Since time immemorial, there have been diseases with beautiful names that people weren't "fashionable" to get sick with, but rather, it was fashionable to say that you have such diseases. As soon as you told any lady from high society that she had a migraine or fainted, everyone immediately imbued her with deep empathy and respect. Depression was also referred to such "fashionable" diseases. Naturally, many knew how to spell the name of this disease correctly.

"Depression" or "depression"? Fashion sickness
Every person has experienced depression in their life, this condition is known to almost everyone, since in the modern world there is no escape from stress and anxiety. It is human nature to worry, to solve current life problems, and in cases of failure - to get nervous and fall into a gloomy mood. And the surrounding world, painted with dark colorsthis state seems simply unbearable.

So all the same, "depression" or "depression" - how to spell correctly?
In the rules of the Russian language, you can find the answer to the above question: "depression" is written with an "e". It is this option that is found in medical, fiction and other types of literature. Nevertheless, it is necessary to figure out how the foreign prefix "de" is connected with the meaning of the controversial word, and draw a conclusion as it should: "depression" or "depression". The photo below vividly shows a person with this mental disorder.

In general, what is depression, what is it connected with and what is the origin of this word?
As it is correct, "depression" or "depression", the etymology of the word will decide. The prefix "de" has two meanings. The first meaning is the removal or destruction of something, for example, deportation, depilation. Everything is clear here. The second meaning is an action that has the opposite direction, downward movement or the absence of something, for example, degradation, decompression, destabilization.
The prefix "di" is of Greek origin, has the following semantic meaning: "double", "twice", for example, dilemma, diphthong.
But the controversial word itself is of Latin origin, its literal translation means depression. As a rule, depression develops against the background of a long-term traumaticsituations, stress. Often these disorders are hidden under the guise of a bad mood or personality traits.
It should also be pointed out here that the frequently asked question ("depression" or "depression" - how do you spell it right?) arises from the fact that the first part of the word "depression" has a prefix consonant with the English deep. After all, it is read as "di". Hence the disputes on the topic: "depression" or "depression". But the word has Latin roots: depressio is translated as "suppression".
Different meanings of the word "depression"
However, in different areas of use, the word in question has different semantic meanings. For example, in geomorphology, a depression is called a depression, a basin near the ocean. Meteorology calls this term an area with low atmospheric pressure. As you know, depressions also occur in the economy, which means a crisis, a decline in production, mass unemployment.
Depression in the medical sense of the word
But still, the word "depression" is more common in the medical topic as a kind of mental disorder, which is characterized by a depressed state of a person.
The occurrence of depression is characteristic of any age and any social group. This is due to the fact that each person strives for social well-being, external attractiveness, professional success, financial stability and independence. And when difficulties or obstacles arise on the way to these landmarks, a person can fall into despair. He takes failure hard, as a result of which he developsdepression. Severe psychological trauma can also lead to this mental disorder, for example, the death of a loved one, dismissal from work, family breakup, serious illness.
But sometimes depression can occur for no apparent reason. In this case, there are pathological changes in the functioning of the brain, in particular, disturbances in the metabolism of neurotransmitters.
Depression manifests itself in many different ways. A person experiences a whole list of feelings: sadness, anxiety, fatigue, the presence of negative thoughts, indifference to previously interesting things, loss of purposefulness, deterioration in concentration, weakening of social contacts, the appearance of addiction to alcohol or drugs. A depressed person becomes irritable, loses interest in work, sex life, and often even food. Such a person feels inferior, guilty for no reason, does not see the future, he has frequent headaches, muscle and heart pain.
Treatment of depressive disorders
When depression is important to know that it is well treated and has a favorable prognosis. To do this, you need to admit your problem, talk about it with loved ones, contact a specialist.

Often, carriers of this mental disorder, and not only them, have a question: how is “depression” treated quickly and effectively (or depression - in this case, it’s not so important, how to do it right). After all, if the disease is not treated, itit can drag on for months, and years, there is no time for the subtleties of writing. The basis of methods of dealing with depressive disorders is medication and psychotherapy. Of the medications, as a rule, antidepressants are prescribed, which are selected individually and taken for several months under the strict supervision of a doctor. And the goal of psychotherapy is the ability to regulate their own emotions. The patient is offered the opportunity to speak out about their problems, which caused the development of a mental disorder.
In some cases, lifestyle changes are a powerful weapon against depression. First, be sure to include regular exercise in your daily routine. Secondly, you need to reconsider your diet. Thirdly, you need to get enough sleep, because when the amount of sleep is not enough, the symptoms of depression worsen, irritability and fatigue increase. Fourth, social support is needed, as this factor will reduce social isolation, which is a catalyst for the disease.
Prevention of depression
To prevent the development of depressive symptoms, it is necessary to be able to painlessly overcome stressful situations. And this is facilitated by physical activity, walks in the fresh air, a balanced diet, the correct mode of work.

So, "depression" or "depression" - how do you spell it right? All of the above suggests that in each of the listed values \u200b\u200bthe prefix is written"de", so the word "depression" is absolutely illiterate to write.