Interesting facts about the human heart

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Interesting facts about the human heart
Interesting facts about the human heart

The heart and circulatory system have long been studied, more so than some other organs. Nevertheless, they still arouse curiosity among both specialists and ordinary people.

In this article you can learn some interesting facts about the human heart.

How much blood does this amazing organ pump?

If we compare the cardiovascular system with a person, then its main positive quality will, of course, be industriousness. And you really can't argue with that.

So, the first interesting fact about the heart is that in five minutes this muscle is able to easily overtake about five liters of blood through the entire body. And in an hour, this small but important organ performs on average about 4200 strokes and pumps about three hundred liters of fluid.

Anatomical heart
Anatomical heart

In general, the heart muscle within one calendar year is able to pass through our body such an amount of blood that is enough to fill the Olympic pool. And this is more than 2.5 million liters! To do this, the body needs to make about 38.5 millionabbreviations.

In general, the energy generated by the heart can be enough to drive a truck for 40 kilometers. If you count it for a whole human life, then you can fly to the moon and come back. And it's a proven fact.

Does our heartbeat affect our emotions?

There is a common allegory - "the choice made by the heart". How much does it reflect reality?

As it turned out, this stable expression may well be reflected in life. The rhythm of the main human organ has a direct impact on his emotions, feelings and even intuition. Hence another interesting fact about the work of the heart: due to a change in the pace of its work, one can anticipate betrayal, betrayal, or (God forbid, of course) a disaster that happened to loved ones.

The structure of the heart
The structure of the heart

A well-known researcher and cardiac surgeon named Agustin Ibanes from the University of Favaloro in Buenos Aires was able to test this statement empirically when he met an incredible man in whose chest two identical motors were beating. The man had another heart in his chest, located just below the main one. The need for such an operation arose due to weak heart muscles: an additional organ significantly improved the situation.

The most interesting thing is that over time, the patient's mechanical assistant moved down into the stomach, and, according to him, influenced the perception of reality, often causing intuitive premonitions.

Is life possible without blood?

Often in our headsquestions arise: what happens to the body during the arrest of the heart center? Is it possible to bring a person back to life with clinical death? After all, the activity of the brain and the cardiovascular system is suspended at this moment.

An unusual experiment was conducted in cardiology, during which new interesting facts about the human heart were discovered. The patient's blood was replaced with a simple saline solution. This was done in an attempt to prevent fatalities.

heart model
heart model

This cardiological study has literally blurred the line between life and death. The patient's body temperature was artificially lowered to about 10-15 degrees Celsius. Since the metabolic processes had already been stopped, the blood turned out to be practically unnecessary: there was no need to supply oxygen to the body. But after the replacement, the doctors were able to keep the patient's temperature at the same level with ordinary cold s alted water.

About the mysteries of heart transplantation

This question worries many people. Human organ transplant operations have been going on for a long time and quite successfully. But the problem is that there are clearly not enough donors in the world. And here an interesting fact about the heart for children and adults can be a story about the use of animal material or an artificial organ.

human heart
human heart

The first transplantation of the tissues of our smaller brothers into the human body was carried out in 1682, when a fragment of a canine bone was transferred into the patient's skull in Holland. Currentlyresearch is being actively conducted on the subject of whether it is possible to transplant an organ into a person, for example, a pig. Why was she chosen? It is believed that human and pig organisms are very similar.

However, a more interesting fact about the human heart for children and adults is that in our time, experiments are being carried out to autonomously grow the tissues of this irreplaceable organ. And, probably, soon it will be possible to completely do without a donor. But what is it like to live with a fake heart? The question is, of course, a funny one. After all, we often feel it for them. But time, as you know, will tell.

human heart
human heart

Heart and Ecology

Scientific studies show that one of the causes of heart disease is the poor state of the environment. In the course of statistical studies, it was found that people living 50 meters from the roadway are 38% more likely to suffer from problems with the central organ than people living at a distance of 500 meters from the road.

This begs another interesting fact about the heart: if you want to reduce the risk of its diseases, just change your place of residence (for example, a city) to an environmentally friendly one and settle in a remote village.

Maybe you didn't know this

In fact, the human heart holds many more secrets. Here are some of them:

  • Women, according to research, it beats faster than men.
  • In the embryo, you can distinguish the heartbeat already in the fourth week of its existence.
  • The work of the main organ can be synchronized for people engaged in the same topicthe same thing. For example, members of the choir during a performance.
  • The heart has its own electrical impulse. This is evidenced by the fact that it can still beat for some time after being removed from the body, until its oxygen supply runs out.
  • Most often, heart attacks are diagnosed in the early morning, especially on Mondays. It's a joke, of course, but perhaps for someone this is a peculiar reaction of the body to the end of the weekend and the onset of weekdays.

And it is possible that over time more and more interesting facts about the heart and its work will appear. After all, the human body is unlikely to ever be fully studied.