What subjects should I take for a manager: tips and tricks for applicants

What subjects should I take for a manager: tips and tricks for applicants
What subjects should I take for a manager: tips and tricks for applicants

More and more schoolchildren are interested in what subjects to take for a manager. The thing is that "management" is a very common speci alty now. After graduation, you can become a manager in a particular area. But what do you need to know about admission? What subjects do you need to pass to become a manager? Where can you go for further education? Understanding all this is not so difficult. Of course, you should first choose an educational institution where you can enroll, then specify the exams for admission to the manager there. But in general terms, the enrollment process will take place in all universities in the same way.

what subjects need to be handed over to the manager
what subjects need to be handed over to the manager

Management is…

What subjects do I need to hand over to the manager? Before finding out the answer to this question, it is necessary first of all to understand what profession we are talking about. After all, schoolchildren try to choose either promising areas of study, or those where it is easy to study. Management, as already mentioned, is a very common area of study.

But who will the citizen be after graduation? Is there any point at allacquire this profession? The manager is the manager. Most of the time it's about sales. And any - both in the field of IT and in ordinary stores.

In Russia, the profession of a manager is considered both promising and useless. High competition - that's what you have to face. And even a person without a diploma can work as a seller in a store. Not everyone will be able to achieve heights. That is why the profession of a manager is not very respected by parents and is preferred by applicants. This is a humanitarian direction, it is easier to study than, for example, to become a programmer. And if you just want to get at least some kind of diploma, you can think about what subjects you need to take for a manager.

List of items

Management is a common liberal arts area of study. And almost every student knows what exams he will have to take after grade 11 for admission. It should be noted that there are no additional tests and competitions when considering applicants as future students. Therefore, it will be enough to successfully pass the exam. And submit documents to one or another institution for training.

where to apply for a manager
where to apply for a manager

But what items should be handed over to the manager? At the moment it is:

  • Russian;
  • math;
  • social studies.

The last exam is profile. Actually the main one. It is on it that applicants will be evaluated in the first place. Taking into account the fact that now in Russia they plan to divide all exams into regular and specialized ones, to know that social sciencefor the manager plays a paramount role, it is simply necessary.

Where to go

No more extra tests, tests or difficult subjects to take. Where do you go to be a manager? This is a rather difficult question. After all, there are a lot of training options.

Among them are:

  1. Admission to the university. After grade 11, having passed the Russian language, mathematics and social studies, you can enter the direction of "Management" in almost any university in the country. This direction exists both at Moscow State University and at MGIMO. You can also pay attention to any humanitarian universities.
  2. College education. At the moment, in Russia, they offer to learn to be a manager even after the 9th grade. Or after 11 - depending on the educational institution. It is worth paying attention to liberal arts colleges. There will definitely be a direction "management" or separate speci alties such as "advertising manager", "sales manager".
  3. Retraining. Most often, retraining occurs already at work. Or on courses from the labor exchange.
  4. Passing courses. Not the best solution, but the profession of a manager can be mastered in specialized courses. They are organized, as a rule, by private training centers. You won't have to take any entrance exams.

Now it is clear where to study as a manager. As practice shows, universities are in the greatest demand. After graduation, you can work in the field of management without any problems.

where to study to be a manager
where to study to be a manager


And how many study in the chosen direction? It all depends on which educational institution a person applied to. Bachelor's studies at a university last 4 years, master's - another 2. In colleges, the average term for obtaining a speci alty will be the same as at a university (bachelor's degree). Refresher courses require about 6 months of retraining. And if you visit private centers, then you can become a manager in 2 months or a year.

It is worth noting that in some universities, in addition to the listed exams, they may require you to pass a few more subjects. It all depends on the nature of the educational institution and the specific focus. What items need to be handed over to the manager additionally in some cases? This is:

  • geography;
  • biology;
  • physics;
  • chemistry;
  • history.
