Opposition - what is it? Meaning, functions and examples

Table of contents:

Opposition - what is it? Meaning, functions and examples
Opposition - what is it? Meaning, functions and examples

People get to know this word quite early. For example, like this: “Look how that boy at the next table deftly eats his porridge, and it grows in your plate.” Then such phrases haunt a person all his life, and they are spoken not only by parents, but in general by all those who have power. Consider the noun "opposition", and it will be at least entertaining.

Meaning and sentences

yin and yang
yin and yang

Before moving on to picturesque examples, we need to understand what exactly we are dealing with. So let's look at the explanatory dictionary first. Let's say right away that the noun does not have an independent meaning, so the book refers us to a related verb:

  1. Comparing someone, something, indicate their dissimilarity, opposite.
  2. Comparing, give preference to someone, something.
  3. Resisting against someone, something.
  4. Nominate as equal, substitute or superior(according to its properties, dignity).

To combine business with pleasure and reveal the meaning of the meanings of the word, we will compose sentences for illustration:

  • When we oppose good and evil, the nature of one and the other becomes clearer to us.
  • Yes, I oppose you and Serezha, because Serezha is a good boy, he studies well and pleases his parents, and you only drink my blood!
  • We will counter the opponent's swift attack with reinforced concrete defense. The enemy will not pass.
  • Yes, I oppose Petrov's project with mine. And I say that he is not only equal to him in merits, but also surpasses his solution for economic reasons.

What can I say, opposition is not a pound of raisins. We hope the reader has already understood this.

Contradictions in Literature

book with folded pages
book with folded pages

Naturally, in order to distinguish pure types of good and evil, for example, you need to dive into the depths of centuries and find suitable characters somewhere. But we won't do that. If you go deep enough, the reader may not understand the literary game, and the almost archaeological work will depreciate. Therefore, we will take those heroes who are well known to everyone. And they, despite the fact that they are internally complex, are opposed to each other. We are talking about the brothers Karamazov - Alyosha and Ivan. If approached simply, then one personifies good, the other - evil. Alyosha is relatively simple, while Ivan, on the contrary, is complex. But it is precisely this opposition that helps Dostoevsky to write out more clearly the character of the one who nominally representsevil camp.

Life examples

When we digress from literature, it becomes both easier and more difficult at once. On the one hand, there are many “pure” types in life who either openly represent the interests of evil or the interests of good. For example, the story of two police officers - good and evil. Rumor has it that these are not just Hollywood stories. In any case, one guardian of order is good incarnate, and the other is evil. And such a device of opposition forces the criminal to reveal his secrets.

Go back to the beginning and remember our parents. I wonder, in general, were there people in the history of mankind who were not compared with friends, relatives? There are probably very few of them. Therefore, even a meme appeared on the Internet - “the son of my mother’s friend” is someone who, in any case, does everything better than the alleged victim (and there is no other way to call it) comparison. And, interestingly, if the police achieve results with such opposition (and this is expected), then parents with such psychological “pokes” only demotivate and offend.

Why does one work and the other doesn't?

Image"Mom's friend's son"
Image"Mom's friend's son"

Interesting question, right? In literature, the technique works, it works on a criminal, but it does not work on living people. Why? Everything is pretty simple. In literature, contrast helps to sharpen features. He also helps law enforcement officers to undermine the criminal's nervous system. And when parents talk about "the son of a mother's friend", they humiliate their child and point out to him imperfections, which, of course, he cannotto correct. For example, what is the point of a botanist and a bookworm to say that Leshka is a good fellow: an athlete, the girls are following him. And our bookworm will sit with his books. Is there a path in life that will lead a nerd to become an athlete? And we're talking about established characters. And not about cases when a frail boy has complexes and on this basis turns, for example, into a boxer, this is a different scenario.

Parents should compare their children's achievements with their own past achievements, and not engage in opposition, this is stupid. The only pity is that few people understand this. Adult people think something like this: “We need to put pressure on his complexes, he will be ashamed and will prove to me that I am wrong.” But such a technique can break and embitter a person until the end of time. The human soul is too tender for such clumsy ways.

If anyone forgot, we were looking at the meaning of the word "opposition". We hope the reader has learned from the material something else besides the meaning of the noun.
