What is a hall? In everyday speech, we often use this word. However, it does not mean only part of the living space. It is also a toponym - the name of several settlements. In this article, we will take a closer look at the meaning of the word "hall".
In dictionaries
Dal did not provide an interpretation of the word. It is not surprising, because this is an English borrowing that appeared in Russian not so long ago. What is a hall? More modern explanatory dictionaries say: a large room in a public building.
In order to understand what a hall is, let's give an example: "A man was walking leisurely along the hall, apparently waiting for someone." This borrowing from the English language means not just a room, but a part of the building designed for relaxation, meetings, waiting.
Synonyms for this word - vestibule, reception, corridor. A hall is also called a part of a dwelling. Example: "Both the hall, and the bedroom, and the hall in his apartment are designed in a strict classical style."

The question of what a hall is can be answered in different ways. It is not only a place, but alsonames of counties in three US states. There is also a town in the USA called White Hall. It is a small community located in Jefferson County. In addition, the hall is an American island in the Bering Sea and an Australian village.
Shire Hall
This word is part of the name of famous architectural structures in England. For example, Shire Hall. The building is located in Wales, is included in the list of cultural heritage sites of Great Britain. Shire Hall built in the first half of the 18th century, decorated with a sculpture of Henry V.

One of the modern monuments of architecture in London - City Hall. The building was built in the eighties of the last century, located on the south bank of the Thames, near the legendary London landmark - Tower Bridge. The structure has a rather unusual design.