are distinguished by a loving and faithful heart and unique spiritual beauty.

Only in Russian literature so much attention is paid to the description of the inner world and the most difficult experiences of the female soul. Through all the works one can see the image of a Russian woman who is a heroine, who has a big heart and a fiery soul, who is ready for exploits.

Russian soul Tatyana

Tatyana Larina
Tatyana Larina

One of the central images of a woman in Russian poetry is the unforgettable image of Tatyana Larina, created by A. S. Pushkin. Throughout the novel "Eugene Onegin" the author emphasizes that she is "Russian in soul". It is shown how much she loves the Russian people, Russian nature, patriarchal antiquity, her customs, legends.

Tatyana appears before the reader as a person who is characterized by the depth of nature and passion of feelings. It is distinguished by such qualities as integrity, sincerity, simplicity. The poet writes that he loves Tatyana "without art", she succumbs to the attraction of feelings.

In the secret of her love for Eugene, she does not dedicate anyone except the nanny. But the depth of love cannot outweigh the feeling of respect and duty towards her husband. She does not want to dissemble and informs Evgeny that she loves him, but she will be faithful to her lawful spouse all her life.

In this novel, A. S. Pushkin gave the image of a Russian woman who takes life, love and duty very seriously. It is distinguished by the depth of experiences, the complexity of the spiritual world. The author makes it clear that these features are directly related to Russian nature, the Russian people, under the influence of which a truly Russian woman was formed, a person with a big and beautiful soul.

Modest Masha Mironova

Masha Mironova
Masha Mironova

In The Captain's Daughter, A. S. Pushkin brought out the image of a modest Russian girl - Masha Mironova. It would seem that he is not outstanding at all. But if you look at it more closely, you can see the depth of her feelings, and a serious attitude towards love. She cannot express them verbally, but she remains faithful to them all her life. Masha is willing to do anything to save her belovedhuman being to sacrifice himself for the life of his parents.

Peasant women and Decembrists

The images of Russian women of Nekrasov stand apart in Russian poetic works. This remarkable poet is called their singer. Before and after that, none of the poets paid so much attention to them.

With genuine pain, Nikolai Alekseevich spoke about the difficult fate of Russian peasant women. He wrote that the keys to their female happiness are long lost. But, despite this, the slavish, humiliated life did not break their inherent sense of pride and dignity. This is Daria, familiar to us from the poem "Frost Red Nose". The image of this Russian peasant woman is the image of a bright person, pure in soul and heart.

Wives of the Decembrists
Wives of the Decembrists

Great love and warmth is felt in Nekrasov's depiction of the Decembrist women, who, without any hesitation, followed their husbands to Siberia. Princesses Volkonskaya and Trubetskaya are ready to fully share with them all the hardships, disasters and hardships, prison and hard labor.

Light beam - Katerina

It is impossible not to note this image of a Russian woman, which is full of beauty and tragedy at the same time. This is Katerina from "Thunderstorm" by N. A. Ostrovsky. According to N. A. Dobrolyubov, it reflected a number of the best features characteristic of the Russian people. It is about spiritual nobility, striving for freedom and truth, readiness for protest and struggle.

Everyone remembers that the critic called Katerina a ray of light that broke through the dark realm of the suffocating patriarchal merchant world of Kabanikhiand Wild. This woman is characterized as exceptional, possessing a poetic, dreamy nature. Finding herself in an atmosphere of hypocrisy, hypocrisy, being married to the unloved, she experiences genuine deep suffering.

But when she meets a person close to her in her moods in the "dark kingdom", a romantic feeling flashes brightly in her. Love becomes for the heroine the main and only meaning of her life. However, the sense of duty in her wins, and she repents before her husband. And although in the finale Katerina dies, throwing herself into the Volga, by doing so she throws down a "challenge to the self-imposed force."

Expert of the female soul I. S. Turgenev

Turgenev girl
Turgenev girl

Another great master in creating images of Russian women is I. S. Turgenev. He was a subtle connoisseur of the female soul and heart and brought out an amazing gallery of images. In The Nest of Nobles, the reader is presented with a pure, bright and strict Lisa Kalitina. With the women of Ancient Russia, she is brought together by such features as a deep religious feeling, a sense of duty and responsibility for her actions.

However, the writer also depicts women of a new type. These are Elena Stakhova from the novel "On the Eve" and Marianna from "Novi". So, Elena is trying to break out of the narrow family framework, to plunge into the turbulent stream of social activity. However, the living conditions that existed at that time did not give women such an opportunity. After the death of a loved one, Stakhova devotes her life to a holy cause. She participates in the liberation of the people of Bulgaria from the Turks.

A woman for the family

Natasha's first ball
Natasha's first ball

One of the most beloved and most developed images of a woman in Russian literature is the image of Natasha Rostova in Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace. The great writer contrasts it with the image of Vera Pavlovna in Chernyshevsky's novel What Is To Be Done? Disagreeing with the ideology of the raznochintsev democrats, Tolstoy draws the image of a woman created not for social activities, but for the family.

Natasha is a determined and cheerful girl, close to the people. It has economy and practicality. When Napoleon entered Moscow, she, like many representatives of various strata of Russian society, experienced a genuine patriotic upsurge.

But the life ideals of the heroine are not complex, they are in the family sphere and are clearly manifested at the end of the novel, when the reader sees Natasha surrounded by a happy family.

Thus, the largest of Russian poets and writers managed to bring out a whole galaxy of beautiful images of Russian women, revealing in all their richness all their qualities, which include intelligence, purity, the desire for happiness, struggle, freedom.