Meaning of the word "wooded": dictionary definition

Meaning of the word "wooded": dictionary definition
Meaning of the word "wooded": dictionary definition

It's so nice to go to the forest. There is nothing better than pristine nature. It fills the body with energy, clears the mind of problems, allows you to see the beauty in everyday things. This article will look at the word "wooded": the meaning and its difference from the adjective "forest".


If a word raises questions, and its lexical meaning remains a mystery, it is better to consult a dictionary. This is an indispensable tool for those who have difficulty interpreting a particular concept.

The lexical meaning of the word "wooded" is given in Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. This is the name of the area, which is abundantly overgrown with trees. It can be plains, hills, wild coast.


What's the difference?

Students often confuse the adjectives "forest" and "wooded". Yes, they are very similar, only slightly different in spelling. Yes, they sound almost identical. However, the meaning of the word "wooded" is completely different from the interpretation of the second adjective. Considermore.

The word "wooded" characterizes the area. For example, wooded shores, wooded areas, wooded mountains, wooded slopes.

What does the second adjective mean? "Forest" characterizes what is in the forest, refers to forestry. For example, forest flowers, forest dwellers, forest beauties, forest birds, forest hut. That is, this is what lives, grows, exists inside the shoots.

The lexical meaning of the word "woody" differs from the definition of the adjective "forest". We can draw the following conclusion. These words belong to the category of paronyms, that is, they are similar in spelling and sound.

wooded slopes
wooded slopes

It is worth noting that in sentences the adjective "woody" most often performs the function of a definition. It characterizes nominal parts of speech. It is stylistically neutral, that is, it does not express the author's attitude to the statement.

The article discusses the meaning of the word "wooded".
