It just so happens that our life in the modern world is more and more often exposed to dangers. That is why an adult needs to know by heart the technique of action in emergency situations. But even more important is to teach the child the algorithm of behavior in dangerous situations. This task is performed to some extent by the safety corner at the school.
Why do we need a safety corner?
Any mother will tell you that babies don't know the sense of danger, that's why they fill bumps, gradually learning from their mistakes. The task of the school and parents is to warn the child against some mistakes that can cost him his life, as well as teach him what to do in case of an emergency. The list of dangerous situations includes: traffic, fire, being on ice in a pond, a terrorist attack.
By constantly telling and repeating information from the safety corner, parents and teachers will help the child form the correct algorithm of actions in case of emergency.

Requirements for maintaining a safety corner at school
First of all, you don't need to cover all dangerous situations on one big poster. It is better to describe in detail one situation and actions in it on one or two posters and similarly describe another. Otherwise, the child may have all the information mixed up in his head, and he will not find the right way out of a dangerous situation, once in it.
Secondly, posters may contain leading questions on the topic "What is the right way?.." They will help the child think about how he would act in this or that situation, and thus draw attention to himself.
Thirdly, posters can be made from plywood, plastic, cardboard, or plain paper in large formats. Both parents and students can be involved in creating a safe corner in a school or classroom. For younger students, it is better to make a visual aid - layouts, dummies.
School Safety Corner Tips
Among other things, posters placed in the security corner may contain historical facts, statistics such as annual data on the causes of fire.
In order for the elementary school safety corner to perform its function better, it should be designed in the form of posters that depict the same little girls and boys. For this, plot stands are used. This will attract more attention from younger students. In addition, the safety corner in elementary school is best designed in verse form, since children will better remember the algorithm of actions in rhyme and can easilyremember.
Each rule or word must be written in the literal sense, in simple words, without using the professional vocabulary of the relevant authorities.
Posters should be bright, colorful, illustrated. But do not overload the poster with pictures. Text should be short but clear.

Fire safety. Action in case of fire
A fire, like any emergency, in the first minutes provokes panic even in an adult. Is it worth talking about what is going on in the child's head at this moment? At such moments, he cannot figure out how to behave in order to save life and he alth. Hence, the school's fire safety corner should contain the following information:
- causes of fire (faulty wiring, playing with matches, improper handling of electrical appliances, etc.);
- fire department phone number (large to catch the eye);
- evacuation plan;
- information about what not to do in case of fire (breathe through your mouth, hide in a closet, run in a panic in an unknown direction, etc.);
- algorithm of actions if it is impossible to get out of a burning room (close doors and plug cracks with rags, wet a piece of cloth, open windows, call for help, etc.).

Road safety
When a child goes to school or kindergarten, or somewhere else, he is a full member of the road. And he must clearly know his basic rights and obligations aspedestrians, as well as the rights and obligations of drivers. Therefore, the road safety corner at school should include information about:
- the actions of a pedestrian and a driver when driving through a traffic light (decoding the colors of a traffic light);
- main road signs;
- algorithm and rules for crossing the street at a pedestrian crossing (look first to the left, then to the right; do not talk on the phone);
- cycling rules.

Actions in case of a terrorist attack
The following information should be reflected in training manuals on behavior in case of a terrorist attack:
- how to deal with a suspicious package or bag on the street or indoors (do not touch, do not kick, notify adults about the find, call the rescue service);
- behavior if taken hostage (do not panic, do not provoke terrorists, do not make sudden movements, etc.);
- actions during the release (position - lying on the floor, covering your head with your hands, act strictly according to the commands of the special services).

Ice safety rules
I remember that as a child, the teacher, leaving the class for the winter holidays, spent a class hour according to the rules of being on the ice, which the students later signed in a special notebook. And we signed that we learned and learned the following rules:
- don't walk on ice for no apparent reason;
- do not gather several people in one place;
- what actions to take if underyou cracked the ice (sliding steps, feet shoulder-width apart);
- what to take with you on the ice (rope with weight, phone, etc.);
- what to do if you fall through the ice (rolling technique).
Safety corner location
Most often this kind of educational posters are placed in the corridors, at the entrance to the assembly hall, near the dining room, near the locker room. In other words, they should be in crowded places.