What is "din" and "noise"

What is "din" and "noise"
What is "din" and "noise"

There is a good New Year's song: "Noise and din are in the forest, hares met a fox…" A cheerful melody of a children's song paints a fabulous picture: a New Year's forest, snowy paths, Christmas trees, hares, a fox… And they are noise and din! These two little words are presented as little smiling gnomes, the organizers of the forest festival.

Both noise and din

But in order. Noise and din - what is it? What do these two little words mean? They are quite popular in colloquial speech. With the name "Noise and din" there is a feature film. Full of all sorts of adventures. Among the youth in the late 90s, the song sounded: "… all around din, noise …". The lyrics made me think of a mess going on.

chaos and noise
chaos and noise

The reeds rustled…

With the word "noise", everything seems to be simple and clear. Noise is a chaotic, loud fusion of various sounds. A polyphonic sound that comes out of tune, irritates the ear and causes unpleasant emotions. The branches of the trees rustle in a light breeze, but when a strong gust sways the tree from side to side, causing the branches to crackle, the trees make noise. Pupils sitting quietly in the classroom, having entered into a discussion withteacher, talking. But as soon as the bell rings, the tone of their voice rises, becomes uncontrollable, and noise is heard from the classroom. Noise is called incomprehensible rustling and discomfort in the ear, hissing in broken equipment. The loud conversations of traders in the market bazaar very often turn into noise. This is an unintelligible unpleasant sound at high volume. Now let's try to understand what "gum" is.

dog in headphones
dog in headphones

Here comes the noise

In the dictionary, the word "gam" has several similar words. If you pay attention to the synonyms of this word, it will immediately become clear what it means.

What is gam? It appears to be:

  • buzz;
  • hustle;
  • hum;
  • loud knocking;
  • hub;
  • erratic loud sound;
  • creepy scream;
  • mess;
  • chaos;
  • op;
  • unintelligible cry.

Sources of din and noise are of both natural and artificial origin. This is:

  • feast with neighbors;
  • angry pack of dogs;
  • school recess;
  • market day;
  • background in a theater or circus before a performance;
  • numerous flow of cars;
  • flock of noisy crows;
  • joyful screams in the playground;
  • Park weekend;
  • bee buzz;
  • New Year's Eve.

That's what gam is.

Noise and uproar are related words in meaning. They both talk about a commotion, a noisy place, and public disorder.

There are many in Russianlittle interesting words. Half of them are based on the emotions they evoke. As it is written in one rhyme: "Noise, din, tara-ram. She just smashed everything into the trash …". Noise and uproar is a true confirmation of this.
