What is isolation? Separations in Russian

What is isolation? Separations in Russian
What is isolation? Separations in Russian

Answering the question of what isolation is, one can simply say that it is the selection of sections of text in writing. But, as elsewhere, there are many nuances. In particular, there are different types of segregation.

Separation of secondary members of the sentence

Almost any part of speech, including secondary ones, can stand out in a letter. First of all, highlighting circumstances with commas depends on how they are expressed. The following cases are possible.

Circumstance expressed by gerunds

The circumstance is isolated regardless of the place it occupies in relation to the predicate expressed by the verb. That is, the isolation of revolutions, including participles, occurs together with the isolation of the circumstance.

For example: Frightened by a thunderstorm, he returned to the house.

what is segregation
what is segregation

If the circumstance is located in the middle of the sentence, then it must be separated from both sides by commas. This once again confirms that the answer to the question, what is isolation, is simple. This is a selection of a piece of a phrase on a letter.

In the fall, leaving home, he felt longing for his native land.

The circumstance, which is expressed by a gerund or participle, can be replaced by a subordinate clause or a predicate, since it is close in meaning to a secondary predicate.

Compare: In autumn, leaving home, he felt longing for his native land.- In autumn, he left home and felt longing for his native land.

1. Particles are only, only included in a separate design and also highlighted:

The light came on, illuminating everything around for a moment, and went out again.

That is, this is an example of the isolation of secondary members of the sentence, which include particles.

2. If the adverbial construction comes after a coordinating / subordinating union or an allied word, then it must be separated from the union with a comma.

Compare: She opened the window and leaned out into the air to watch the rising sun. She opened the window and leaned out into the air to watch the rising sun.

isolation of minor members
isolation of minor members

3. A union, an allied word does not require separation with a comma with a gerund or participle turnover in the event that the gerund construction is inseparable from the union or allied word, i.e. it cannot be removed without violating the structure of the sentence.

Compare: He liked to make unusual gifts, and congratulating a friend, he broke into a smile of satisfaction (impossible: He liked to make unusual gifts, but congratulated a friend …). But! The teacher did not announce the grades for the control, but, having collected the diaries, put them there. – The teacher did not announce the grades for the control, but put them indiaries.

Homogeneous gerunds and participles that are connected by single coordinating or disjunctive conjunctions and, or, no need to separate a comma.

The linguist worked on the translation by reading the text and listening to its recording.

But if the union connects not two gerunds, but other constructions, commas are put:

I took the letter and opened it and began to read.

When is this part of speech not isolated?

1. The adverbial construction is represented by a phraseological unit:

He sat back.

But if a phraseological unit is an introductory word in a sentence, it is highlighted with commas.

2. The adverbial construction is preceded by an amplifying particle and:

You can achieve success without having we alth.

separation of revolutions
separation of revolutions

3. The gerund is included in the subordinate clause and has a dependent allied word which (a comma separates the main clause from the subordinate clause):

The state faces the most important issues, without understanding which it will not be able to reach a new level in the economy.

4. The adverbial turnover includes the subject (a comma separates the entire turnover from the predicate):

Crow perched on the spruce tree, she was about to have breakfast.

5. The participle is a homogeneous member with a non-isolated circumstance and is connected with it with the help of the union and:

He ran fast and didn't look around.

When else is isolation of turns not required?

Generic participles do not require separationturns and single gerunds that:

1. Having finally lost their verbal meaning, they moved into the category of adverbs:

We walked slowly. (No: We walked and didn't hurry).

offers with cuts
offers with cuts

2. Lost connection with the verb and moved into the category of function words: starting with, based on, looking at:

Documents compiled based on the results of the study. However, in other contextual situations, turns can sometimes be isolated.

1) turnover from starting from is isolated if it has a clarifying character and is not related to time:

She speaks many languages, starting with English and German.

2) turnover with based on is isolated if in meaning it corresponds to the one who performs the action:

We have compiled documents based on your research.

3) turnover from depending on is isolated if it has a clarifying or connecting meaning:

Had to be careful with the circumstances.

Separation if the circumstance is expressed by a noun

The circumstance of concession is always isolated, expressed by a noun with a preposition despite / in spite of (easily replaced by subordinate clauses of concession with the allied word though).

Wed.: Despite the bad weather, the holiday was a success. – Although the weather was bad, the holiday was a success.

Special cases of isolation

In the following cases, circumstances may be separated by commas:

1. Reasons with prepositions thanks, forlack, due to, due to, etc. (easily replaced by a subordinate clause with an allied word since).

Compare: The son, according to the opinion of his father, entered the Faculty of Law. – Since the son agreed with the opinion of his father, he entered the law school.

separation of secondary
separation of secondary

2. Concessions with prepositions in spite of, with (easily replaced by a clause with a union though).

Compare: Against the advice of his father, the son entered the medical faculty. – Although the father gave advice, the son entered the medical school.

3. Conditions with prepositional constructions in the presence, in the absence, in case, etc. (easily replaced by a clause with the union if).

Compare: Employers, in case of a decrease in profits, decided to reduce the headquarters. – If employers have a decrease in profits, they decided to reduce the staff.

4. Goals and prepositional combinations to avoid (easily replaced by a clause with the conjunction to).

Wed.: Payment, in order to avoid inconvenience, make by card. – To avoid inconvenience, please pay by card.

5. Comparisons with an allied word like.

Compare: Tanya graduated from high school with excellent grades, just like her older sister.

In general, the isolation of phrases with the above prepositions and prepositional constructions is variable.

What is isolation when acquiring a semantic load?

Circumstances that are expressed by nouns without prepositions or with other prepositions are isolated only if they acquire an additional semantic load, explanatory meaning orcombining several adverbial values.

Katya, after receiving a negative answer, left the living room.

Here the circumstance combines two meanings (time and reason, i.e. when did you leave? and why did you leave?)

Pay special attention to the fact that isolated circumstances that are expressed by nouns should always be emphasized intonation. But the presence of a pause does not always indicate the presence of a comma. Thus, it is always intonationally necessary to highlight circumstances located at the beginning of a sentence with isolations.

However, a comma after such a circumstance is not required.

Circumstance expressed by adverb

If the circumstances are expressed by adverbs (the presence of dependent words does not matter), then they are isolated only when the author wants to pay more attention to them, when they have the meaning of an accompanying remark, etc.:

A minute later, by no means known how, he reached the village.

isolation in Russian
isolation in Russian

In this sentence, with the help of isolation, the unexpectedness and strangeness of the action performed are emphasized. However, such separations in Russian are always authorial, optional.

We hope that in the article we managed to reveal the answer to the question of what is isolation.
