Today, many experts are firmly convinced that a large-scale war with the use of modern weapons is simply impossible. Just as they were sure before the First World War. And before World War II. Therefore, someone will consider the preparation for such a cataclysm nothing more than paranoia. And others buy personal protective equipment against weapons of mass destruction and study the design of the Kalashnikov assault rifle. Well, everyone chooses their own path and their priorities. But still, knowing something about modern weapons of mass destruction and methods of protection will be useful for any sane person.
Chemical weapons
One of the most famous and terrible types of weapons over the past century remains chemical. It was first widely used during the First World War. And since then, it has been constantly improving, becoming more deadly and long-acting. This is a truly terrible weapon of mass destruction of the population and the army, as well as all living things that find themselves in the contaminated territory.
Spraying can be done by differentways. There are special aviation bombs stuffed with a poisonous substance (or OM), as well as mines, gas launchers, artillery shells, bombs, and much more. Something can only be used on the battlefield. And something - to destroy civilians in cities.

Chemical weapons have been banned more than once by international conventions - The Hague, Geneva and others. However, it still exists and waits in the wings.
Poisonous substances act in different ways. For example, soman and sarin affect the human nervous system, leading to paralysis. Lewisite and mustard gas are agents of blistering action. That is, when it comes into contact with the skin, ulcers appear, causing excruciating pain. Phosgene and diphosgene infect the lungs, as a result of which a person simply cannot breathe and dies within minutes of poisoning. Cyanogen chloride and hydrocyanic acid are toxic substances of general poisonous action - a person who has received a dose of gas simply dies due to the fact that oxygen no longer enters the tissues of the body.
In most cases, the most reliable way to protect yourself is to use a gas mask. However, blister agents act directly on the skin - they do not have to enter the lungs or eyes of a person. Therefore, additional equipment is also used for protection - we will talk about it a little later.
Nuclear weapons
Well, if we talk about the most terrible weapons of mass destruction, nuclear weapons certainly come out on top. This is not at all accidental - nuclear missiles are indeedThey are a terrible military tool that allows you to wipe out entire cities along with the population in a matter of minutes. Many science fiction films and books (mostly of the post-apocalyptic genre) are devoted to the consequences of the massive use of nuclear weapons. And the example of Hiroshima and Nagasaki very well demonstrates the power of weapons. But these were the very first samples of nuclear bombs! Over the next three-quarters of a century, they were significantly modified.

Now let's figure out what weapons of mass destruction are. Of course, conventional rockets come to mind first of all - powerful, scary and practically unkillable, they can independently fly to any point on the Earth in a matter of minutes. They are launched from mines, from special ground carriers (trains and vehicles), aircraft, surface ships and submarines. There are also nuclear bombs - usually they are equipped with heavy strategic bombers. Finally, we must not forget about backpack bombs. They are quite small and can fit in a large suitcase. Of course, their power is relatively low, but they are quite capable of destroying everything around for hundreds of meters. And when used in a confined space, there is practically no escape from them.
For a fuller picture, the main factors of weapons of mass destruction should be studied.
About half of the energy released as a result of a nuclear reaction is used to create a shock wave. This is really a terrible force that can demolish houses, bridges, dams and any other buildings, likeHouse of cards. The radius of damage varies significantly - from a few hundred meters to many kilometers. First of all, it depends on the power of the charge.
Approximately a third of the energy goes into light emission. It is also a terrible phenomenon - a person who finds himself far enough from the epicenter and thanks to this survived the shock wave may well go blind and get terrible burns because of this. It is no coincidence that many from school remember the quote: "to hide in the folds of the terrain." Often this helps to survive and maintain he alth.
Another fifteen percent is spent on polluting the environment. It's no secret that after a nuclear explosion, the entire area around, as well as the dust raised by the explosion, are contaminated with deadly radiation. Gusts of wind may well carry a cloud of dust for tens of kilometers, destroying people at a great distance from the epicenter of the explosion.
Finally, the rest of the energy is electromagnetic radiation. A side factor that disables any complex electronics that are not protected by special shielding equipment. However, an ordinary metal box can be used here.
That is, the last damaging factor is not dangerous for a person - he will not even notice its impact. From the shock wave and light radiation, alas, no means of individual protection against weapons of mass destruction will help. The only salvation can be a special bunker or at least a well-fortified basement.
But it is precisely against environmental contamination - primarily radioactive dust - andmost of the personal protective equipment. Now that the reader knows enough about the main weapons and weapons of mass destruction, let's move on to the next paragraph.
What protections are used?
When crossing contaminated areas, the most important thing is to protect a person from radioactive dust. However, if we talk about chemical weapons, the situation is quite close.

The most dangerous is the ingress of dust (or gas) into the respiratory tract. Therefore, it is most important to protect the nose and mouth. Gas masks and respirators are used for this.
However, even settling on the skin (especially on the face and other delicate areas), radiation and toxic substances can also cause great harm to he alth - even death. Therefore, special protection is used to prevent this. Most often we are talking about the OZK - a combined arms military kit. We will talk about its composition a little later. It is important that it is made of rubber. Dust easily settles on such a surface, but can also be easily washed off during a decontamination shower afterwards. A person is simply doused with water, washing off dust from him and significantly (or completely - from toxic substances) reducing the level of harm caused to him by weapons of mass destruction. Of course, even if a person was exposed to weapons and weapons of mass destruction without protection and survived, a decontamination shower can also help. But only in some cases, when he was exposed to such an effect for an extremely short time.
Now we will tell you more aboutvarious personal protective equipment against weapons of mass destruction.
Main types of filter gas masks
Gas mask is a simple, but at the same time reliable means for protecting the respiratory tract. It also protects the entire face and eyes - this is very important when exposed to certain toxic substances. Used almost as long as chemical weapons - during the First World War, many soldiers were equipped with them.
In the Soviet Union, almost every settlement had extensive stocks of gas masks, which were to be issued to the population in a critical situation. Basically it was GP-5. Not very comfortable, not at all suitable for running, but reliable and easy to use. Alas, today the authorities of our country have abandoned this practice of ensuring the safety of the population. Apparently, other methods are being used to protect the population from weapons of mass destruction, unknown to the general public.

