OMON: the transcript is known to everyone

OMON: the transcript is known to everyone
OMON: the transcript is known to everyone
riot police decryption
riot police decryption

The main task of this special unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is to ensure law and order in cases of complication of the operational situation in the regions of Russia.

Twenty-five years of history

The creation of the OMON MVD took place during perestroika, in the late eighties of the twentieth century. And this was due to the fact that at that time all layers of society awakened in the country: in addition to political and ethnic strife, criminal showdowns also began. Ordinary police officers could not cope with the rampant elements.

The head of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs in October 1988 signed order No. 206 on the creation of special police units. This is how the decoding of the word OMON sounded. Nineteen such detachments were formed in individual republics of the Soviet Union and regions of the RSFSR. The formation of such special forces paid off. Therefore, by the end of the nineties, their number had already reached a hundred, they were created in almost all major Russian cities.

Dig deeper

The second regiment of the patrol service (PPPS) became the springboard on the basis of which OMON was created in Moscow a year earlier (October 23, 1987). The decoding of this word was then somewhat different - a special police detachmentdestination.

But if you dig even deeper, it turns out that the regiment itself (PPPS) has a connection with the guard company, created in 1945 to provide security at the Y alta conference of Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill. There is no need to talk about the fact that the most experienced, politically literate, professional fighters were selected there. It goes without saying.

Tasks increased


By and large, it was the fight against criminals, armed to the teeth, that became the root cause of the creation of the OMON (decoding: special police detachment). However, the social situation worsened from year to year. It was directly connected with the collapse of the USSR. And the "riot police" fighters became in the forefront of those who dispersed spontaneous rallies and demonstrations.

It was especially hard for OMON units in the early nineties in the B altic republics, where nationalists showed themselves with might and main, and soon fascist veterans marched through the streets of cities.

At the same time, the fighters of these special forces began to be sent to the so-called "hot spots". Business trips to Chechnya and the North Caucasus have become commonplace for them. But many of these guys never returned home, and if they did, it was with a wounded psyche, almost like from Afghanistan.

Reform also affected riot police

deciphering the word omon
deciphering the word omon

In 2011, during the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they wanted to rename the OMON, like the police, which became the police. In fact, OPON should have arisen at this time. However, aftersuch a renaming was not debated for a long time. It was decided to keep the OMON. The decoding of the abbreviation, however, now sounds somewhat different: a mobile detachment (instead of the police) for special purposes.

The tasks of the special forces after the reform also remained the same. In the first place is the elimination of criminal groups. No less important is the task of ensuring law and order at public mass events, including sports facilities. And of course, one cannot do without "riot police" in the forceful suppression of riots and in "hot spots". So it lives up to its name OMON, the decoding of which sounds like a special mobile detachment.

To carry out such serious tasks, special forces soldiers are armed and equipped much better than ordinary policemen. They undergo special training, they are trained not only in shooting from various weapons, but also in the technique of wielding a knife and hand-to-hand combat.

In quantitative terms, in comparison with the end of the twentieth century, OMON also increased. Two years ago, the number of special forces exceeded 120.

Where did the Zubr come from?

omon abbreviation decoding
omon abbreviation decoding

Zubr appeared in 2006. This was the name of the special police detachment, related directly to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. It was created on the basis of the OMON GUVD in the metropolitan area. Zubr is directly subordinate to the minister.

In 2011, he underwent some reorganization, which, however, did not play a special role in the activities of the unit.

Zubr's tasks are similar to the tasks of the entireOMON. This is the suppression of crimes, law enforcement, participation in the fight against terrorist groups.

Although information on special forces is considered closed, information slipped in the media that the Zubr staff has more than 2,500 people. He is en titled to good weapons, up to armored personnel carriers, helicopters and other equipment.

For heroism and selflessness, five Zubr employees were awarded the high title of Hero of Russia (two posthumously), 95 fighters are holders of the Order of Courage. So OMON, whose decoding is interpreted as a detachment not only mobile, but also for special purposes, is a school of courage and courage. Only brave people who know how to control all their feelings, patriots of Russia, can become fighters of this special unit. In 2002, the OMON Day holiday was even established, which is celebrated annually on October 3.