Specialists today use other types of filtering gas masks - GP-7 created on the basis of the military PMK-2. Their filters are located on the side and are much lighter. This makes them much more comfortable to use.
The main property of filtering gas masks is to purify air from the environment by passing through special filters. Most of the toxic substances, as well as radioactive dust, settle on the purifying granules, allowing you to breathe more or less clean air.
A little about insulating gas masks
If we talk about especially reliable means of protection againstweapons of mass destruction, it is worth mentioning insulating gas masks.
With a general similarity with filters, they have a different principle of operation. Instead of cleaning the air from the environment, they create it. The filter (more precisely, in this case, a regenerative cartridge), when interacting with carbon dioxide and moisture released by a person, starts the reaction. In this case, carbon dioxide decomposes and oxygen is released, which the wearer of the insulating gas mask can breathe. Thanks to this, a person is completely cut off from the environment and can not be afraid of exposure to radiation and even the most dangerous toxic substances.
The most common are insulating gas masks IP-4 and IP-5. They were developed back in the USSR and were used not only by the military and rescuers, but also by specialists in underwater work. Why take a massive and heavy scuba gear with you when you can take a light and compact regenerative cartridge that converts carbon dioxide into oxygen? The duration of a standard cartridge ranges from 75 to 200 minutes, depending on the intensity of the loads.
Speaking about methods of protection against weapons of mass destruction and specifically about respiratory protection, it is worth talking about respirators.
There are different types that differ significantly in effectiveness. Some are manufactured in the factory, have reliable filters and valves, which significantly increase the reliability of protection. Others differ in a simpler device and, in general, are not intended to protect the respiratory organs from poisons and radiation - only fromindustrial dust. Accordingly, the former can be used in hazardous industries, and in case of emergency - in areas affected by weapons of mass destruction. The latter are suitable only for use in peaceful conditions - at a construction site, during the repair of enclosed spaces, and so on.
Yes, such respirators do not help much against poisonous substances. But when moving through a radiation-contaminated area, any dense rag wrapped around your face will be a good solution - this will reduce the amount of poisonous dust that enters the lungs. Therefore, any respirator can save a person's life.
The main difference from gas masks is that respirators protect only the respiratory organs, allowing you to breathe relatively clean air. In general, the scalp, face and, most importantly, the eyes remain unprotected.
What is included in OZK
Now let's get back, as promised, to the OZK - the combined arms protective kit. It provides comprehensive protection against poisonous substances and radioactive dust.
It consists of several items. First of all, it's a coat. It is made of rubberized fabric - the inner shell is white, but the outer shell is gray or light green. It has a hood, thanks to which it covers a person from head to toe. It does not allow water and even air to pass through, thanks to which it protects against dust and toxic substances. In the winter season, it turns inside out, so it can be used as a kind of camouflage robe. Weighs about 1600 grams. Available in five sizes - for users of different heights.

Also included protective stockings - colloquially chuni. A pair weighs between 800 and 1200 grams. Available in three sizes to fit over any footwear, including combat boots and boots. Three straps allow you to fit the stockings tightly to your leg, and then fasten to the belt.
Finally, rubber protective gloves - summer and winter. A pair weighs 350 grams. Winter two-toed (in the old configuration - three-toed, with special warm liners. Summer five-fingered.
Also, OZK must be equipped with a gas mask.
When used correctly, the kit can significantly reduce the harmful effects on the human body when staying in a poisoned environment or radiation area.
Individual First Aid Kit
Speaking about personal protective equipment against weapons of mass destruction, one cannot but mention the special AI-4 first aid kit. It was replaced in 2012 with more modern sets of individual medical civil protection, but there are still a lot of well-known orange boxes in the warehouses. Compact, well-designed, easy to use and effective, it could very well be a life-saver if used correctly. In addition to other drugs, it contains those intended just for cases when a person is exposed to poisonous substances and radiation.

For example, the yellow-green tube contains acesol, a medicine that reduces carbon monoxide poisoning and toxic substances.
In crimson andwhite pencil cases contain B-190 and potassium iodide, respectively. The first is taken before entering the radiation-contaminated area, and the second is taken after exposure.
How dangerous are modern nuclear weapons
It is foolish to argue - nuclear weapons are the most terrible of the man-made. However, modern rockets and bombs are much less dangerous than those created half a century ago. Because they are "clean" - the level of radiation, going off scale at the epicenter and capable of killing a person in a matter of minutes, is declining quite quickly. After two or three days, you can stay here for several hours without much harm to yourself. And after a week or two, it is quite possible to leave the shelter in order to leave the area contaminated with radiation - the level drops almost to a safe one, but still hardly anyone wants to stay here longer than circumstances require.

Numerous tests have repeatedly proved this. Every person interested in modern weapons of mass destruction should know about such a feature.
This concludes our article. Now you know enough about weapons of mass destruction - both nuclear and chemical. And at the same time learned about various ways to protect against it. It is possible that one day this knowledge will save lives - yours and those of your loved ones.